
  • 网络Azeroth
  1. 个人日历功能允许玩家制定个人的事件,比如RAID、竞技场赛事和工会活动,并在艾泽拉斯和外域内对这些活动进行追踪。

    The Player Calendar allows players to create their own events such as raids , arena matches , and guild meetings , and keep track of the many activities in the worlds of Azeroth and Outland .

  2. 这些故事衍生了任务,然后玩家便可在自从war1便为人所致的艾泽拉斯大陆的不断前进的历史中扮演一角。

    These stories spawn quests , and then play into the evolving history of the world of Azeroth that WarCraft players have been experiencing since WarCraft I.

  3. 狼是艾泽拉斯很多地区的原住民。

    Wolves are indigenous to many parts of Azeroth .

  4. 艾泽拉斯没有英雄的容身之地。

    There is no place for heroes in azeroth .

  5. 两个人类在艾泽拉斯南方的岗哨被摧毁。

    Two human outposts in southern Azeroth are destroyed .

  6. 燃烧军团的特使来到艾泽拉斯。

    Agents of the Burning Legion arrive on azeroth .

  7. 洛萨被迫与艾泽拉斯北方的幸存者逃到了洛丹伦。

    Lothar is forced to flee with the survivors of Azeroth north , to Lordaeron .

  8. 魔兽世界为艾泽拉斯世界上不同的种族提供了多种坐骑。

    World of Warcraft offers a variety of mounts for the different races of Azeroth .

  9. 莲恩宣布成为艾泽拉斯的国王。

    Llane is pronounced king of azeroth .

  10. 恶魔阿克蒙德进入艾泽拉斯这个世界。

    Archimonde enters the world of azeroth .

  11. 去解决艾泽拉斯里面的各种虚拟的问题

    solving the virtual problems of Azeroth .

  12. 不管是老版唯一真神还是新版神之一都和哈卡无关。因为哈卡不是艾泽拉斯的神。

    One of Azeroth 's few full deities , Elune is the goddess of the moon .

  13. 在艾泽拉斯还有许多很赞的传奇,还有许多故事以及故事中的故事在等着被你发现。

    There are many prominent figures in the lore and many stories and stories within stories to be told .

  14. 即使如此,德鲁伊非同一般的适应能力让他们能够应付轻松来自艾泽拉斯大陆上的各种挑战。

    Even so , the druids'incredible adaptability serves them well in confronting the challenges that Azeroth has to offer .

  15. 虽然成功的保卫了艾泽拉斯大陆,但联盟和部落间脆弱的协议早已经荡然无存。

    Though Azeroth was saved , the tenuous pact between the Horde and the Alliance has all but evaporated .

  16. 他用他那能引发大地灾难的力量炸开了元素位面的顶层并把一场大毁灭带给了艾泽拉斯。

    With cataclysmic force , he burst through the ceiling of the elemental plane and brought destruction to Azeroth .

  17. 因为罗曼斯,艾泽拉斯的血精灵也学会了通过吸取魔力来解决魔瘾。

    Thanks to Rommath , the blood elves on Azeroth learned how to drain arcane magic and feed their addiction .

  18. 而且因为噩梦将在艾泽拉斯的现实中传播,我们也能看到这一点。

    And because the Nightmare is spreading into the reality of Azeroth , we 'll be able to see that .

  19. 我们知道大灾变里死亡之翼将要回归,还会破坏掉旧艾泽拉斯大陆的很多地方。

    We know that in Cataclysm Deathwing is going to come back and destroy a lot of old world Azeroth .

  20. 正如我们所知的,他们将从纯净的混乱中制造了艾泽拉斯,并使之成为了今天的世界。

    It is known that They wrought Azeroth from pure chaos and formed it into the world it is today .

  21. 激活:特大喜讯!我想我已经完美地制作出了能毁灭艾泽拉斯所有生灵的瘟疫!

    Aggro : Good news everyone ! I think I have perfected a plague that will destroy all life on Azeroth !

  22. 面临着危机的展开,塞纳留斯教给玛法里奥所有他能做的事,然后开始搜寻艾泽拉斯大陆上的其他半神。

    As the crisis unfolded , Cenarius taught Malfurion all he could and then sought out the other demigods of Azeroth .

  23. 时光飞逝,兽人族这个起源于德拉诺大地的种族来到了艾泽拉斯大陆。

    Time passed , and a new race arrived on Azeroth : the orcs , who originated on the planet Draenor .

  24. 暗影议会仍然在艾泽拉斯大陆存在,并效忠于燃烧军团。

    The Shadow Council still exists , and works to further the interests of the Burning Legion in the world of Azeroth .

  25. 但是最后,整个艾泽拉斯将会破碎!一切将在我双翼的阴影下烧尽。

    But at last , the whole of Azeroth will break ! And all will burn beneath the shadow of my wings !

  26. 巨龙做出了庄严的承诺,一起对抗任何敢于危害艾泽拉斯世界安全的势力。

    Together , these majestic Dragon Aspects committed themselves to thwarting any force that threatened the safety of the WORLD OF WARCRAFT .

  27. 在图拉杨的部队为了回到艾泽拉斯拚死战斗时,德拉诺世界开始崩溃。

    As Turalyon 's forces fought desperately to return home to Azeroth , the world of Draenor began to buckle in upon itself .

  28. 在泰坦离开这个世界的时候,他们留下了五头守护巨龙。这些强大的龙负责守卫着艾泽拉斯这个世界。

    There were five Aspects when the titans left this world ; they were mighty dragons tasked with protecting the world of Azeroth .

  29. 而死亡之翼是远远比他传奇的角色,他是艾泽拉斯的最强存在之一。

    Deathwing on the other hand is a much more legendary figure and one of the greatest powers ever to exist on Azeroth .

  30. 这个事件中我们的目的是在这些天里创造一些难忘的回忆和逐步改变艾泽拉斯的现状。

    Our intention with this event was to create something memorable and to literally change the face of Azeroth for a few days .