
háng xiàn
  • route;course;air route;airway;shipping) line;air line;flight course (route);vector;air (navigation;sea or air route
航线 [háng xiàn]
  • [air (navigation;shipping) line;flight course (route);sea or air route] 船行所经的路线或飞机所飞经的路线,也称航路

航线[háng xiàn]
  1. 这家私营航空公司获准开办一条新的民用航线。

    This privately-owned airways is allowed to operate a new civil air line service .

  2. 胡文给生态型喷气式飞机公司(一个区域航线)工作六年之久。

    Wen Hu has been working for Eco-Jet , a regional air line , for the last six years .

  3. 这条船的航线清楚地标在地图上。

    The ship 's route is clearly delineated on the map .

  4. 他们确定了去群岛的航线。

    They set a course for the islands .

  5. 我们试图标绘出潜艇的航线图。

    We were trying to plot the course of the submarine .

  6. 18艘船沿着贸易航线往返于1,000英里的河面上。

    Eighteen boats plied the 1,000 miles of river along a trading route

  7. 机翼与航线成直角。

    The wings were at right angles to the line of flight .

  8. 他们不再是垄断海外航线的两强之一。

    They are no longer part of a duopoly on overseas routes .

  9. 他们改变了拉瓜迪亚机场飞机的航线。

    They rerouted the planes at La Guardia airport .

  10. 他还在为可采用的进近航线与指挥塔台争执不下。

    He is still bickering with the control tower over admissible approach routes .

  11. 我们让一架飞机改变航线去营救100名乘客。

    We diverted a plane to rescue 100 passengers

  12. 英国航空公司地勤人员的罢工已经造成伦敦至曼彻斯特的航线停运。

    A strike by British Airways ground staff has led to the suspension of flights between London and Manchester

  13. 飞机可以通过上下升降和左右移动改变航线来避免相撞。

    Aircraft can avoid each other by going up and down , as well as by altering course to left or right

  14. 专机没有按通常的商业航线飞行。

    The special plane did not fly the usual commercial route .

  15. 飞机每天精确地按时刻表飞行在各条航线上。

    Planes fly daily over regular routes with timetable precision .

  16. 又有一条新航线开航了。

    Another new air route has been opened up .

  17. 轮船的航线是标在航海图上的。

    The course of a ship is marked on a chart .

  18. 航线已经测定。

    The route ( of a ship or plane ) has been surveyed and determined .

  19. 我们沿着这条航线行驶到下午时分,然后向东驶去。

    We followed the course until the afternoon , then we bore off to the eastward .

  20. 船偏离了航线。

    The ship drifted off course .

  21. 三镜头摄影航线为三排重迭的象片所组成。

    A trimetrogon strip is composed of three rows of overlapping .

  22. 复杂线路节省更多:复杂的国际航线其实有更多的省钱机会

    Big Ticket ItemsBig Savings-Complex international itineraries can offer opportunities for significant savings .

  23. 领航员在航海图上标出船的航线

    The navigator charted the course of the ship .

  24. 这艘船改变了航线

    The ship has altered its course .

  25. 所有航线的综合目录

    a comprehensive listing of all airlines

  26. 科学家们发现,该物种使用一系列微弱的线索来辨别方向,而不是靠可能引导它们偏离航线的大线索。

    What the scientists found is that the species uses a range of weak cues rather than a few strong ones , which could lead them off course .

  27. WhiteFundsManagement持有澳航少数股份。澳航正试图转变长途航线无法盈利的状况,澳航的目标是到2014年前该项业务能够重新实现盈亏平衡。

    Qantas is seeking to turn around its unprofitable long-haul business , which the carrier aims to return to break-even by 2014 .

  28. 基于椭球模型的FANS航线算法

    Calculation Method of FANS Route Based on Ellipsoid Model

  29. Matlab在航线配船中的应用

    Application of MATLAB in ship routing

  30. 你也知道,韩国战队要来参加需要高昂的路费,更由于Space的一些特殊情况需要另外安排航线。

    You know , the South Korean team to attend to the needs of the high tolls , but also because of some special circumstances Space necessary alternative arrangements route .