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  • 网络Tengzhou City
  1. 羊庄水源地位于山东省枣庄市和滕州市交界处的羊庄盆地,是两市地下水资源最为丰富的地区。

    Yangzhuang water source was located in Yangzhuang basin at the junction of Zaozhuang City and Tengzhou City whose groundwater resource was the most abundant in the two cities .

  2. 1995年,作者在山东滕州市采集花粉时发现,在1株20a生银杏的大枝上,雌雄花同步。

    However , we found a branch on a 20 year old ginkgo tree possessing both male and female flowers .

  3. 目的通过对山东省滕州市部分镇(街)0~7岁儿童先天性和遗传性疾病的流行病学调查,了解影响婴儿出生质量的各种因素,为制定出生缺陷干预提供科学依据。

    Objective To find out various factors that affect the quality of baby birth , and to provide scientific basis for preventing birth deficiency .

  4. 本文在对湿地乡村旅游特色分析的基础上,引入景观生态理论,以山东省滕州市红荷湿地为例,对其乡村旅游开发进行景观生态规划的研究。

    This article brings Landscape and Ecology Theory , taking Red Lotus Wetland for Example , studies the Landscape and Ecology program for rural tourism exploitation , based on analyzing the feature of wetlands rural tourism .