
  • 网络Secondary Schools
  1. 据了解,凡是具备沈阳市户口和高级中等教育学校毕业或具有同等学力、身体健康的人员均可在沈阳市报名。

    According to introduction , students with high school graduation certificate or same-level education background and healthy physical condition can be enrolled for NMT .

  2. 乌海市职业技术学校学生入学时的行为养成、学习习惯、学习态度等居乌海市中等教育阶段学校的下游水平,素质参差不齐,学生综合素质普遍偏低。

    Wuhai city vocational school students when the habit , study habits , attitudes towards learning and other home wuhai city secondary education stage School of downstream level , uneven quality , quality was generally low .

  3. 本研究旨在把过程写作法引入中等职业教育学校的英语写作课堂,采用定性与定量分析相结合的方式,对过程写作法和传统的结果写作法进行了对比研究。

    The purpose of the research is to introduce the process approach into a Chinese EFL traditional classroom by investigating the effect of the approach to writing competence and English study compared with the traditional method the product approach which has long occupied the English writing classroom .

  4. 中等教育包括文法学校,职校以及艺术类学校。

    Secondary education comprises grammar schools , vocational schools and art schools .

  5. 有没有从事初等教育和中等教育的私立学校?

    Are there any private schools working in the field of elementary and secondary education ?

  6. 中等专业教育由专业学校或技术学校,学术中心或学院以及职业学校提供。

    Secondary professional education is offered in special professional or technical schools , lyceums or colleges and vocational schools .

  7. 当前,我国中等职业学校毕业生的就业形势比较严峻,这已经成为我国各个实施中等专业教育学校一段时期以来普遍存在的一个问题。

    At present , in China , the employment situation is fairly grim for the secondary vocational school graduates , it has become a common problem in a long time .