
hánɡ tiān fú
  • space suit
  1. 我转过身,向五名船员所在的小木屋里面望去,发现没有人穿航天服。

    I turned and looked into the cabin where my five crewmates were , and nobody in there had a space suit on .

  2. 舱外航天服红外笼标定试验及其修正计算

    Calibration Test of Space Suit in Infrared Cage and correction analysis

  3. 对经济增加值(EVA)的思考舱外航天服温控系统的研究现状与展望

    Reflection on EVA The Present Status and Development of Thermal Control System of Spacesuits for

  4. 美国太空探索技术公司将把一个穿着航天服的撞击试验人体模型送往国际空间站,这也是其CrewDragon载人宇宙飞船试飞任务的一部分。

    SpaceX will send a spacesuit-clad crash test dummy to the International Space Station as part of a trial flight for its Crew Dragon spacecraft .

  5. 采用蒙特卡罗(MonteCarlo)法,计算了航天服及飞船处于各种相对位置时,航天服对飞船的红外辐射角系数;航天服相对于地球位于各种位置时,航天服对地球的红外辐射角系数;

    By Monte Carlo method , the reflection and infrared radiation angle factors are calculated between spacesuit and spacecraft or earth when spacesuit is located at any position relative to the spacecraft or the earth .

  6. 阐述了舱外航天服在航天员出舱活动(EVA)过程中的作用、舱外航天服工效设计对保障航天员生命安全和EVA质量的意义,以及航天服设计必须考虑的各类因素。

    The function of extravehicular spacesuit in extravehicular activity ( EVA ), the means of extravehicular spacesuit work efficiency design to lifeguard for astronaut and EVA quality , and various factors considered in the design were presented in this paper .

  7. 航天服静电放电点燃能力实验研究

    Experiment Study on igniting ability of electrostatic discharge to space suits

  8. 航天服工效学问题人类工效学对包装的研究

    On Ergonomics of Spacesuit . The Ergonomics Applied to the Packaging

  9. 太空环境中舱外航天服的外层防护问题

    Issues on the Out-layer Protection of Spacesuit in Space Environment

  10. 舱外航天服的轨道空间外热流计算方法

    A Method of Calculating External Heat Flux on Spacesuit Used for EVA

  11. 人体及其航天服产生的静电是航天飞船的主要静电危害源之一。

    Astronauts and their space suits are the main electrostatic hazardous source .

  12. 舱外航天服热设计技术

    Thermal design technology of space suit used for extravehicular activity

  13. 实验表明,在普通大气条件下,静电放电不能引燃航天服材料。

    Experiments show that electrostatic discharge may not ignite textiles in common air .

  14. 舱外航天服热控系统仿真

    A simulation of EVA space suit thermal control system

  15. 舱外航天服热平衡试验的外热流模拟方法

    The Simulation Method for Heat Flux in the Thermal Balance Test of Space Suit

  16. 结论采用随动式测量机器人来测量航天服关节阻尼力矩特性,能够满足航天服关节力矩特性的测量要求。

    Conclusion The system can satisfy the requirements of the spacesuit joint torque measurement .

  17. 3种温度标准下的舱外航天服手套的工效评价试验研究

    Experimental Investigations of Work Efficiency Evaluation of EVA Spacesuit Glove under Three Temperature Standards

  18. 舱外航天服手套的工效问题

    Ergonomics implications of extravehicular activity spacesuit glove

  19. 人工神经网络技术在舱外航天服自动温控系统中的应用

    Application of artificial neural networks technics to automatic thermal control system for EVA space suits

  20. 舱内航天服散热途径分析

    Thermal Analysis of an Intravehicular Space Suit

  21. 航天服材料与发展动向

    Material of space suit and developing trend

  22. 航天服手臂运动学建模及其关节力学特性的测试

    Modeling of Spacesuit 's Arm Based on Kinematics and Measurement of Mechanical Characteristics of its Joint

  23. 你身着非常沉重且坚固的航天服,基本上就是个宇宙飞船。

    You 're in this very heavy , very stiff spacesuit that 's basically a spaceship .

  24. 结论本文结果可为有效地评价舱外航天服手套系统作业疲劳提供可行的方法,具有一定的实际意义和应用价值。

    Conclusion The results can provide the feasible methods for performance evaluation of spacesuit glove system .

  25. 结论验证了该舱外航天服的液冷服结构参数选取较为合理。

    Conclusion The design of the LCG for the EVA space suit was found to be reasonable .

  26. 目的探讨对舱外航天服手套进行主动加热是否会对舱外手动作业的工效造成影响。

    Objective To observe the effects of active heating system for spacesuit gloves on extravehicular working performance .

  27. 目的探索科学而实用的舱外航天服手套基础性工效评价的人体力学优选指标。

    Objective To search for scientific and applicable human-mechanical optimum indices for basic ergonomic evaluation of spacesuit gloves .

  28. 舱外航天服手套的温度标准对于液冷通风服的设计也具有实用的参考意义。

    The temperature standards of EVA spacesuit glove have practical reference purpose to design liquid and ventilation cooling garment .

  29. 目的探讨与分析航天员常压下着舱内航天服时的热生理指标变化规律。

    Objective To analyze the thermal physiological changes of man in a Intravchicular Activity ( IVA ) space suit .

  30. 分析了舱外航天服在轨道空间环境的辐射换热热流。

    The orbital radiation heat flux received by the spacesuit used for extravehicular activity ( EVA ) is analyzed .