
hánɡ kōnɡ xué
  • aeronautics;avigation
  1. 我的梦想是去加利福尼亚大学洛杉机分校学航空学。

    My dream is to go to UCLA and study aeronautics .

  2. 我叔叔当时正在昆士兰大学学习航空学。

    My uncle was studying aeronautics at Queensland University .

  3. 除了导致工人失去薪资之外,评估显示,联邦航空局长期陷入僵局将导致政府收入损失13亿美元。1.aviationn.航空,航空学

    Besides millions in lost wages , estimates suggest a ed FAA stalemate would have cost the government about $ 1.3 billion dollars in lost revenue .

  4. 他还拥有丰富的跨行业经验,涵盖金融、电信、生物计量学、航空学、医疗保健、保险、教育、制造、能源和公用事业,以及公共部门,他目前致力于API经济学方面的研究。

    His cross-industry experience spans financial , telecommunications , biometrics , aviation , healthcare , insurance , education , manufacturing , energy and utilities , and the public sector , with a current focus on the API economy .

  5. Embry-Riddle大学是一所独立的,非教派,非盈利,男女同校的大学,为不同文化背景的学生提供航空学、天学、工程学多领域的教育服务。

    Embry-Riddle is an independent , nonsectarian , not-for-profit coeducational university serving culturally diverse students seeking careers in aviation , aerospace , engineering , and related fields .

  6. 航空学工程师将他们的模型放置在风道内来测量性能因素。

    Aeronautical engineers take their models into wind tunnels to measure performance factors .

  7. 一个“概念”就是一组逻辑相互关联的航空学特性。

    A'concept'is a group of aeronautical features , which are logically linked together .

  8. 大型飞行器的驾驶员是航空学方面的专家。

    Pilots of large aircraft are masters of aviation .

  9. HAL/S是一种被用在太空梭中以航空学为主的电脑语言。

    HAL / S is an aerospace-oriented computer language used in the Space Shuttle .

  10. 他把他所有多余的时间用在航空学上。

    He devoted every spare moment to aeronautics .

  11. 本科或硕士学位,主修机械学,航空学,应用机械或相关学科。

    BS or Master in Mechanical , Aeronautical , Applied Mechanics or related discipline .

  12. 航空学飞机航行的理论与实践。

    The theory and practice of aircraft navigation .

  13. 【航空学】(机上人员)弃机(跳伞)海员们离弃燃烧着的船只。

    The sailors abandoned the burning ship .

  14. 他在航空学方面的广博的知识。

    His extensive knowledge of aeronautics .

  15. 航天只要涉及到军事技术,就远远不止航空学、算机模拟这么简单了。

    With regards to military technology , space programs go beyond simple aeronautics and computer-simulation models .

  16. ground:[航空学]禁止(飞行员、飞机)飞行【这里指:被禁足】要么你明天来我的开幕式,要么就禁足一周。

    You can come to my show tomorrow , and then you are grounded for a week . -

  17. (航空学)指飞艇或者飞船,其外形只由内部气压所支撑,没有支撑结构。

    ( aeronautics ) designating an airship having a shape maintained only by internal gas pressure and without a supporting structure .

  18. 本课程透过航空学、太空航行学和设计讲座强调了航空太空飞行工程的基本概念和方法。

    The fundamental concepts , and approaches of aerospace engineering , are highlighted through lectures on aeronautics , astronautics , and design .

  19. 本教材针对许多相关书籍很少涉及太空技术应用,介绍了概念基础、飞行器和航空学。

    While many books lack coverage of space applications , Newman 's book provides the best balance of conceptual foundations , aircraft and aerospace .

  20. 他们计划和航空学工程师合作,研究他们出新的气候参数,以便助于模拟沿海地区的风力涡轮机。

    They plan to collaborate with aeronautical engineers to develop parameters for the climate model that will allow them to simulate turbines in coastal waters .

  21. 航空学与太空航空学中电子系统与设备的科技。提供关于航空装备、航空设备以及飞行器、航空器的信息。

    Science and technology of electronic systems and devices for aeronautics and astronautics . The enterprise shanghai unison aluminum products co. , ltd. offers among other things Aviation equipment and Aviation equipment .

  22. 这就像航空学专家坚称大黄蜂飞不起来一样,他们忘记了自己的任务是研究大黄蜂到底是如何飞得那么好的。

    This is rather like aeronautics experts insisting that bumble bees cannot fly , while forgetting it is their job to find out just exactly how they manage to fly so well .

  23. 他想成为一名航空学工程师,这个选择对这个居住在加州最贫困地区,且父母都在服务行业工作的高校大二学生不现实。

    He wants to be an aeronautical engineer , perhaps an unlikely option for a high school sophomore who lives in one of the poorest parts of California and whose parents work in service-sector jobs .

  24. 《宇宙航行学与航空学》(astronautics&aeronautics)杂志以一整期的篇幅论述激光的应用,包括对世界问题极端重要的一些概念,就是这些严肃认真的研究计划的象征。

    The very fact that this entire issue of astronautics & aeronautics a treats laser applications , extending to concepts of great import to world problems , is indicative of the potential for serious programs .

  25. 很多孟加拉学生的和Sharmin一样就读于上海交通大学,就读学科包括生命科学、生物科技、药剂学、计算机科学、机械工程、航空学、太空航空学以及工商管理。

    Many Bangladeshi students like Sharmin are studying at Shanghai Jiaotong University , in disciplines including life sciences , bio-technologies , pharmacy , computer science , mechanical engineering , aeronautics and astronautics , as well as business management .