
zhōnɡ yānɡ jī ɡòu
  • Central institutions;Central organs
  1. 权力一直过多地集中在中央机构手中。

    There 's been too much concentration of power in the hands of central authorities .

  2. 对中央机构权力的完全不信任。

    A total distrust of the power of the central authority .

  3. 沙特阿拉伯政府的中央机构是沙特君主政体。

    The central institution of Saudi Arabian Government is the Saudi monarchy .

  4. 冲突控制机制中央机构

    Central Organ of the Mechanism for Conflict Control

  5. 中央机构对成立地方分会或支部的特许权。

    An authorization from a central organization to establish a local branch or chapter .

  6. 而今年5月,政府称已组建了一个中央机构,监管互联网。

    In May it said it had created a central agency to oversee the internet .

  7. 这就需要各国同意建立统一的联邦制结构,由法定的中央机构进行管理。

    That requires consent to a common federal structure , administered by a legitimate central authority .

  8. 但美联储之所以可以自由行动,是因为它是一个明确的中央机构。

    But the fed only had the freedom to act because it was a clearly centralised body .

  9. 在大多数实例中,盈亏控制不适用于中央机构及服务部门。

    In most instances , profit and loss control is not applied to central staff and service departments .

  10. 在贸易和价格体系方面,经互会国家实行国家垄断的外贸体制,由中央机构控制贸易。

    Concerning the trade and price system in CMEA , the member states pursued state monopoly of foreign trade .

  11. 公务员事务局及库务局等中央机构在未来的薪酬厘定工作上应担当甚么角色?

    What role should the central agencies such as civil service bureau and Finance Bureau play in future pay determination ?

  12. 清末官制改革中的文官设置包括对中央机构的调整和增设,以及对内阁的改组等。

    Civil official set-up in late-Qing official reform includes the adjustment and addition of departments and the reshuffle of the cabinet .

  13. 他表示,由于没有强大的中央机构,利比亚的原油生产时好时坏的状况可能还会持续一段时间。

    He says without a strong central authority , Libyan crude oil production may remain up and down for a while .

  14. 中国还需要建立一个独立于各银行的中央机构,负责为地方项目策划合适的资金支持。

    China also needs to create a central agency separate from the banks to work towards appropriate funding for local projects .

  15. 发行债券的是剑桥大学的中央机构,而不是组成该大学31所学院中的任何一所。

    The central institution , rather than any of the 31 colleges that make up the University , has issued the bond .

  16. 在现代西方社会中,社会秩序是依靠庞大的地方和中央机构以及一整套复杂的法律来维持的。

    In modern Western society , social order is maintained by a vast administrative machinery , both regional and central , and by a complex body of laws .

  17. 不过,如果将联邦特许作为一种可选之路,且中央机构建立在现有的欧洲银行业监管者委员会基础上,或许可以达成共识。

    But perhaps agreement could be reached if the federal charter route were made optional and the agency were built on the existing Committee of European banking supervisors .

  18. 欧盟领导人在6月份的峰会上原则上同意建立一个银行监管的中央机构,并保证年底前制定计划。

    EU leaders agreed on the principal of a central banking oversight body at a summit in June and promised a plan by the end of the year .

  19. 中国自古重农抑商,历代王朝从未设立过专门管理工商业的中央机构。

    China stressed agriculture and looked down on commerce from ancient times , All previous dynasties have never set up any central organization to manage industry and commerce .

  20. 分权制已被建议投入使用,一来解决中央机构决策的繁冗,二来激发更强的参与性和地方组织的主动性;

    Decentralization has been recommended inter alia as a cure for cumbersome decision-making at the centre ; as a means of achieving greater popular participation and of empowering local communities ;

  21. 国家土地地籍和注册处,是通过电脑网络管理房地产登记、地籍的单一中央机构。

    State Land Cadastre and Register , a single central agency for the cadastre and the register of properties , registers real property throughout the country through a single computer network .

  22. 东都职官称谓的变化,体现了东都中央机构的发展变化的脉络及特点,也从一个侧面反映了洛阳政治地位的下降。

    The changes of the title of it reflect the arteries of development of east capital central organism , in another side , it embodied the descend of Luoyang 's political status .

  23. 至少,在爱尔兰路障得到清除之前,欧洲很难达成共识,赞成将目前由各成员国行使的权力赋予新的中央机构。

    At least until the Irish roadblock is removed , it is hard to see a European consensus emerging in favour of endowing new central agencies with powers now exercised by Member States .

  24. 中央机构主要是四司一厅,另设有直辖机构如律学馆、官报、商标注册局、实业学堂等。

    Central organization mainly contained four Si and one Ting , equipped with some direct jurisdiction organizations , such as law school , official news agency , trademark registration bureau , and industry school and so on .

  25. 明代是我国历史上少有的两都并立的朝代,并且在留都南京保留着一整套包括司法机构在内的相对完整的中央机构。

    Ming Dynasty is one of the fewest dynasties in Chinese history that had two capitals . In the defunct capital of Nanjing , there kept a set of relatively complete central departments , including some judicial departments .

  26. 他清楚有相当多的人支持他对中央政府机构加强控制的计划。

    He knows he has considerable support for his plans to tighten his grip on the machinery of central government

  27. 中央规划机构国家发改委(ndrc)控制着由国有企业发行的企业债。

    The national development and Reform Commission , a central planning agency , controls enterprise bonds , which are issued by state-owned companies .

  28. 英国需要新的政治安排,将其在欧洲鼓吹的辅助原则(subsidiarity,即中央权力机构应起辅助作用,只履行地方机构不能履行的职责——译者注)应用到自己身上。

    Britain needs a new political settlement that implements at home what it preaches in Europe : subsidiarity .

  29. 为应对这些关切,实权在握的中央规划机构国家发改委(ndrc)上周宣布,将允许各省市利用债券融资支持保障性住房建设。

    Trying to address those concerns , the national development and Reform Commission , a powerful central planning agency , said last week that it would allow provinces and cities to issue bonds to fund the development of affordable housing .

  30. dtcc采取了不同寻常的举措,发表声明明确表示,信用违约互换交易有一个中央登记机构在其交易信息库记录了绝大多数的信用违约交易。

    DTCC took the unusual step of issuing a statement making clear there was a central registry for CDs trades at its trade information warehouse where the vast majority of CDs trades are recorded .