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jìn jù
  • Jin Opera;Shanxi local opera
晋剧 [jìn jù]
  • [Jin opera] 山西地方戏曲剧种之一,由蒲剧派生而成,流行于该省中部地区;也叫山西梆子、中路梆子

  1. 在内蒙古的汉族居民当中,最普遍的娱乐方式是听传统的晋剧和秦腔。

    Among the Han Chinese of Inner Mongolia , Jinju or Shanxi Opera is a popular traditional form of entertainment .

  2. 孝义木偶戏之所以能很快融入当地的文化传统,是因为孝义历来有演戏的习俗,除晋剧外,皮腔纸窗皮影戏是境内土生土长的戏剧形态。

    Because Xiaoyi has the custom of acting , Xiaoyi puppet show is able to quickly be absorbed into the local culture tradition , except Shanxi opera outside , Shadow puppetry is native .