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xuán shū
  • great disparity;wide gap;far apart
悬殊 [xuán shū]
  • [great disparity;far apart] 差别很大

悬殊[xuán shū]
  1. 云南省地形地貌复杂,海拔高差悬殊;气候类型多样,垂直变化突出;

    Yunnan is a special area with complicated geomorphology , great disparity in altitude , variety of climate and sudden change in vertical topography .

  2. 海河流域暴雨以空间分布悬殊、时间分配集中、年际变化大而著称。

    The rainstorm of the Haihe Vally is known for its great disparity in spatial distribution , its concentration in time distribution , and its great annual variations .

  3. 比赛看上去像是一场力量悬殊的较量。

    The match looks like being a David and Goliath contest .

  4. 贫富悬殊。

    The gulf between rich and poor is enormous .

  5. 我队以1:5的悬殊比分败北。

    Our team was hammered 5-1 .

  6. 1781年3月15日,力量悬殊的两支队伍在吉尔福德狭路相逢。

    The unevenly matched armies met at Guilford on 15 March 1781

  7. 穆斯特尔仅用72分钟便以6比2、6比3拿下了这场实力悬殊的比赛。

    Muster needed just 72 minutes to win the one-sided match , 6-2 , 6-3 .

  8. 他们意识到面对力量相差如此悬殊的军队,抵抗无异于自取灭亡。

    They realized it would be suicidal to resist in the face of overwhelming military superiority .

  9. 1916年,佐治亚理工以222比0的比分击败坎伯兰。之后再没有出现过比分如此悬殊的比赛。

    In 1916 , Georgia Tech beat Cumberland 222-0 . No game since has been that lopsided .

  10. 虽然富人和穷人之间一直差距悬殊,但这种不公在经济萧条期愈加显得令人难以接受。

    The stark contrast between the haves and have-nots has always existed but in a recession the injustices become more painful

  11. 我们以15比2的悬殊比分赢了第一局。

    We won the first game by a lop-sided score of 15 to 2 .

  12. 在那场篮球赛中,中国队以108比71的悬殊比分大胜菲律宾队。

    In the basketball game China won against the Philippines by the heavy score of 108 to 71 .

  13. 这两个选手实力悬殊。

    The two player were badly mismatched .

  14. 不一致;悬殊,差异;差距adisparityofresources资源差异体间年龄分布的差异

    a disparity in age distribution between groups

  15. 欧盟委员会指出,去年,福特福克斯(fordfocus)在芬兰的售价比德国低近30%,是欧元区国家中最悬殊的价差。

    Brussels pointed out that the price of a ford focus was almost 30 per cent lower in Finland compared to Germany last year the greatest difference among countries that use the single currency .

  16. 利用DNA混合池筛选分子标记可以大大提高检测效率,来自不同亲本的模板DNA的浓度一旦相差悬殊,可能影响PCR扩增结果。

    Bulked DNA pool is used to increase the efficiency in screening of molecular markers . The PCR amplification is probably influenced if the contents of template DNAs from different parents were tremendously different in the bulks .

  17. 主体晶相同为(VO)2P2O7的催化剂,因催化剂前驱体的制备方法及活化条件不同,催化性能相差悬殊;

    The catalysts whose main crystalline phase are ( VO ) 2P2O7 exhibit different catalytic properties because of different precursors and activated ambience .

  18. 对实验吸收边蓝移量与有效质量模型的蓝移量的悬殊差别、俘获态PL谱的形成以及PL谱线的特征作了解释。

    The great discrepancy between the absorption blue shifts from experiment and effective mass model as well as the formation and characteristics of photoluminescence spectra are explained .

  19. 采用的PPG分子量不同,得到的改性材料的力学性能相差悬殊。

    The mechanical properties of materials obtained are distinctively different because of different molecular weight of PPG .

  20. 而同一个信号在不同的时期强度相差悬殊。Chandler极移的振幅、周期和位相的变化

    The signal amplitude is quite different in the different period . THE VARIATION ON THE AMPLITUDE , PERIOD AND PHASE OF THE CH AND LER 'S POLAR MOTION

  21. 采用考马斯亮蓝G250检测17种变应原的蛋白质含量,与重量/体积法对照,发现按后者配制的变应原皮试液蛋白质含量悬殊。

    Coomassie Brilliant Blue method was adopted to detect the protein content of seventeen kinds of allergens .

  22. 当时,这种宣战显得有些可笑,因为双方实力悬殊。到2007年,eBay在中国的市场份额降至不足8%,实际上已经退出了中国市场。

    At the time , it seemed like a comical mismatch . By 2007 , eBay 's market share in China had dropped to less than 8 per cent and it had in effect quit the market .

  23. 全球各地气候、地形差别很大,冰期变化也很悬殊,不存在全球均一的1000m左右平衡线下降值,干旱区的下降值多低于此数。

    Climates and terrains in different regions differ greatly ; and changes of the ELA during the LGM are also quite different . Hence an even global ELA lowering value of about 1 ?

  24. 由于发病年龄悬殊、起病缓急与病情进展速度不一,而且各脏器受损的顺序和程度也存在差异,导致初发症状多种多样,临床表现复杂多变,造成WD临床诊断困难。

    Due to the age of onset and progress varies , organ damage differences , leading to the initial symptoms of WD varied and clinical manifestations are complex , resulting in the clinical diagnosis difficult .

  25. 但是,如果说欧洲确实动摇了,那也是因为它担心美国正准备从多边主义中脱身,而不是因为它真的认为,像apec这样一个杂乱无章、差异悬殊并冲突不断的组织可以达成多少共识。

    But if Europe was swayed at all it was because it feared the US was preparing to unplug itself from multilateralism not because it seriously believed a grouping as formless , disparate and strife-ridden as APEC could agree on much .

  26. 1970年,Koehler基于分界层对位错运动的阻碍作用的理论,指出由两种切变弹性模量相差悬殊的材料构成的超晶格可能具有高硬度。

    In 1970 Koehler pointed out that the superlattice made up by two large different modulus materials may has high hardness based on dislocation theory .

  27. 粉沙质淤积物中总氮(TN)含量0.009%~0.801%,总有机碳(TOC)含量0.01%~17.36%,变幅极为悬殊。

    In the silty sediment , the content of total nitrogen ( TN ) varied from 0.009 % to 0.801 % , and the content of total organic carbon ( TOC ) varied from 0.01 % to 17.36 % in different samples .

  28. 采暖期重污染周和春季沙尘周PM25的化学物种构成悬殊,反映了季节性变化的源排放和特殊气象条件的综合作用。

    PM 2.5 chemical speciation was very different between the week with heavy pollution in heating season and that with severe dust storm in spring , which resulted from the combination effects of source emission varied with seasons and special meteorological conditions .

  29. 贫富差别悬殊,民难生计,怨声载道。

    Disparity between the disparity , people hard livelihood , restless .

  30. 海-气热状况悬殊小;

    The variation of sea - air heat status was small .