
háng sù
  • speed;navigational speed;speed of a ship or plane
航速 [háng sù]
  • [speed] 舰船或飞机航行的速率,即单位时间所航行的距离

航速[háng sù]
  1. 我们在接近地面时的航速仅为2.2节。

    Our speed over the ground was a miserable 2.2 knots

  2. 游艇在风速为40节的大风中摇摆前行,有时航速能达到17节。

    The yacht swayed in 40-knot winds , clocking speeds of 17 knots at times .

  3. 无航速具有自由液面的三维脉动源Green函数的数值积分方法

    Numerical integration on Green source function with free water surface

  4. 基于MATLAB的舰船航速性分析立体图解法

    Stereographic Method to Analyze Speed Performance of Vessel Based on MATLAB

  5. 频域有航速Green函数及梯度的数值计算方法

    Numerical Calculation of the Green 's Function and Its Gradients with Forward Speed in the Frequency Domain

  6. 利用GPS测试船舶航速的算法研究

    Study of Algorithm for Ship Speed Measurement Using GPS

  7. 求解零航速物体水动力的简单Green函数方法

    The Simple Green 's Function Technique for Calculating the Hydrodynamic Forces Acting on a Body Without Forward Speed

  8. 提出了一种计算无航速具有自由液面的三维脉动源Green函数的方法。

    A numerical integration method on Green source function with free water surface and zero advancing is proposed .

  9. PLC在减摇鳍装置航速调节中的应用

    Application of PLC in Speed Adjustment of Fin Stabilizer

  10. 基于FLUENT数值计算结果帆板航速预测与最佳航线设计

    VPP Calculation and design of the optimal route of sailboard basing on FLUENT numerical simulating results

  11. 基于PAC的零航速减摇鳍升力测量系统研究

    Research on lift measurement system of zero-speed fin stabilizers base on PAC

  12. 随后对零航速下襟翼鳍的控制器部分进行了设计,采用模糊自适应PID控制器对其翼型进行控制。

    Subsequently , the paper designs the controller of the zero-speed flap fin , using fuzzy adaptive PID controller to control its airfoil .

  13. 基于NURBS高阶面元法的有航速辐射问题数值解

    A NURBS based higher order panel method for the radiation problem with forward speed

  14. 简要介绍了GPS的定位原理和测速原理,并对利用GPS测试船舶航速的四种算法进行了说明。

    This paper briefly introduces the principles of GPS positioning and speed measuring . Then four methods of ship speed computing using GPS are described .

  15. 对于船以不变的航速U与规则波成任意角μ遭遇时,作为刚体的船一般有六个自由度的振荡运动。

    The rigid ship has six degrees when the navigating ship with constant speed U encounters the regular wave with the arbitrary angle μ .

  16. RTK技术在航迹、航速测量中的应用与研究

    The application and research of RTK in the surveying of the track and speed of ships

  17. 分析了航速对SWATH船在不规则波中迎浪纵向运动响应的影响规律。

    The effect of velocity on the longitudinal motion of SWATH ship in irregular waves is researched .

  18. 从图中可以明显看出该襟翼鳍在零航速下的减摇效果较好,同时也可以得到模糊自适应PID的减摇效果比传统PID好。

    From the simulation results , the anti-rolling effect of the zero-speed flap fin can be seen , and the anti-rolling effect of fuzzy adaptive PID is better than the traditional PID .

  19. 测试分为两个方面:第一方面是DeltaLinda拖轮在不同海况及航向、航速下的横摇运动仿真。

    Simulation test is classified into two categories . One is to analyze the rolling motion of Delta Linda tug in different sea states , course and speed .

  20. 介绍了PLC在减摇鳍装置航速调节中的应用,以PLC为控制核心实现装置的航速灵敏度调节的数字化处理。

    The application of PLC in speed adjustment of fin stabilizer is introduced in this paper . This system uses PLC as the central device to achieve digital control of sensitivity adjustment of speed .

  21. 如与同样主尺度的单桨Todd线型比较,航速也可提高0.23节。

    And can increase by 0.23 knot in comparison with that of single screw Todd hull under same dimensions and displacement .

  22. 西库勒表示,可以看看通商航运业的例子:澳大利亚海事安全局(AustralianMaritimeSafetyAuthority)提供了实时的港口活动信息,船只可以据此改变航速,节省燃料,让港口服务费降到最低。

    Consider the commercial shipping industry : the Australian Maritime Safety Authority provides information about port activity in real time so that ships can vary their speed to save fuel and minimize port fees , Sicular said .

  23. 文中还提出了一种新型的航速预报方法&(C(AD),ψn)法,可改善航速预报精度。

    Meanwhile in this paper , a new correlation analysis method , so-called three dimension correlation analysis method ( C_ ( AD ), ψ _n ), is presented . The precision of ship speed prediction will be improved by the method .

  24. 文中利用商业软件FLUENT,在不考虑兴波影响下,对各航速下的双尾船粘性流场进行数值模拟。

    In this paper , the commercial software FLUENT is used to calculate the viscous flow field around a ship with Twin-skeg , without taking into account the impact of wave-making resistance .

  25. 除门限电压以外,αm仅与最低的被测航速Vmin、系统的[TW]值以及收发换能器的间距L有关。

    Apart from the threshold , α _m depends only on minimum speed to be measured V_ ( min ), [ TW ] value of system arid distance between transmitting and receiving transducers .

  26. 论文针对零航速小展弦比鳍型引起的非线性升力特性,研究适用于常规减摇模式的鲁棒自适应神经元控制律,分析其Lyapunov稳定性。

    For solution of the nonlinear lift characteristic induced by the low aspect ratio , a robust adaptive neuron control law adequate for the conventional anti-roll mode is developed , and its Lyapunov stability is proved .

  27. 仿真试验表明,与PID自动舵相比,应用本文提出的在线辨识和自适应控制算法的自适应操舵系统能减少偏航、转舵角所引起的附加阻力,并能相应提高航速。

    Comparing with PID autopilot , the simulation experiment have demonstrated that the adaptive system can minimize the additional resistance caused by yaw and rudder angles , and increase the speed of the ship , while using the algorithms of the improved ELS and the new STC .

  28. 本文从工程实用出发,利用目前广泛应用的Rankine源法在线性时域范围内求解了浮体在有航速条件下的运动与波浪载荷,并就其中遇到的问题进行了探讨。

    This dissertation is based on practical consideration , and the widely used time domain Rankine panel method is utilized to solve the motion and wave loads of floating body with forward speed .

  29. 船底形状较为平坦,便于座滩.快速性试验结果表明,该船的阻力性能和推进性能在设计航速(Fr=0.384)时都是优良的。

    The form of the hull bottom is designed considerably flat for the need of taking the ground . The model test results show that the resistance and propulsion performances of the hull form are satisfactory .

  30. 当AIP装置提供航行功率时暴露率将减小,而选择AIP装置功率要考虑常规潜艇的航速要求。

    The indiscretion rate may be decreased with the power supplied by the AIP , so the power rating should be selected according to the requirement of the cruise speed of conventional submarines .