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jìn ɡuó
  • Jin state during Spring and Autumn period
  1. 晋国和掳国的中间,隔着一个虞国。

    Between the States of Jin and Guo was the State of Yu .

  2. 三年后,晋国又灭了虞国。

    Three years later , the State of Jin conquered the State of Yu , too .

  3. 晋国名将赵简子准备出兵进攻齐国。

    Zhao Jianzi , the famous general of the State of Jin , prepared to attack the State of Qi .

  4. 虞王没有听宫子奇的话,还是答应了晋国的要求。

    The King of Yu did not listen to Gong Ziqi 's advice and consented to the request of the State of Jin .

  5. 一个越国人在晋国捡到一俩辐条腐朽、车轮惨败,已经没有用的破车后,居然用船把车弄回家中,并大肆卖弄自己的广见博识。

    A person of Yue came across a useless chariot with rotten spokes1 and wheels . He actually shipped this chariot home , and showed off his wide experience and knowledge .

  6. 同路人戏弄够了,哈哈大笑地说是骗他的,这里不过是晋国,燕人听了十分羞愧。

    They had made enough fun of him . They told him with a laugh that they had been lying to him , and that he was in the state of Jin . Hearing this , the Yan person felt ashamed .

  7. 有一次,晋国要去进攻掳国,得向虞国借路,国王担心虞国不答应。

    Once , the State of Jin intended to invade the State of Guo and had to seek for permission to go by way of the State of Yu . The King of Jin was worried that the State of Yu would refuse to consent .

  8. 晋国大臣魏武子病中吩咐儿子魏颗,自己死后把没有生过儿子的那个宠妾嫁出去,而不要按惯例将她殉葬。

    Wei wuzi , a high minister of the state of Jin ordered his son Wei Ke : after he died , let the concubine who had not borne a son marry someone else , instead of burying her alive with him , which was the custom of that time .

  9. 过晋国时,同行的人指着晋国的城池和土地庙,骗他说这就是燕国的城池和土地庙,他的脸色顿时显得凄怆悲凉,并不停地浩然长叹。

    Passing the state of Jin , the people who went along with him pointed1 to the cities and shrines2 and cheated him by telling him those were the cities and temples of the state of Yan . Upon hearing this , he became gloomy3 and sad and kept sighing .

  10. 晋国的大臣荀息向国王献计,说:“如果您把那块璧玉和那匹良马送给虞公,向他借路,那么他一定会答应的。”

    Xun Xi , a high official of the State of Jin , offered his scheme to the King . He said : " If you offer that piece of round jade and that fine steed as gifts to the King of Yu to ask his permission , he is sure to give his consent . "

  11. 晋国青铜器铸造工艺中的两个问题

    Problems Concerning the Techniques of Bronze Casting of the Jin State

  12. 晋国在他的治理下日益强大。

    Ruled by him , the State of Jin became increasingly powerful .

  13. 宋国曾追随晋国多次参与战争、会盟等。

    Song followed Jin many times involving in the war , alliance etc. .

  14. 齐国和晋国是其中影响力比较大的两个国家。

    Qi and Jin were two large countries which had relatively large influence .

  15. 目前学界关于春秋时期晋国人口总量问题的研究尚是一段空白。

    At present , the research about population of Jinn state has not be done .

  16. 晋国公子重耳因受到迫害,率其支持者出逃。

    Jin prince Chong'er ran away from the country with his supporters due to persecution .

  17. 晋国是春秋时期一个非常重要的诸侯国,春秋时期的几次大战几乎都有晋国的参与。

    It is an important chapter of Spring and Autumn period that Jin seek hegemony .

  18. 正当楚国称雄中原的时候,西部的晋国悄然兴起。

    As Chu was ruling the central plain , Jin in the west was rising up quietly .

  19. 铸造金属货币产生于春秋时期,晋国是最早铸造和使用铸币的地区之一。

    Coins emerged at that time . Jin was one of the first places to mint and use coins .

  20. 春秋晋国军权变化与君权衰落

    The Changes of Military Power and the Decline of Regality in the State of Jin in Sping and Autumn

  21. 晋国的大臣荀息向国王献计。

    Xun Xi , a high official of the State of Jin , offered his scheme to the King .

  22. 论孔子礼治思想与晋国文化之冲突性

    On the Conflict between Confucius ' Thought of Administering a Country by Norm of Etiquette and the Culture of Jin State

  23. 如果能打败晋国,就等于在诸候国中当定了霸主,再回去收拾越王勾践也不算晚。

    After considering over and over again , they decided to try to defeat the Jin army by a surprise move .

  24. 重耳闻讯,逃出了晋国,在外流忘十几年。

    Hearing the news , Chong Er escaped from the state of Jin , remaining a fugitive for more than ten years .

  25. 子贡到楚国旅游,在返回晋国时,路过一个名叫汉阴的小镇。

    Zi Gong passed a small town called Hanyin when he traveled back to the State of Jin from the State of Chu .

  26. 田氏代齐:同晋国一样,齐桓公死后,齐国的贵族势力逐渐强大起来。

    The Tians Attacked : Qi Like Jin , the noble families in Qi grew in power after the death of Duke Huan .

  27. 春秋时,晋国有位品格非常高尚的大臣祁黄羊。

    During the Spring and Autumn Period ( 770-476 BC ), a very noble official caled Qi Huangyang lived in the State of Jin .

  28. 晋国的胜利确保了晋文公的霸权地位也确立了楚国在北方长达至少一代时间的通知。

    The Jin victory confirmed the hegemony of Duke Wen of Jin and checked Chu ambitions in the north for at least a generation .

  29. 侯马盟书是于1965年在发掘山西侯马晋国遗址时发现的。

    The Stone and Jade Inscriptions Recording Alliances from Houma were found in 1965 during the excavation of the site of the Jin state at Houma .

  30. 春秋时期,王室宗族的女性深刻地影响着社会政治生活,当时的晋国也不例外。

    In the Spring and Autumn Period , the royal female members had a great influence on the social and political life and the Jin State was no exception .