
hánɡ kōnɡ fā dònɡ jī
  • aircraft engine;air engine;aeromotor
  1. 随着航空发动机技术的发展,对滚动轴承的速度特性要求越来越高。

    ABSTRACT With the development of aeromotor technology , higher and more strict speed performance of ball bearing is required .

  2. 航空发动机蜂窝结构的修理

    Repair for honeycomb structure of air engine

  3. 基于WEB的航空发动机故障远程诊断技术研究

    The Study of Engine Fault Remote Diagnosis Technology Based on WEB

  4. 航空发动机H∞/LTR控制试验验证

    Experimental Verification of H_ (∞) / LTR Method for Aeroengine Control Systems

  5. 满足二次稳定及干扰抑制性能指标的航空发动机H∞控制器设计

    Design of aero-engine controller with quadratic stability and disturbance-restraining performance

  6. 基于BP网络的航空发动机转子连接件方案设计系统

    System of Scheme Design of Aeroengine Rotor Coupling Based on BP Network

  7. MAPS方法在航空发动机性能寻优控制中的应用

    Study of MAPS Methods for Turbofan Engine Performance Seeking Control

  8. 采用BP网络辨识航空发动机数学模型

    Aeroengine model identification with back-propagation neural networks

  9. 航空发动机小波神经网络PID控制

    Aero-engine wavelet neural network PID control

  10. 基于AHP的航空发动机健康评估系统设计

    Design of Health Assessment System for Aero-engine Based on AHP

  11. 在航空发动机设计领域,CFD已得到了广泛的应用。

    CFD has been widely used in the field of designing aeroengine .

  12. 基于LQR方法的航空发动机最优PID控制系统设计

    Optimal PID Control System Design on Aero-engine Using LQR Approach

  13. 基于ε-滤波LMS算法的航空发动机自适应逆控制

    Adaptive inverse control based on filtered - ε LMS algorithm for aeroengines

  14. 基于ICT切片图像的航空发动机涡轮叶片壁厚检测

    Testing of Wall Thickness for Aero-turbine Blade Based on ICT Image

  15. 本文结合某型航空发动机,利用遗传算法对发动机单变量及双变量PI控制器参数进行优化。

    The PI controller parameters of an aeroengine for both single-input single-output and two-input two-output were optimized with GA.

  16. 提高XX航空发动机精铸质量的研究

    Research on Raising Quantity of XX Aviation Engine Accurate Casting

  17. 航空发动机T-S模型模糊广义预测控制算法设计

    The Design of Fuzzy Generalized Predictive Control Algorithm for T-S Model in Aviation Engine

  18. 将LQL(LinearquadraticL2boundeduncertainties)控制方法应用于航空发动机控制系统设计。

    LQL ( Linear quadratic L_2 bounded uncertainties ) control method was applied to the aeroengine control system .

  19. 本文对航空发动机涡轮气动技术的发展做了概要的论述,并对典型的涡轮气动设计方法重点进行了介绍其中包括先进的三维分析和CAD技术的应用。

    This paper describes the development and main design procedures including the advanced Three-dimensional analyse methods and CAD technology application of the typical aircaft engine turbine aerodynamic technology .

  20. 针对航空发动机这种复杂的被控对象,设计了基于ε滤波LMS算法的发动机自适应逆控制系统。

    An adaptive inverse controller based on filtered - ε LMS algorithm for the complex aeroengines is designed .

  21. 基于C/S架构,采用UML建模和可复用面向对象技术,开发了航空发动机典型故障信息管理系统。

    Based on C / S structure , a typical aeroengine failure information management system is developed by use of UML modeling and reusable object-oriented technology .

  22. 利用NI公司的LabWindows/CVI虚拟仪器作为开发平台,设计了一套适用于某型航空发动机地面试车的智能检测系统。

    Using LabWindows / CVI developed by National Instrument Company as a development tool , an intelligent testing system was designed for the ground running test for an aero-engine .

  23. 对于像航空发动机这样复杂的非线性系统,基于对象精确数学模型的PID控制方法的自适应性较差,难以适应具有非线性、时变不确定性的被控对象。

    Complicated nonlinear systems such as aircraft engines . PID control method which is based on precise mathematical model has poor adaptability and is not adaptive to nonlinear and time-variant plants .

  24. 为给出对Lyapunov指数谱及其对状态识别和故障诊断的整体表述,定义了Lyapunov指数谱熵,并基于该谱熵对该型航空发动机进行了状态识别和故障诊断。

    To perfectly describe the Lyapunov exponent spectrum and the capability for fault diagnosis and state recognition , the Lyapunov exponent spectrum entropy is defined .

  25. 航空发动机用PMR聚酰亚胺树脂基复合材料

    High-temperature polyimide composites and its application in aeronautical engine

  26. 本文提出了一种用于航空发动机全权限数字电子控制(FADEC)中微处理系统的加电自检(POST)方法。

    A POST ( Power-on Self Test ) method of microprocessor system is developed in aeroengine FADEC ( Full Authority Digital Electronic Control ) .

  27. 基于航空发动机在翼监控信息来合理确定视情维修(CBM)决策是航空公司安全运营中的重要内容。

    Condition based aero-engine maintenance ( CBM ) decision based on condition monitoring information is an important issue to the safety operation of airlines .

  28. 用半物理模拟试验验证了多变量鲁棒控制在航空发动机中的应用,给出了航空发动机中H∞/LTR控制模块的设计过程及注意事项。

    The application of multivariable robust control methods to aeroengines was testified by a semi-physical simulation . The detailed design procedure of an H_ (∞) / LTR control module for the aeroengine control system was also included .

  29. 航空发动机FADEC系统双机时钟级同步技术研究

    Investigation about Synchronization of Real Time Clock Between the Two Computers in aeroengine FADEC System

  30. 基于PC-104的航空发动机地面综合检查仪

    Aeroengine Synthetic Test Instrument on PC - 104