
  • 网络mayon volcano;Mount Mayon
  1. 近日,菲律宾的科学家警告说,尽管使得成千上万的村民逃离的马荣火山现已平静,但它仍有可能再度爆发。

    Scientists in the Philippines warned on Sunday that the Mayon volcano could erupt again despite a lull since eruptions that put tens of thousands of villagers to flight .

  2. 这儿也有很多很棒的旅游景点,像图巴塔哈礁,马荣火山,梯田,海豚湾,鲸鲨,巧克力山等等。

    There are many wonderful tourist attractions including the Tubbataha Reef , Mayon Volcano , Banaue Rice Terraces , Puerto Galera , Donsol , the Chocolate Hills and many more .

  3. 马荣火山位于首都马尼拉东南大约350公里处。

    Mount Mayon is some 350 kilometers southeast of the capital , Manila .

  4. 据了解,作为菲律宾22个活火山之一,马荣火山已有47次爆发的历史。

    One of the Philippines '22 active volcanoes , Mayon has a history of47 violent eruptions .