
  • 网络CNTV;CBOX;;CNTV CBox;cctv
  1. 该公司还在努力推动建设新的发布渠道:已于本周宣布,将与中国网络电视台(ChinaNetworkTelevision)成立一家合资企业,创建一条网游视频渠道。

    The company is also working on new distribution channels , announcing this week a joint venture with China Network Television to establish an online game video channel .

  2. 展出方是今日中国网络电视台。

    The exhibition was set up by China Today Net Television .

  3. 据中国网络电视台报道,5月4日,骑友遇到这只流浪的小母狗,并给它取名“小萨”。

    On May 4th , the cyclists came across the stray dog and nicknamed it Xiao Sa .

  4. [中央电视台、中国网络电视台记者]最近这一段时间,乌克兰一直是国际关注的焦点。

    China Central Television : The issue of Ukraine has been the focus of international attention in recent weeks .

  5. 在4月2日至4月4日期间,中国网络电视台iPanda熊猫频道在春天这个特别的“造熊季”,播出了四川雅安碧峰峡大熊猫保护基地的一对熊猫罕见的交配画面。

    Between April 2 and 4 , China Network Television ( CNTV ) ' s iPanda Channel broadcast the pair 's rare procreation attempts at the Bifengxia Panda Reserve , Sichuan Province during their spring special , " Season of Making Bears . "

  6. 本文以与中国某网络电视台合作的项目为基础,该项目将实现对海量的视频数据进行搜索,为网络电视台提供视频下载及网页视频信息提取的利器。

    The project will realize to search for the mass of video data , provide an extraction tool for the network television video to download and web video information extraction .

  7. 新华社称,网络春晚将于中国农历新年的第一天,也就是1月23日,在中国网络电视台播出。新华社还说,网络春晚的浓缩精华版将在中国中央电视台播出。

    The gala will be broadcast on the website of China 's Network Television on on the first day of Chinese New Year , which falls on January 23 , Xinhua said , adding that a condensed version will be shown on China Central Television .