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  • 网络Xingtai;xingtai city
  1. 并以邢台市中兴大街为例,采用网络PLC的控制方式,从PLC的选型、硬件设计、软件设计三个方面进行了交通绿波带的系统设计。

    As Xingtai city resurgence avenue is regular , with the control way of network PLC , from the three aspects of software design , hardware design and the type selecting of PLC , the system can implement traffic green wave tape designs .

  2. 邢台市平原区地下水环境问题分析

    Analysis of groundwater environmental problems for plain regions of Xingtai City

  3. 邢台市食品、公共场所从业人员健康检查中ALT活力升高的原因

    Causes of ALT Activity Increasing in Health Examination of Employees for Food and Public Work

  4. 本文介绍了UNITANK池的构造和处理城市生活污水的优点,同时介绍了邢台市污水处理厂中UNITANK池实际的运行状况和现存在的问题。

    The structure of UNITANK and advances in treating municipal domestic sewage are described in this paper , which the practical application and problems are also introduced .

  5. 邢台市农业自然资源现状及利用潜力分析

    An Analysis of Status and Potential of Agricultural Resources in Xingtai

  6. 邢台市城市污水土地处理工程设计

    Design of Ground Disposal of Urban Sewage in City Xingtai

  7. 邢台市食物中毒调查分析与预防控制研究

    Investigation of Food Poisoning in Xingtai and Its Control and Prevention Strategy

  8. 邢台市地下热水资源合理开发利用的研究

    Study on reasonable exploitation and utilization of geothermal resources in Xingtai City

  9. 邢台市医疗单位介入放射防护状况调查

    Protection of Interventional Radiation in Medical Units in Xingtai City

  10. 邢台市雨量自动测报系统软硬件建设与实践

    Construction and Practice of the Automatic Rainfall Measuring System of Xingtai City

  11. 邢台市是河北省南部的地级市,曾是河北省重要的工业生产基地。

    Xingtai city is an important city in Hebei Province .

  12. 邢台市剪切波速与标准贯入击数的相关关系

    Xingtai City Shear Wave Velocity and Standard Penetration Blow Count the Correlation Between

  13. 邢台市咸水分布特征与合理开发利用研究

    Characteristics of saltwater distribution in Xingtai City and its reasonable development and utilization

  14. 构建邢台市矛盾纠纷大调解机制研究

    Constructing Mediation Mechanism of Contradiction and Dispute in Xingtai

  15. 邢台市水生态系统修复及保护方法探讨

    Discussion on Methods for Repair and Protection of Water Ecosystem in Xingtai City

  16. 邢台市2008年部分儿童蛲虫感染现状调查

    Survey of Enterobius vermicularis infections in infants and pupils in Xingtai City in 2008

  17. 邢台市城市园林绿化选择与配置的调查分析

    Research and Analysis on the Choices and Configure of Landscape Greening in Xingtai City

  18. 关于邢台市发展文化产业的几点思考

    Thinking on Developing Cultural Industry of Xingtai

  19. 邢台市城市水源地地下水开发利用与保护

    How to Develop and Protect the Groundwater in the City 's Water Source in Xingtai City

  20. 邢台市虹飞车业有限公司。

    XingTai City HongFei Bicycle Industry Co.

  21. 邢台市山地果园的生态脆弱性与生态果园建设

    Ecological Fragility of Mountain Fruit Orchards and Its Construction of Ecological Fruit Orchards in Xingtai City

  22. 浅析南水北调实施后邢台市当地水与引江水的优化配置

    Study on Optimal Allocation of Local Water & Diverted River Water After Implementation of South-North Transfer Project

  23. 邢台市中小学校传染病防控现状调查

    Survey of control and prevention of infectious diseases in middle school and primary school in Xingtai City

  24. 现代动物园中的观展设计初探&以邢台市动物园规划设计为例

    Study on the design of modern zoo visiting and displaying & A case study with Xingtai Zoo

  25. 他表示,目前邢台市已启动责任追究程序,对这次抗洪中工作不力的责任人将给予处分。

    Dong said the city has initiated an accountability investigation and will punish those responsible for the tragedy .

  26. 该项目位于邢台市高开区东部,振兴七路东侧,牛尾河南岸。

    It is on the east side of Seventh Zhenxing Road and the south bank of Niuwei River .

  27. 邢台市大中专院校体育资源社会化的研究与探讨(大专院校的)助教。

    Research and Discussion on the Socialization of Sports Resources in Colleges and Technical Secondary Schools of Xingtai ;

  28. 邢台市职业女性的体育消费形式比较单一。

    For the career female in Xingtai , the forms of consumption of sports are simple . 3 .

  29. 区域土地利用变化对水资源的影响研究&以邢台市为例

    The impacts of land use / land cover change on water resources & A case study in Xingtai city

  30. 最后以邢台市临西县河西镇为实例,提出了对河西镇现状道路存在的问题。

    Finally the west county in xingtai hexi town as an example , proposed to the way beyond the current existing problems .