
  • 网络Eyjafjallajokull
  1. 冰岛艾雅法拉火山喷发后,我们多次收到读者的提问:最近火山爆发的频繁发生是全球变暖引起的吗?

    Is global warming causing an increase in volcanoes ? We got that question several times after the eruption of the Eyjafjallajokull volcano in Iceland .

  2. 四月份,艾雅法拉火山喷发造成了英国和欧洲其他多个国家航空瘫痪,因为火山喷发出来的火山灰云可能会引起飞机引擎故障。

    The Eyjafjallaj ö kull eruption grounded flights across the UK and Europe in April after a cloud of volcanic ash which could damage jet engines drifted across the area .

  3. 尽管如斯,艾雅法拉冰河火山的爆发也很可能为火山研究专家们研究世界上其他各地相似火山上了很好一课。

    It is likely , though , that Eyjafjallajokull will have lessons for volcanologists studying very similar mountains elsewhere in the world .

  4. 由于艾雅法拉(Eyjafjallajokull)火山继续释放出火山灰,还会有更多的航班延误。

    And there could be more delays as the Eyjafjallajokull volcano continues to release ash .