
qì dí
  • steam whistle;siren;hooter;whistle
汽笛 [qì dí]
  • (1) [whistle]∶一种使空气或蒸汽强行输入一个空洞或输向一薄薄的边瓣使产生一种尖锐的哨子声的装置

  • 工厂汽笛

  • (2) [steam whistle]∶靠蒸汽的作用产生声音的哨笛;尤指装在蒸汽锅炉上的这种哨笛

汽笛[qì dí]
  1. 汽笛在叫。

    The steam whistle is blowing .

  2. 汽笛声震得她耳朵都快聋了。

    The noise of the siren was deafening her .

  3. 我们离开车站时火车的汽笛响了。

    The train whistle blew as we left the station .

  4. 汽笛鸣响,火车向前滑动。

    The whistle blew and the train slid forward

  5. 不知哪里的火车在鸣汽笛。

    Somewhere a train whistled

  6. 汽笛声让我心烦意乱。

    I was badgered with sirens .

  7. 轮船上的汽笛呜呜叫。

    The ship 's whistle kept hooting .

  8. 汽笛的啸鸣把人们从睡梦中惊醒。

    The wails of the siren woke the people out of their dreams .

  9. 汽笛一响,列车就徐徐开动了。

    Blowing its whistle , the train moved out , slowly at first .

  10. 汽笛长吼了一声。

    The siren sounded loud and long .

  11. 汽笛响时停止工作。

    Quit work when the siren sounds .

  12. 我陷入了沉思,不知道已经走了多远,火车突然发出的汽笛声使我清醒过来。

    The sudden sound of the train whistle brought me to myself ; I had not known how far I had been walking , deep in thought .

  13. 这是因为我们的汽笛信号几乎不会被误解。

    or even more so , because our docking signals are rarely misunderstood .

  14. 我们听到了火车的汽笛声。

    We heard the whistle of a train .

  15. vt.吹口哨;鸣汽笛警察吹哨要汽车停住。

    whistle The policeman whistled for the automobile to stop .

  16. 火车拉着汽笛驶出车站。

    The train starts out of the station with the whistle .

  17. 汽笛响了,工人们停工午餐。

    The whistle went and the man knocked off for lunch .

  18. 是到了鸣汽笛的时候了。不能为开快车而鸣笛。

    It must be about time for the whistle to Blow .

  19. 船鸣起一声悠长而凄厉的汽笛,穿过了薄雾。

    The boat blew a long mournful whistle into the mist .

  20. 我们就拉响汽笛把他们赶跑。

    We just pull out our air horns and let'em rip .

  21. 突然响起的汽笛声打断了我的思路。

    The sudden hoot of a whistle broke into my thoughts .

  22. 你能听到汽笛声吹过了一百米。

    You can hear the whistle blow a hundred miles .

  23. 火车要出发时汽笛鸣响。

    The whistle blew as the train prepared to leave .

  24. 河上传来拖轮发出的沙哑的汽笛声。

    The raucous sirens of the tugs came in from the river .

  25. 配有两个汽笛,一个船首,一个船尾。

    Two whistles are fitted , one forward and one aft.

  26. 那时候,我没管越来越近的警车汽笛。

    At the time , I didn 't notice the approaching sirens .

  27. 一列火车的汽笛声使他抬起头来。

    A train whistle caused him to lift his head .

  28. 讨厌的海盗鸣汽笛放焰火。

    The tiresome pirate sounded siren and letl off fireworks .

  29. 汽笛响了,旅客们该登船了。

    There goes the siren for passengers to go aboard .

  30. 汽笛通知旅客船即将开航。

    The whistle warned visitors that the ship was ready to sail .