
  • 网络gasoline price;petrol prices;fuel price;pump prices
  1. 汽油价格下滑的趋势

    the downward trend in gasoline prices .

  2. 基于Zipf的汽油价格行为研究

    Study on Gasoline Prices Behavior Based on Zipf Technique

  3. 这项税收会使每升汽油价格提高约3.5便士。

    This tax would raise petrol prices by about 3.5p per litre .

  4. 首相昨天表示政府不会采取行动抑制汽油价格上涨。

    The Prime Minister yesterday ruled out Government action to hold down petrol prices

  5. 由于汽油价格浮动较大,机票的价格也就随之波动。

    And because the cost of gas fluctuates so much so does the price of the flight .

  6. 得克萨斯州莱斯大学(riceuniversity)一家著名智库的研究表明,尽管美国汽油价格升至历史高位,但与原油价格的比值却达到历史新低。

    Despite having reached an all-time high , US petrol prices are at a historical low in relation to crude oil prices , according to a study by a prominent think-tank at Rice University in Texas .

  7. 丰田公司(Toyota)在普锐斯(Prius)轿车上也遇到了同样的问题。由于汽油价格上涨,普锐斯的销量已经出现了激增。

    Toyota ( TM ) faces a similar problem with the Prius , whose sales have spurted as gas prices have risen .

  8. NPR记者戴夫·马廷林发来报道,汽油价格的下降导致了消费者物价指数下降0.3%。

    NPR 's Dave Mattingly reports cheaper gas helped drive down the consumer price index by 0.3 % .

  9. 近年来,当汽油价格上涨,数以百万计的司机们开始将自己的爱车使用CNG,即压缩天然气。

    In recent years , when gasoline prices rose , millions of drivers converted their cars to run on Compressed Natural Gas , or CNG .

  10. 最后通过构建汽油价格ARIMA(2,1,2)预测模型,对小麦燃料乙醇生态系统的未来经济性进行了预测。

    Last , the future of ecosystem of wheat fuel ethanol is forecast by the forecasting model of gas price ARIMA ( 2,1,2 ) .

  11. 春季时,随着汽油价格飙升至每加仑4美元,通用汽车旗下悍马SUV的销售一落千丈。

    By the spring , with gas prices soaring to $ 4 a gallon , sales of GM 's Hummer SUVs were in free fall .

  12. 今天,汽油价格仍然稳步下跌。TripleL报道称,标准无铅汽油的全国均价为每加仑2.6美元以下。

    Gas prices are continuing their steady fall today.Triple L reports the national average for a gallon of regular unleaded gas is just under 2 dollars 60 cents .

  13. 美国汽油价格昨日跃升,这是因为热带风暴“艾萨克”(isaac)即将席卷墨西哥湾,迫使炼油厂在燃油库存下降之际停产。

    Us petrol prices leapt as tropical storm Isaac churned across the Gulf of Mexico , forcing refineries to batten down operations at a time of declining fuel stocks .

  14. 除此之外,时值汽油价格高达每加仑4美元之际,在GM的产品线中占据可观比例的敞蓬小货车和SUV需求不断下跌也会进一步给GMAC带来损失。

    In addition , falling demand for pickup trucks and SUVs , which make up a sizable chunk of GM 's production mix , amid $ 4-a-gallon gasoline , should further hurt GMAC .

  15. 当美国石油公司在卡特里纳飓风(hurricanekatrina)后调高汽油价格时,消费者纷纷表示愤怒尽管事实是,炼油设施遭受严重破坏,石油公司不可能以通常的低价供应所有消费者,这是不言自明的事情。

    And when US oil companies raised gasoline prices after Hurricane Katrina , there were howls of outrage despite the fact that the refining infrastructure was badly damaged and it was self-evidently impossible to supply everyone at the customary lower price .

  16. 在美国,因为汽油价格低得多,“没必要购买柴油车,”卡迪夫大学荣休教授加勒尔·里斯(GarelRhys)说。

    In the United States , with much lower gasoline prices , " there is no point at the margin , buying a diesel , " said Garel Rhys , a professor emeritus at Cardiff University .

  17. 汽油价格会维持在低位运行,将电动车逼入小众市场。

    Gas prices stay low , relegating EVs to niche status .

  18. 原油价格和汽油价格都达到创记录的高度,使得情况变得更为糟糕。

    Record-high oil and gasoline prices are only making things worse .

  19. 随着战争的继续,汽油价格也随之上涨。

    Even motor fuel rose in price as the war continued .

  20. 家庭中汽油价格的峰值已举行人质。

    Families have been held hostage to spikes in gas prices .

  21. 你看那个汽油价格是几天一长。

    You see the gasoline price is higher and higher .

  22. 我们都看到今年的汽油价格居高不下。

    We have seen record high gasoline prices this year .

  23. 国际原油和汽油价格谐整和引导关系研究

    Research on Cointegration and Casual Relationship between International Petroleum and Gasolene Price

  24. 美国汽油价格接近每加仑4美元。

    Gasoline at the US pump is approaching $ 4 a gallon .

  25. 汽油价格和零部件成本都有所上升。

    Petrol prices are up , as are component costs .

  26. 由于汽油价格高,可能许多美国人会少开车。

    Many people may be driving less because of high gasoline prices .

  27. 美国大多数城市的交通都很拥挤,汽油价格也贵。

    Most American cities have traffic congestion , and gasoline is expensive .

  28. 6月汽油价格上涨近6.5%。

    Gas prices were up nearly 6.5 % in June .

  29. 上个月,美国汽油价格大幅上涨。

    Gasoline prices rose sharply last month in the US .

  30. 汽油价格经济是比较简单的。

    The economics of petrol pricing are fairly simple .