
  • 网络Chinese gunboat Chung Shan
  1. 中山舰事件的去伪存真

    The Truth of the Event of the Warship " Zhongshan "

  2. 中山舰爱国主义教育基地规划创意

    Planning Idea of " Zhongshan " Warship Base for Patriotism Education

  3. 艰巨的工程成功的打捞&双驳抬撬整体打捞中山舰

    Arduous Engineering and Successful Salvage & Warship Zhongshan Lifted up by Two Barges on Each Side

  4. 中山舰事件前后陈独秀对北伐态度变化探因清末民初官有资产流失问题研究

    A Study of the Causes Made Chen du & xu 's Attitude Different to the Northern Warlords after Zhongshan Event Problems on the Loss of State-owned Assets in Late Qing Dynasty and Northern Warlords Administration

  5. 本文叙述了一种互穿网络防腐蚀涂料的性能,根据其试验结果,认为它适宜于作中山舰的防腐蚀和保护涂料。

    This thesis describes the property of an IPN ( interpenetrating polymer networks ) anticorrosive paint . The test result proves that the coating is suitable for anticorrosion and protection of " Zhongshan warship " .