
bīng sè
  • Ice jam;ice berg
冰塞[bīng sè]
  1. Lab为开发环境建立。基于原型的观测研究,对试验室模拟冰塞的水位进行了分析研究。

    Study has been made on the simulated ice jam stage in the lab .

  2. 基于群智能算法的BP神经网络模型在冰塞水位及厚度预测中的应用

    Application of BP Neural Network Based on Swarm Intelligence Methods for Prediction of the Stage and Thickness for Ice Jam

  3. 弯道冰塞水位试验研究

    Experiments Study on Ice Jam Water Level in Curve Flume

  4. 其中一个原因是冰塞影响到了附近地区的河流。

    One reason-how ice jams can affect areas near river .

  5. 在伊利诺斯州坎河的冰塞绵延数英里。

    In the Kankakee River in Illinois , ice jam stretch for miles .

  6. 弯道冰塞厚度和水位试验及预测研究

    The Experiments and Research on Ice Jam Thickness and Water Level in Curve Flume

  7. 这就是冰塞终于突破束缚后的样子。

    This is what it looks like , when an ice jam finally breaks .

  8. 冰塞下冰块起动分析

    Stability of the Floes under Ice Jam

  9. 平衡冰塞厚度与水流条件和冰流量关系的试验研究

    A study on the relations about balance ice jam thickness with its flow conditions and ice discharge

  10. 高纬度地区河流冬季常形成冰盖、冰塞或冰坝。

    Rivers in high latitude areas usually form ice cover , ice jam or ice dam during winters .

  11. 应用动力模型可以计算出某一流量过程的最高冰塞、冰坝水位。

    The dynamical model can be used to calculate maximum ice jam stages when discharge hydrographs at boundary sections are provided .

  12. 本文首先分析冰塞形成和发展的主要因素。

    Firstly , the main factors influence the form and development of the ice jam is analyzed in detail in the paper .

  13. 长期以来,人们一直用临界流速或临界佛汝德数的准则来确定冰塞的演变。

    The critical velocity , or critical Froude number criterion has long been accepted as a means of determining frazil jam profiles .

  14. 总干渠在冬季输水可能出现流冰、冰塞、冰坝等冰害问题,影响正常输水和工程安全。

    Such problems as drift ice , ice jam and ice dam always appear in winter , affects the normal water delivery and construction safety .

  15. 这些地区河流冬季常形成冰盖、冰塞或冰坝,它们会带来各种冰凌灾害。

    Rivers in these regions often form the ice cover , the ice jam or the ice dam in winter , and they will bring various ice disasters .

  16. 冰塞洪水,大量冰花与碎冰在盖面冰下集聚,造成上游水位显著壅高的现象。

    Ice jam flood : a lot of frazil ices and crushed ices gather under the covering ice , causing heading up of water level of upper reach .

  17. 初始冰塞厚度是冰塞研究的基础,对冰塞的后期增厚及平衡冰塞的形成与发展均有重要的影响。

    The initial ice jam thickness is a basic parameter in research of ice jam character and has important influences on its thickening , developing or in equilibrium later on .

  18. 最后将两种方法下预测的结果与实测值进行比较,从而得出人工神经网络方法能够较为准确的预测冰塞水位。

    At last , compare results of two methods with measured values . So we can draw a conclusion that the artificial neural networks method can forecast ice jam water level more accurately .

  19. 文中还对一些问题进行了讨论,认为冰塞下水内冰花的堆积运动应与泥沙在河床上的运动相似。

    Other problems have also been discussed in this paper , it is considered that the accumulation of frazil ice under ice jam would be similar to the sedimentation of silt on river bed .

  20. 长时间的低温风雪天气,以及大风降温初期在黄河小北干流和潼关河段所形成的冰凌堆积,又直接导致冰塞壅水节节上延。

    Because of long time of low temperature and snowing , and the ice accumulation in Tongguan reach and little north stem of the Yellow River , the dammed water extended upstream step by step .

  21. 冰塞是引发高纬度地区河流凌汛灾害的重要因素,因此研究河冰运动内在机理,对避免凌汛灾害的发生具有一定的意义。

    Ice jam is an important factor that could cause the flood disasters in rivers at high-latitude area , so it is of great practical significance to study the inherence theory of ice-water movement to avoid the occurrence of ice-jam flood .

  22. 本文通过水槽试验,对初始冰塞厚度的形成及变化机理进行了试验研究,揭示了初始冰塞厚度与水流条件和冰流量等因素间的相互关系。

    In this paper , flume experiments on the formation of initial ice jam thickness and its varying mechanism were carried out , brought to light the relations between factors of initial ice jam thickness , flow condition and ice discharge etc. .

  23. 本文以研究冰塞厚度及其分布为目的,针对流动区域为弯曲河道这一不规则的特点,采用贴体坐标转换技术生成曲线网格。

    In this paper , the purpose of studying is to obtain the thickness of ice jam and its distribution through the mathematic model , aiming at sinuous and irregular boundary in the Curved River Section , the curvilinear grid is generated adopted the technique of boundary-fitting curvilinear coordinate transformation .

  24. 同样在打通冰冠城塞时,在没有一场战斗时灭团或者是没有一个队员死亡也不会取得成就。

    There will also not be an achievement to complete Icecrown Citadel without being defeated by a boss encounter , or letting a raid member die . ( i.e.A Tribute to Insanity ) .

  25. 在桥墩上设置破冰锥体,可大大减轻浮冰的水平压力,同时还可把大块浮冰破碎成小块浮冰,有可能减少产生冰坝、冰塞。

    By utilizing conical structure on piers , ice loads can be reduced significantly It also has the advantages to break the big ice sheet into small pieces so that ice jams could be released .

  26. 本文介绍了国内外冰情研究的概况以及进行研究冰塞厚度和水位研究必要性,接着,详细论述了冰盖的形成条件及形成过程,冰塞的形成机理及冰塞在空间发展的一般规律。

    This study induce the general situations on river ice and the necessity of the study on ice jam thickness and water level , then discusses the formation conditions and the procedure of the icecap , the formation mechanism and its development laws of ice jam .

  27. 依据实验室资料和黄河河曲段的实测资料,针对直道和弯槽,对比分析了不同冰流量、不同初始水深和流速时模拟冰塞和天然河道冰期水位的变化规律。

    This paper provides analyses and discussion of ice jam stages with variation in ice discharge and initial flow depth and velocity in straight and curved channels based on the data from the experiment and the field observations at the Hequ gauge station of the Yellow River .