
  • 网络Volcano;Iceland's Volcano
  1. 冰岛火山灰推迟了我返回的行程。

    My journey home has been delayed by an Icelandic volcano .

  2. 冰岛火山再次剧烈喷发,中国航空推迟欧洲航班。

    Air China delays flights to Europe due to new volcano eruption .

  3. 国际航空运输协会表示,由于冰岛火山喷发导致航班搁浅,全球航空公司每天损失高达2亿美元的收入。该协会驻新加坡办事处发言人AlbertTjoeng表示,这仅仅是问题的一部分。

    Asia 's Travel Also The International Air Transport Association says global carriers are losing an estimated $ 200 million a day in revenue as a result of airplane Albert Tjoeng , a Singapore-based spokesman for the association , says that is just part of the problem .

  4. 如果这座冰岛火山今日喷发,产生的轰动效应将会小得多。

    If the Icelandic volcano had erupted today , it would have caused far less fuss .

  5. 由于冰岛火山灰的影响,他比预定时间提前一晚到达伦敦。

    He arrived in London a night earlier than schedule due to the Icelandic volcanic ash cloud .

  6. 但是科学界说,冰岛火山地下深层依然隆隆作响,可能再次喷发。

    But scientists say the volcano is still rumbling deep within the earth and could erupt again .

  7. 我们已经为你报道过很多关于冰岛火山群中最大的火山巴达本加火山的新闻。

    We 've talked about the Bardarbunga Volcano , it 's the largest volcanic system in Iceland .

  8. 近日,研究人员在笼罩欧洲全境的冰岛火山灰云团中发现了有趣的电现象。

    Some interesting electrical activity in the clouds of ash drifting around Europe as a result of that Icelandic volcano .

  9. 但是,如果北极光恰好出现在正在喷发的冰岛火山上空,那么这景象就如照片所现,可谓惊艳绝人。

    But when they shine over an eruption at the Icelandic volcano , the results are stunning , as these pictures show .

  10. 由于冰岛火山喷发形成的火山灰层,欧洲大部分地区的航空运输已经停止了六天。

    Air traffic over much of Europe for six days because of the huge cloud of ash from a volcano in Iceland .

  11. 欧洲机场重新开放业务,近一周的冰岛火山云后欧洲航空业几乎瘫痪。

    European airports have reopened for business , almost a week after a cloud of ash from an Icelandic volcano paralysed the air travel industry .

  12. 奥德森说在冰岛火山科学家们正在探究另外一个问题&火山爆发会如何影响气候,而不是反过来琢磨这个问题。

    In Iceland , Oddsson said , volcanologists are asking another question – how volcanoes might affect climate , instead of the other way around .

  13. 冰岛火山喷发上月最为严重,航空公司禁止飞机飞行,担心火山烟尘会干扰飞机发动机的工作,影响飞行安全。

    At the height of the volcanic eruptions last month , airlines grounded their planes for fear the ash could interfere with jet engines and make flying unsafe .

  14. 原本定于4月16号起飞的航班,但是两天前的冰岛火山使成百上千的欧洲航班被迫取消。

    It should have taken off on16 April , but Iceland 's Eyjafjallajokull volcano had erupted two days earlier , causing thousands of flights across Europe to be cancelled .

  15. 国际航空运输协会表示,由于冰岛火山喷发导致航班搁浅,全球航空公司每天损失高达2亿美元的收入。

    The International Air Transport Association says global carriers are losing an estimated $ 200 million a day in revenue as a result of airplane groundings related to the Iceland volcano .

  16. 整个欧洲北部禁飞导致的经济破坏,昨天开始影响到全球经济的一些局部领域,即便随着冰岛火山灰消散,一些航班已恢复飞行。

    Economic disruption caused by airspace closures across northern Europe began hitting pockets of the global economy yesterday , even as dispersal of volcanic ash from Iceland allowed some flights to resume .

  17. 2010年4月冰岛火山喷发后,一些科学家要求做更深入的研究以确定全球变暖是否会引发地质灾害发生频率的增加&火山,地震,山崩,海啸等。

    After the Iceland volcano in April 2010 , some scientists called for more research into whether global warming could trigger an increase in geological hazards – volcanoes , earthquakes , landslides , tsunamis .

