
xuán yí zhì
  • suspended load
悬移质[xuán yí zhì]
  1. 悬移质涡管排沙分析

    Analysis of Suspended Load Discharge through Scroll

  2. 对江河水库悬移质进行监测,一般需要采集水样进行分析。

    Analysis on sampling water is required for monitoring suspended load of the rivers and reservoirs .

  3. 研制了一套采用倍频YAG激光器的小型海洋激光雷达,用于测量海中悬移质浓度。

    A shipboard ocean lidar system , whose wavelength is 532 nm produced by a frequency doubled Nd ∶ YAG laser , was developed for measuring the concentration of ocean suspended matter .

  4. 对管道输送细沙悬移质的流场,采用单流体模型进行数值求解N-S方程,计算结果与实验资料相吻合;

    For the case of transporting suspended fine sand , a single-fluid model is used to calculate the flow resistance by solving the Navier-Stokes equations .

  5. 悬移质泥沙的垂线分布符合Rouse公式,悬浮指数与理论值基本一致。

    The vertical distribution of suspended sediment concentration is consistent with Rouse equation , the suspending exponent is basically agreed with the theoretical value .

  6. 在20~100cm高度内以幂函数规律递减,反映的是悬移质为主的风沙流结构。

    And from 20 to 100 cm , the concentration decreases in power function law , which describes the sand flow structure predominated by suspension .

  7. 文中着重研究了悬移质泥沙分布Rouse公式沿垂线的积分问题,给出了悬移质垂线平均含沙量与底部含沙量的比值函数,并给出了此函数的计算方法。

    A integral of Rouse formula along vertical line for suspended load distribution is studied in this paper , The function of specific value between average sediment percentage of suspended load along vertical line and sediment percentage at the base , and the calculation method of this function are given .

  8. 在求解水流泥沙运动方程时,采用控制体积法(SIMPLEC程式)及动边界技术,对水流速度场、悬移质浓度场及河床变形进行了数值模拟。

    The control volume method ( SIMPLEC ) and movable boundary technique were used in solving the equations of water and sediment movement . The velocity field , the concentration field of the suspended load and the river-bed deformation were simulated .

  9. 悬移质模型沙级配的模拟计算方法探讨

    Discussion on the Computation of Suspended Sediment Gradation in Model Tests

  10. 长江悬移质泥沙物质组成研究

    Study on Matter Constituent of Suspended Load of the Yangtze River

  11. 悬移质水流挟沙能力与输沙特性

    Sediment - Carrying Capacity and Characteristics of Flow with Suspended Load

  12. 关于悬移质非均匀沙不平衡输沙的若干问题

    Some Problems Concerning Non equilibrium Transport of Non uniform Suspended Sediment

  13. 浑水流速分布与悬移质浓度分布的关系

    The Relation Between the Velocity Distribution and the Suspended Concentration Distribution

  14. 日本山地森林小流域悬移质泥沙研究

    Research on suspended sediment of upland small forest watershed in Japan

  15. 本文对维里堪诺夫关于悬移质运动的重力理论作了系统的评述。

    A systematic review on the gravitation theory of prof , M.

  16. 从力学角度上讲,悬移质泥沙受水流紊动扩散而悬浮,受重力作用而沉降,所以颗粒的悬浮输移主要取决于水流的紊动特性。

    So particle suspend depend on the characteristic of turbulence mainly .

  17. 水库悬移质泥沙淤积的分析计算

    Analysis and Calculation of Sedimentation of Suspended Load in Reservoirs

  18. 悬移质年输沙量的30%是由为数不多的几场降雨造成的。

    A few storms contribute 30 % of yearly suspended sediment discharge .

  19. 预沉池中悬移质泥沙运动特性研究

    Study on the Characteristics of Sediment Movement in Precipitation Tank

  20. 大约在1925年才开始了关于悬移质的研究。

    In approximately 1925 , work began on the problem of suspension .

  21. 非均匀悬移质恢复饱和系数的探讨

    Investigation on coefficient of saturation recovery of non-uniform suspended load

  22. 床面形态对悬移质运动具有重要的影响。

    The bed form has a significant influence on suspended sediment movement .

  23. 小浪底水库悬移质采样器研究

    The Research of Suspended Sediment Sampler Used in Xiaolangdi Reservoir

  24. 悬移质泥沙级配沿垂线分布公式探求

    Formulas for vertical distribution of grain composition of suspended sediment in river

  25. 论非均匀悬移质二维不平衡输沙方程及其边界条件

    D nonequilibrium transportation equation of nonuniform suspended load and its boundary condition

  26. 河流悬移质对含磷污染物吸附试验研究

    Study on adsorption experiment for phosphorous pollutant with suspended sediment

  27. 悬移质泥沙变态模型的沉降相似问题

    Problem on Settlement Similarity of Suspended Load on Distorted Model

  28. 抛卸疏浚泥影响水体环境最基本过程为物理过程,即悬移质泥沙的输移和扩散导致水质环境下降。

    The basic influence of Dumping dredged material is advection and diffusion .

  29. 河流悬移质泥沙运动模拟方法研究

    A Study on Simulating Methods of River Suspending Sediment Movement

  30. 破碎波作用下粉沙悬移质浓度垂向分布的实验研究

    Experimental study on fine sediment concentration under breaking waves