
dǒu yá
  • escarpment;klint;precipitous cliff
陡崖 [dǒu yá]
  • [precipitous cliff] 坡度十分大的山崖

  • 陡崖绝壁

陡崖[dǒu yá]
  1. 当一阵阵微风吹过高高的峭壁陡崖。

    What is that which the breeze o'er the towering steep .

  2. 我会站在一道破陡崖边上。

    And I 'm standing on the edge of some crazy cliff .

  3. 断层陡崖、沟谷演化模型及三维可视化

    Research on the Evolutional Model of Scarps and Valleys Along Faults and Visualization

  4. 地形图中冲沟与陡崖符号的自动提取方法

    Automatic extraction of gullies and cliffs from topographic map

  5. 阳光照射在陡崖上;嘈杂声传入他们的耳朵。

    Sunlight striking on the cliffs ; a din struck upon their ears .

  6. 三峡库区陡崖形成及长期稳定性初步研究&以万州区太白岩为例

    Preliminary research on formation and long-term stability of cliff along the bank of the Three gorges reservoir

  7. 库区大型崩塌主要发生在背斜核部厚层灰岩陡崖分布地带;

    The large rockfalls in the area mainly happened in the distribution zone of the thick limestone glint ;

  8. 沟坡陡崖土壤湿度随季节没有任何变化。

    But soil moistures in gully cliff had no any change during the season , even during 3 years .

  9. 分析表明,仅在地震力作用下大佛陡崖岩体不会发生顺层滑动破坏,但存在向外倾覆崩落的危险;

    The analytical results illustrate that plane sliding failure will not occur when the slope is affected only by seism .

  10. 拉么锌矿采空区稳定性及地表陡崖岩移观测的研究


  11. 附近的瓦特山高处陡崖上,栖息着世界上最大的南非秃鹫群落。

    Higher up in the crags of the nearby Waterberg mountains , roosts the world 's largest colony of Cape vultures .

  12. 重庆市北温泉公园后山陡崖变形破坏力学机制初探

    A primary research on mechanical mechanism of deformed failure of steep bed on the rear hill in the North Hot Springs park , Chongqing

  13. 陡崖或陡坡下岩性差异风化形成的岩腔是危岩崩落的起因。

    Rock cells formed by the effects of different weathering of lithology of cliffs or steep slopes are the cause for collapse of perilous rock .

  14. 危岩是三峡水库区主要地质灾害之一,约30000余个位于陡崖或陡坡上。

    As one of main geologic disasters in the area of the Three Gorges Reservoir , about 30,000 perilous rock sites on cliffs or steep slopes .

  15. 然而,待爬到陡崖的半山腰时,他们看到前面的地上刻着一行字:把你的劳动果实给我。

    Halfway up the steep slope , however , they came across words cut into the ground before them : Pay me the fruit of your labors .

  16. 泥岩和砂岩、灰岩等软硬岩石之间的差异风化孕发了陡崖底部的岩腔,内部泥岩的应力风化加速了岩腔发育。

    Different weathering velocities for sandstone , carbonite and mudstone triggered rock cells in mudstone below cliffs , weathering in stress status sped up the development of rock cells .

  17. 军队本来预期的海滩和小坡,意外地变成陡崖之底,结果使数量甚少的土国防御者处于有利位置。

    Instead of facing the expected beach and gentle slope they found themselves at the bottom of steep cliffs , offering the few Turkish defenders an ideal defensive position .

  18. 研究了三维陡崖符号的自动建模问题。

    And the models of light and shadow in 3D map are constructed by six formulas . ( 6 ) In this paper , the automatic modeling of 3D cliff symbol is explored .

  19. 作者认为碳酸盐滑塌角砾岩是近源海底断裂陡崖下形成的碎屑裙的产物,而陆源碎屑-浊积岩是基岩古风化壳剥蚀而形成的一系列碎屑流-浊流沉积物。

    Carbonate slump breccias were formed in clastic-skirt , which located under proximal sea - bottom near to fault steep cliff , and terrigenous turbidite were originated from paleo - weathered crust by turbidity current .

  20. 睡在200英尺高的冰川陡崖便,和6000只帝企鹅一起走路,站在地球的最低点这样的旅行想必一定会是在遗愿清单里的吧。

    Sleeping next to a 200-foot icefall , walking amongst a colony of 6,000 emperor penguins , and standing at the lowest point on earth * this trip is certainly one for the bucket list .

  21. 对晋阳西山大佛所在陡崖岩体进行弹性波检测,获得评价该岩体完整性所必须的岩体物理力学性质参数,这些参数也是大佛陡崖岩体加固设计所必需的。

    The rock mass physical and mechanical parameters , which are necessary to evaluate the rock mass integrity and strengthen the scarp rock mass of big Buddha , are obtained with elastic wave test method .

  22. 根据外形,可分为陡崖楔状反射、陡崖串珠状反射、平行陡崖空白反射及陡崖丘状反射等四种类型。

    The corresponding seismic reflections are cataloged by their configurations into four types , i. e. , cliff - produced wedge reflections , ball chain reflections , mounded reflections and " dead spots " which are parallel to the cliff .