
hánɡ tiān tàn cè qì
  • space probe
  1. 航天探测器(一种不载人的宇宙飞船,用以搜集有关宇宙的资料,并发送回地球)

    Space probe ( unmanned spacecraft which obtains information about space and transmits it back to earth )

  2. 也许你知道豌豆公主的故事,但你知道航天探测器和鹅卵石的故事吗?

    You know the story of the Princess and the Pea . What about the space probe and the pebble ?

  3. 航天探测器CO2两相主动热控系统试验及分析

    Testing of a mechanical pumped two phase co_2 cooling system for space detector

  4. AMS-02航天探测器热控制系统静力分析与实验研究

    Static Analysis and Experimental Study of the AMS-02 Thermal Control System

  5. 许多杂志发表了由俄国航天探测器获得的有关金星的信息。

    Information about Venus obtained by Russian probes has been published on some magazines .

  6. 这两个航天探测器会研究这些辐射带是如何形成,以及是什么让它们时不时膨胀。

    The two NASA probes will study how the belts formed , and what makes them swell up from time to time .

  7. 中国国家媒体表示,这是近40年来首次航天探测器月球软着陆。

    Chinese state media says it 's the first soft landing of a space probe on the moon in nearly 40 years .

  8. 月球大地测量的一个特点是它的观测数据绝大部分都要依靠航天探测器或环月、绕月卫星来获取。

    One characteristics of selenodesy is that most of its observation data comes from the space detectors or the satellites flying around or by the moon .

  9. 一个航天探测器可能已经毁了,我的父母正经历一场难堪的离婚,我的狗被剪毛的剪了个马桶盖头!

    A space probe might be destroyed , my parents are going through an awful divorce , the guy who cuts my dog 's hair just gave her bangs !

  10. 在首日飞行器未能进入预定轨道后,科学家正抢修中俄航天合作项目火星探测器的发动机。

    Scientists are working to rekindle the Russia-China joint Mars probe after the spacecraft failed to enter the intended orbit on day one .

  11. 中国国家航天局表示,探测器已在太空飞行了116天,所有系统状况良好。

    China National Space Administration says the probe has flown in space for 116 days and all its systems are in good condition .

  12. 你只要打开“月球公园”网站,便可以获得来自国家航空航天局月球轨道探测器最新拍摄的高分辨率照片。

    At the Web site moonzoo . org , you can check out new high-resolution images taken by NASA 's Lunar Reconnaisance Orbiter Camera .