
  1. 金东仁和滕固作为两国现代文坛上的唯美主义创作代表作家,他们有着相似的人生经历。

    As the representative writers of aestheticism creation in modern literary world , Jin and They have similar life experiences .

  2. 1912-1949年民国绘画史学史视野下的滕固史学

    A Study of Teng Gu 's Historiography of Chinese Painting History during the Republic of China between 1912 and 1949

  3. 学者滕固在其短暂的一生中致力于美术史研究与美术考古。

    As a scholar , Teng Gu had been devoted himself to the study of art history and art archaeology in his short life .

  4. 滕固是民国时期的知名学者,但因为种种原因一度为国人所遗忘。

    Teng Gu , a well-known scholar in the Republic of China , has been forgotten by Chinese for a long time for some reason .

  5. 本文尝试分析郑午昌、傅抱石与滕固这三位艺术史家的绘画史研究的不同特点,从而对民国初期绘画史学所经历的深刻转变进行简要的评述。

    The thesis attempts to analyze the different characteristics of their researches on the painting history , and review briefly the profound transformations of painting history at the beginning of the Republic of China .

  6. 摘要20世纪中国美术史学在从传统向现代转型的过程中取得了长足的进步,产生了不少有价值的关于中国美术史的研究著作,滕固的《中国美术小史》就是其中之一。

    With the progress of transforming from tradition to modern times in20th century , Chinese fine art historiography has great improvement , and emergs lots of valuable writings about this ; teng gu 's " concise history of Chinese fine art " is one of these writings .