  18. 6周前,当肆虐的冰岛火山把我困在赫尔辛基时,我注意到与我有类似遭遇的同事和那些没有旅行计划的同事之间存在严重的意见分歧。

    Six weeks ago , marooned in Helsinki by a rogue Icelandic volcano , I noticed a strong divergence of opinion between those of my colleagues in a similar situation and those with no travel plans .

  19. 此前不久,供应链曾受到类似的冲击,例如去年造成关键的空运航线停运的冰岛火山灰云,以及同样是在去年的中国电子产品生产基地的劳资纠纷。

    The catastrophe comes soon after similar shocks to supply chains , such as the Icelandic volcanic ash clouds that crippled crucial air freight routes last year and labour unrest at electronics production sites in China , also last year .

  20. 导致欧洲大部分领空持续五天关闭的危机昨日终于显露出缓和迹象。有关官员承认,计算机模型中存在的缺陷使得他们在冰岛火山喷发后停飞了数千航班。

    The crisis that has closed much of Europe 's airspace for five days finally showed signs of easing yesterday as officials acknowledged flaws in the computer models that led them to ground thousands of flights after a volcanic eruption in Iceland .

  21. 去年4月,当冰岛火山爆发导致北欧大片空域关闭时,人们预计更广泛的经济将受到可怕的冲击:超市里的进口食品将会断货;来自亚洲的消费品将很快卖光。

    When an Icelandic volcanic eruption closed large swaths of northern European air space in April last year , there were dire predictions of the effects on the wider economy : supermarkets would run out of imported food ; consumer goods from Asia would quickly run low .

  22. 基于冰岛Eyjafjallajokull火山周围的地震事件数据,通过剪切波分裂研究获得了火山喷发前后剪切波分裂参数在时间上的变化,从各向异性的角度分析并讨论了冰岛火山喷发前后地壳应力的变化。

    We obtain the change of the shear-wave splitting parameters , and discuss the stress change in the crust before and after the eruptions of Eyjafjallajokull volcano from the anisotropic perspective based on the micro-earthquakes data around Eyjafjallajokull volcano .

  23. 这些冰岛的火山沿着巨大的裂缝爆发

    These Icelandic volcanoes erupt from huge cracks or fissures

  24. 冰岛某火山爆发,空中漂浮的灰尘可能使数千英国游客被迫滞留机场。

    Thousands of passengers face UK flight cancellations because of drifting ash from an Icelandic volcanic eruption .

  25. 冰岛的火山地质特征使其拥有丰富的可再生能源,冰岛政府在健康方面投入的资源比欧洲其它国家都要多。

    Iceland has rich sustainable energy source , via the volcanic geology , and its government commits more resources to health than any other country in Europe .

  26. 有关官员星期六说,来自冰岛的火山灰可能在接下来的几天里中断英国和德国的航空旅行。

    The Met Office , Britain 's weather forecaster , said Saturday the wind is expected to change direction Tuesday , which would lower the risks of travel disruptions .

  27. 一项新的研究表明:类似于十八世纪八十年代摧毁冰岛的火山爆发,会把有毒的气体吹向西南方,将欧洲成千上万的人置于死地。

    A new study suggests that a blast akin to one that devastated Iceland in the1780s would waft noxious gases southwestward and kill tens of thousands of people in Europe .

  28. 去年冰岛的火山灰扰乱了整个欧洲的航空运输,为世界制造供应链自低库存和及时成产时代以来提供一个最大的考验。

    LAST year Iceland 's volcanic ash disrupted air transport across Europe and gave the world 's manufacturing supply chain one of its biggest tests since the advent of the low-inventory , just-in-time era .

  29. 提示:文本转自普特听力论坛冰岛一座火山已经休眠了180多年的时间。

    A volcano in Iceland had been for more than 180 years .

  30. 冰岛上其他火山的情况怎样呢?

    What of the other volcanoes on the island ?