
  1. 为躲避飓风兰利临时解除F-22的禁飞令:空军已经临时解除了兰利空军基地F-22机队的禁飞,以躲避飓风艾琳的愤怒。

    Air Force officials have temporarily lifted the grounding of the F-22 Raptor fleet based at Langley AFB , Va. , so the aircraft can avoid Hurricane Irene 's wrath .

  2. 美国联邦航空管理局对瓦卢杰所有飞机下了禁飞令,这家运营商最终精简机队后重新开始运营,但他们再也无法挽回客户群体,并最终与小公司穿越航空合并,如今一起化作了美国西南航空公司的一部分。

    After the Federal Aviation Administration grounded all ValuJet planes , the carrier eventually returned to the air with a reduced fleet , but it never rebuilt its customer base and ultimately merged with the smaller AirTran Airways , which is now a part of Southwest Airlines .