
  • 网络TSS;MLSS;Suspended Solid
  1. 在高温(55℃)条件下,应用CSTR反应器对含高浓度悬浮固体的木薯酒精废水进行了全渣厌氧处理研究。

    Continuously stirred tank reactor ( CSTR ) was used for thermophilic anaerobic treatment of cassava ethanol wastewater with high-concentration suspended solids at55 ℃ .

  2. 在悬浮固体中,元素Cu、Pb、Zn主要以残留态和铁锰结合态形式存在,这两种形态的比例,Cu为40%和29%,Pb各占40%,Zn为37%和38%。

    On suspended solids , Cu , Zn and Pb mainly occurred in residual or Fe / Mn binding form , and the ratio of these two forms were Cu 40 % and 29 % , both 40 % for Pb , and Zn 37 % and 38 % .

  3. 对悬浮固体(SS)的去除率接近100%。

    The solid suspension ( SS ) removal rate was close to 100 % .

  4. 实验探索了高MLSS(溶液悬浮固体浓度)下多孔颗粒载体&膜生物反应器发生短程硝化、反硝化的可能性。

    The possibility of shortcut nitrification-denitrification in porous granulated carrier-membrane bioreactor under high MLSS was explored .

  5. 聚合氯化铝作为实验研究的混凝剂,高岭土代表水中的无机悬浮固体颗粒物,利用显微图像法分析不同碱化度和不同pH值条件下絮体的分形结构。

    Polyaluminum chloride was used as coagulant and kaolin represented the inorganic suspension solid particulate matter of water . Image analysis was used in the study on fractal structure of alum floc and removal characteristics at different alkalization degree and different pH.

  6. PW普通型污水泵可输送污水、含有悬浮固体颗粒、长纤维物质及生活用废水。

    PW ordinary type sewage pump can deliver water containing suspended solid particles , long fiber material and water used in daily life .

  7. 反应器不同格室的挥发性悬浮固体(VSS)浓度也明显不同,前面格室的VSS高于后面格室。

    The volatile suspended solid ( VSS ) concentrations were different in different compartments , the first two compartments had higher VSS concentration .

  8. PKG系列油过滤器实际上可免除由于循环过程中产生的悬浮固体污物而以往必须进行的换油工作。

    PKG series oil filter actually can release changing oil for compressor that caused by suspend feculence during the working .

  9. 根据遥感影像灰度值与水体反射率和水中悬浮固体含量之间的相关关系,运用SPOT影像和实测数据将基隆河悬浮固体含量分为4级。

    According to the relations between the reflectivity of water and its suspended sediment concentration , band 1 and 2 of SPOT image were used to classify the concentration of suspended sediment into 4 grades on base of the in field measured data .

  10. 测定和分析了剩余污泥好氧消化的生物活性参数脱氢酶活性(DHA)、氧摄取速率(OUR)以及混合液挥发性悬浮固体(MLVSS)。

    Biological active parameters during aerobic digestion of excess acti-vated sludge such as Dehydrogenase Activity ( DH A ), Oxygen Uptake Rate ( OUR ) and Mixed Liquor Volatile Suspended Solid ( MLVSS ) was determined and analysed .

  11. 根据试验结果得到结论:表面活性剂CMC是CMC生产废水中的发泡物质;CMC生产废水中的悬浮固体天然纤维及其杂质是稳泡物质,具有非常良好的稳泡效果。

    The following conclusions are made on the basis of the experiment results : as a surfactant , CMC is the foaming agent ; as the suspended solid in CMC wastewater , natural cellulose and its impurities is the foaming stabiliser , which has very excellent foam stabilising effect .

  12. 针对内循环三相生物流化床存在的问题,设计出了内循环流化床与溶气气浮相耦合的高效分离生物流化复合反应器(BFR),并考察了其对悬浮固体的去除效果。

    In response to the problems existing in internal recycle three-phase fluidized bed , a high-efficient separation biological fluidized reactor ( BFR ) was designed by coupling the internal recycle fluidized bed with high-efficient dissolved air floatation , and the removal effect on suspended solid was investigated .

  13. 格筛用来去除大小不同的悬浮固体。

    Screening is employed for removal of suspended solids of various sizes .

  14. 室内空气污染物包括悬浮固体污染物和气体污染物。

    Indoor air pollutants consist of suspended solid pollutants and gaseous pollutants .

  15. 悬浮固体物在滴灌毛管中的迁移规律研究

    The Patterns of Suspended Solids Transportation and Deposition in Trickle Irrigation Laterals

  16. 沉水植物在静止水体中对悬浮固体的作用

    The Effect of Submerged Plants to Suspended solid in the static water

  17. 将该式应用于杭州湾水域悬浮固体含量调查中取得了成功。

    The equation has been applied to the experimental data with success .

  18. 长江口悬浮固体中重金属元素的形态研究

    Study on the Morphology of Heavy Metals on Suspended Solids in Changjiang Estuary

  19. 植被过滤带对地表径流中悬浮固体净化效果的试验研究

    Experimental study of clarification for vegetative filter strips to sediment in surface runoff

  20. 水生高等植物对水中悬浮固体去除效果的研究

    Removing Suspended Solid in Water by Higher Aquatic Plants

  21. 测定通过玻璃纤维过滤器过滤的悬浮固体

    Determination of suspended solids by filtration through glass-fibre filters

  22. 采出水质标准中有关悬浮固体规定的合理性探讨

    Discussion on Regulation of Suspended Substance in the National Standard of Produced Wastewater Quality

  23. 水域悬浮固体含量的遥感定量研究

    A study on Determination of concentration of suspended solids in water by remote sensing

  24. 胺液中的悬浮固体是许多胺系统问题产生的根本原因。

    The suspended solid in amine liquid is the root cause for many amine system problems .

  25. 注入水的水质要求有几个方面,其中悬浮固体含量是一项重要指标。

    In the requirements for injected water , its suspension solid content is one important index .

  26. 注入水悬浮固体含量对低渗油藏的敏感性研究

    Study on the sensitivity of the suspension solid content in injected water to low permeability reservoir

  27. 混合液内含的挥发性悬浮固体

    Mixed liquid volatile suspended solid

  28. 浓缩液在冷却下发生凝胶化与固化作用,悬浮固体在旋切浆作用下发生淬碎作用;

    Concentrated liquid gelated and cured by cooling , suspended solid was breakeddown by a special screw ;

  29. 悬浮固体接触反应器

    Suspended solid contact reactor

  30. 二次沉淀池要求均匀出水、可能减少和避免悬浮固体进入出水中。

    For the secondary sedimentation tank , an uniform outlet is needed to prevent losses of suspended solids .