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  • catenary
悬链线[xuán liàn xiàn]
  1. 具体方法是通过悬链线理论和B样条拟合求得浮筒所受的锚链力,然后求解结构的时域运动方程得到结构物的运动响应和锚泊系统的内部应力。

    The mooring force on buoy is calculated in use of the catenary 's theory and B-Spline functions fitting , then the motion equation is solved in time domain .

  2. 几何非线性采用总体拉格朗日列式法,在此基础上引入材料非线性的影响推导了初始几何缺陷悬链线拱的双重非线性稳定承载力控制方程。用Matlab编程进行了计算分析。

    Geometric nonlinearity adopt total lagrangian formulation , deduce double nonlinearity stability control equations of initial geometrical imperfections catenary arch , with corresponding programs complied in Matlab .

  3. 用液流操纵单个DNA分子形成纳米悬链线图形

    The catenary-like nano-pattern of individual DNA molecules constructed by liquid flow manipulation

  4. 钢悬链线立管与海床土体接触问题的ANSYS有限元分析

    Finite Element Analysis of Steel Catenary Riser / Soil Contact Problem by ANSYS

  5. 讨论了摆线、圆、正弦曲线、双曲线和悬链线等特殊曲线的规范B基表示问题。

    Lastly , the representation of special curves by normalized B-basis is given , such as cycloid , sinusoidal , catenary and exponential curves .

  6. 钢悬链线立管与Spar整体分析初探

    Preliminary study on integrated analysis of deepwater SCR and spar

  7. 基于UL列式的两节点悬链线索元非线性有限元分析

    The non-linear finite element analysis for two-node catenary element of cable structure based on UL formulation

  8. 自锚式悬索桥加劲梁颤振特性的CFD研究采用悬链线单元模拟主缆,考虑梁柱理论的平面梁单元模拟加劲梁、主塔和吊杆。

    CFD-Based Study of the Flutter Characteristics of the Stiffening Girder of Self-Anchored Suspension Bridge Stiffening girder , tower and suspenders are simulated with plane beam elements .

  9. 悬链线模型与抛物线模型的差异性及其对ADSS设计的影响

    The difference between catenary model and parabola model and its influences on the design of ADSS

  10. 本文以分段悬链线精确计算理论为基础,采用模块化设计方法,使用VISUALBASIC5.0版本编写程序代码,设计并实现了具有相应功能的送变电运输架空索道计算软件。

    This paper is based on the theory of accurate segmented catenaries calculation , adopts the method of modular design and uses Visual Basic 5.0 version to program codes to develop software , which accomplishes the corresponding functions of aerial cableway analysis and calculation .

  11. 实际上,cosh(z)的结果相当于一根吊绳两端相连后得到的形状,即悬链线。

    In nature , cosh ( z ) is the equation for the shape of a hanging rope connected at two ends , known as a catenary .

  12. 介绍了ADSS光缆的力学计算,给出了光缆弧垂、张力、应变和悬长等计算公式,并对普遍采用的“悬链线”和“抛物线”两种计算方法加以比较。

    The mechanical calculation of ADSS fiber optic cable is introduced and the calculation formulae for sag , tension , strain and slack length etc are given .

  13. 应用了小应变弹性悬链线单元、CR列式法梁单元,精确方便地模拟了鞍座及鞍座与主缆相切点的运动,通过迭代方法得到架设参数。

    By employing the small strain elastic catenary element and beam element based on CR formulation , the contacts and movements between saddles and main cables are modeled accurately and easily . The erection - pa rameters are obtained by the iteration method .

  14. 由于SCR悬垂段的结构特点,在ANSYS中根据悬链线方程建立悬垂段模型;SCR拖地段平铺在海床面上,材料为线弹性体。

    Due to the structure characteristics and linear elastic material of the sag bend of SCR , the sag bend model is established based on the catenary equation in ANSYS ; Flow line is tiled on the seabed surface .

  15. 从UL列式的虚功增量方程和索的悬链线方程出发,建立起了一套完整的对索进行精确分析的非线性有限元法。

    Based on the virtual work increment equation of updated Lagrangian formulation and the catenary equation of cable , that a non-linear Finite Element Method for complete and accurate analysis of cable structure is established .

  16. 介绍了全介质自承式(ADSS)架空光缆的结构设计计算,并对其中架空悬链线的数学模型及有关计算作了详细论述。

    This paper introduced the structure design and calculation of ADSS fiber optic cable , and discussed the mathematic model of catenary , which is built on stilts , and related calculations in detail .

  17. 乌江三桥位于重庆市彭水县乌江上,采用主跨为140m的钢筋混凝土等截面悬链线无铰箱形拱,是国内同类桥梁跨径较大者。

    The third WuJiang River Bridge located across the WuJiang River in Chongqing Pengshui County , and used reinforced concrete constant section catenary ecardinal box arch with the main span of 140m . It ranged in the larger span among the domestic similar bridges .

  18. 大跨度悬链线拱式纵梁码头结构型式研究

    Study on Structural Type of Large Span Arch Longitudinal Beam Wharf

  19. 此外,它可以精确表示双曲线和悬链线。

    Moreover , the curve can represent hyperbolas and catenary exactly .

  20. 悬链线和抛物线理论在金枪鱼延绳钓渔业中的应用

    The application of catenary and parabola theories in tuna longline fishery

  21. 深海悬链线立管涡激疲劳损伤预报研究

    Study on VIV Induced Fatigue Damage for SCR in Deep Sea

  22. 考虑到悬链线法钻定向井需要连续造斜,且井越深其井斜角愈大;

    The deeper the well , the greater is the deviation .

  23. 基于悬链线理论的架空输电线路故障测距算法

    Fault Estimation Algorithm for Overhead Transmission Line Based on Catenary Theory

  24. 悬链线钢筋混凝土板拱桥测试技术

    Measuring and testing technique of catenary arch bridge with reinforced concrete slabs

  25. 关于悬链线法钻定向井的探讨

    A discussion on directional drilling by " catenary " technique

  26. 拉索的悬链线解答在斜拉桥调索中的应用

    Cable Tension Adjustment in Cable - Stayed Bridge by Using Catenary Solution

  27. 悬链线张力的倾角测定方法

    A Method with Dip Angle of Measure of Catenary Tension

  28. 纱路运行中局部悬链线的形态与张力

    Configuration and Tension Variation in the Local Catenary Yarn Path

  29. 悬链线索元的协调方程式及其弦向刚度

    Compatible equation and chord-direction stiffness expression of catenary cable element

  30. 基于悬链线元的索穹顶形状精确确定方法

    Accurate Form-Finding Method for Cable Dome Based on Catenary Element