
  • 网络particulates;rsp;airborne particles
  1. 总悬浮粒子包括被称为PM2.5的细颗粒物,即直径不超过2.5微米的颗粒。

    Total suspended particulates include fine particulate matter called PM2.5 ― particles with diameters of no more than 2.5 micrometers .

  2. 炼铁过程中使用焦炭,会在空中形成大量的悬浮粒子。

    Using coke in iron ore reduction produces copious quantities of airborne particulates .

  3. 河口悬浮粒子Stern电位的测定方法

    A Method of Determining the Stern Potential of Estuarine Suspended Particles

  4. 采用单个悬浮粒子法和脱色法分别测定了多种不同几何尺寸的螺带式搅拌器的循环时间分布以及混合时间。得到同频度C5值和混合时间C1计算式。

    The distributions of circulation time and mixing time were obtained by means of a single suspended head and the decoloration method for helical ribbon impellers .

  5. 用悬浮粒子烧结法在钛铝金属间化合物支撑体上制备Ni微滤膜。

    A composite MF membrane consisting of a nickel layer on a porous TiAl intermetallic compound substrate was prepared using sedimentation method and dip-coating method .

  6. 分别研究了分布函数的幂指数ξ、海水悬浮粒子的折射率n以及入射激光波长λ对海水悬浮粒子归一化体散射函数的影响,并对结果进行了分析。

    Influences of the ξ parameter , of the index of the suspended particles and of laser wavelength on the normalized scattering function are respectively studied , and the calculated results are analysed .

  7. 利用Mie散射理论计算了海水中悬浮粒子的归一化体散射函数。

    Mie scattering theory is used to research on the normalized volumetric scattering function for ocean suspended particles .

  8. 在形变过程中,悬浮粒子的偏移位置的增大,其所受到的pN量级光阱力线性增大。

    During the deformation process , optical trapping force of pN magnitude increased linearly with increment of the displacement of the suspended particle . 4 .

  9. 以SiC为骨料,选用低共熔混合物作为烧结助剂,用液相烧结技术制备出单通道多孔陶瓷支撑体,采用悬浮粒子浸涂法对支撑体涂覆氧化铝膜。

    The single-channel microporous ceramic substrate was prepared via liquid phase sintering technique by using SiC as aggregate and eutectic mixture as sintered aids , and then the Al2O3 membrane was made on the substrate by dip coating method .

  10. 研制出以线阵CCD光电探测阵列为接收器的激光粒度仪样机,适于0.31~168μm固体粉末或混浊液中悬浮粒子的粒度分布测量。

    The prototype of a Laser Particle Size Analyser with linear CCD detector array has been developed . It is applicable to measuring particle size distribution of solid powder or liquid suspension in size range of 0.31 ~ 168 μ m.

  11. 选用香港空气质量监测网中11个监测站1990~1994年间TSP(总悬浮粒子)和RSP(可吸入悬浮粒子)的监测数据,分析香港大气气溶胶的化学组成与时空变化。

    The chemical composition data of TSP and RSP measured at 11 stations of the Hong Kong Air Quality Monitoring Network between 1990 to 1994 are analyzed for their seasonal and spatial variations .

  12. 海水中悬浮粒子归一化体散射函数的研究

    Study on the normalized volumetric scattering function for ocean suspended particles

  13. 用带电悬浮粒子云模拟雷电放电的研究

    A study of electrical discharge of charged aerosol clouds the cloud

  14. 颗粒介质中声衰减的浓悬浮粒子理论及其应用

    Concentrated suspension theory of sound attenuation in granular media and the applications

  15. 海水中悬浮粒子的尺寸分布采用双曲线模型。

    Hyperbolic model is adopted for ocean particle size distribution .

  16. 用地球引力强行分离悬浮粒子的设备。

    Uses centrifugal force to separate particles from a suspension .

  17. 天然水体中悬浮粒子表面电荷的研究

    A Study on the Surface Charge of Suspended Particles in Natural Waters

  18. 低速流场中悬浮粒子的相互作用问题

    Hydrodynamic interactions between suspended particles in slow viscous flows

  19. 电流变液中悬浮粒子的布朗运动与其聚集之间关系

    Relationship between the Brownian motion of the suspended particles in ERF and their aggregation

  20. 黄河水中铅(Ⅱ)与悬浮粒子相互作用的研究

    Studies on the Interaction between Suspended Particles with Pb (ⅱ) in the Yellow River

  21. 人工模拟雷云及其放电机理研究的进展用带电悬浮粒子云模拟雷电放电的研究

    The advances of charged aerosol clouds research a study of electrical discharge of charged aerosol

  22. 黄河水中镉(Ⅱ)与悬浮粒子液&固界面交换反应的研究

    Study on liquid-solid ion exchange reaction of suspended particles with CD (ⅱ) in the Yellow River

  23. 医药工业洁净室(区)悬浮粒子测试方法的探讨

    Discussion on Test Method for Airborne Particles in Clean Room ( area ) of the Pharmaceutical Industry

  24. 在海水中引发光弹性散射的散射元主要是海水水分子和海洋悬浮粒子等。

    The main scattering elements which provoke elastic scattering in seawater are water molecules and suspended particles .

  25. 重力对溶液悬浮粒子聚集过程影响的布朗动力学模拟

    A Brownian Dynamics Simulation to Study the Influence of Gravity on the Process of Particle Coagulation in Suspension

  26. 本文报道了一种人造非线性介质&悬浮粒子溶液的简并的四波混频作用。

    In this paper degenerate four-wave mixing have been demonstrated using an artificial nonlinear medium a liquid suspension .

  27. 废水特点是悬浮粒子细,固含量较大,溶液呈乳白色。

    The waste water contains large amount of solid and suspended particles which are especially tiny and the solution looks milky .

  28. 根据美国环保暑的一份研究表明,洛杉矶上空约四分之一的悬浮粒子可能都与中国有关。

    According to an EPA study , about of the particulate matter floating over Los Angeles can be attributed to China .

  29. 声遥测水中悬浮粒子(如泥沙)的反向散射强度,可反演获得粒子浓度。

    The concentration of suspended particles in water can be estimated by inversion of the backscatter intensity with the acoustic telemetering system .

  30. 通过研究海洋悬浮粒子的米氏散射特性,可以得到海水中各种悬浮粒子的大小、密度等信息。

    People can get information about the dimension and density of suspended particles by doing research on Mie scattering characteristics of suspended particles .