
zhōnɡ ɡuó fú lì huì
  • China Welfare Institute
  1. 中国福利会少年宫大理石大厦的防潮层修复

    Restoration of the marble mansion of the China Welfare juvenile Palace

  2. 中国人口福利基金会接受由个人和企业捐赠的资金。

    The China Population Welfare Foundation receives funds donated by individuals and enterprises .

  3. 中国残疾人福利基金会

    China Foundation for Disabled Persons

  4. 昨天在纪念国际家庭日20周年的研讨会上,中国人口福利基金会发布了家庭幸福指数。

    The China Population Welfare Foundation released the family happiness index yesterday at a workshop to mark the 20th International Family Day .

  5. 据介绍,1995年,中国人口福利基金会、中国计划生育协会等单位联合发起了“幸福工程&救助贫困母亲行动”。

    The Happiness Project was initiated in1995 and is jointly sponsored by the China Population Welfare Foundation and the China Family Planning Association .

  6. 中国社会福利基金会局长齐学森表示,降低留守儿童的2020年计划和十三五规划期间中国的脱贫计划相辅相成。

    Qi Xuesen , director general of China Social Welfare Foundation , said the 2020 target is in line with China 's poverty alleviation target in the 13th Five-Year Plan .

  7. 中国社会福利基金会和华龙网于上周四发布了国家人口老龄化的相关信息,截至2015年底,我国60周岁以上老年人口已达2.22亿。

    The China Social Welfare Foundation and CQNews released information last Thursday that the country 's aging population - people older than 60 years - was 222 million as of the end of last year .