
  • 网络Chinese traditional music
  1. 是的。我想找中国传统音乐的CD。

    Yes . I am looking for a Chinese traditional music CD .

  2. 曲牌,是中国传统音乐的独特乐曲形式。

    Qupai is a distinctive form of Chinese traditional music .

  3. 本论文属于中国传统音乐形态学研究领域。

    This dissertation belongs to Chinese traditional musical morphology research area .

  4. 文章研究的内容属于中国传统音乐领域。

    Article contents belong to the realm of traditional Chinese music .

  5. 因而让习惯于中国传统音乐审美的听众听起来显得意蕴不够。

    So accustomed to traditional Chinese music aesthetic implication enough audience sounds .

  6. 中国传统音乐线性现象及成因分析

    On the " Linear " Phenomenon in Traditional Chinese Music

  7. 新型民族管弦乐队与中国传统音乐资源&对民族管弦乐队发展现状的审视与思考

    The New Chinese Traditional Orchestra with the Resource of Chinese Traditional music

  8. 他把中国传统音乐与西方形式结合起来,因此而出了名。

    He is famous for mixing Chinese musical traditions with western forms .

  9. 中国传统音乐是中国人运用本民族固有方法和形式创造出的具有本民族鲜明特点的音乐。

    Chinese traditional music was based on the national form and characteristics .

  10. 中国传统音乐在儿童孤独症干预性治疗中的理论与实验研究

    Theory and Experimental Research on Traditional Chinese Music in Treating Children Autism

  11. 中国传统音乐传播网络与音乐资源共享

    The Communication Net For Chinese Traditional Music and the Music Resource Sharing

  12. 全球化和中国传统音乐教学体系的建设

    Globalization and Building Educational System of Chinese Traditional Music

  13. 中国传统音乐的情感母题及其文化意蕴

    The Original Subject of Sensibility and its Cultural Intention in Chinese Traditional Music

  14. 在中国传统音乐中,时值用“拍”来衡量。

    In traditional Chinese music time value is measured by " meter " .

  15. 一种体系两个系统&论中国传统音乐理论中的宫调

    On the gong diao of Chinese Traditional Music Theory

  16. 中国传统音乐意境之探讨

    Exploration of the Mood of China 's Traditional Music

  17. 中国传统音乐记谱法特点初探

    A Preliminary Enquiry into the Peculiarities of Chinese Traditional Systems of Music Notation

  18. 由此看来,宫廷中音乐在中国传统音乐的记载中还是较为翔实的一部分。

    In view of this , records of court music seem relatively accurate .

  19. 比较中国传统音乐和中国现代音乐。

    Compare traditional Chinese music and modern Chinese music .

  20. 这是一个路径你知道中国传统音乐和中国文化。

    It is a path for you know Chinese traditional music and Chinese Culture .

  21. 论中国传统音乐的躯壳和灵魂

    On Hull and Soul of Chinese Traditional Music

  22. 在中国传统音乐中,九宫既有宫又有调。

    In traditional Chinese music , the nine gongs include both gongs and notes .

  23. 中国传统音乐的调性色彩变换手法&旋宫、犯调及变音阶

    Chinese Traditional Music : Modulation of Tonal Color

  24. 中国传统音乐在音色运用方面的特征

    Characteristics of Timbre Usage in Traditional Chinese Music

  25. 儒家音乐观与中国传统音乐的基本特征

    The Confucian Views of Music and the Basic Features of the Traditional Chinese Music

  26. 论中国传统音乐中价值构建的矛盾

    Contradictions of Value Construction in Chinese Traditional Music

  27. 中国传统音乐的美学表达

    The Aesthetic Expression of the Traditional Chinese Music

  28. 丰富的档案在中国传统音乐。

    Abundant in file of Chinese traditional music .

  29. 全球化与中国传统音乐发展战略

    Globalization and Chinese Traditional Music Developing Strategy

  30. 在它的音乐中,处处渗透着中国传统音乐美学的灵气。

    In its music , everywhere permeated with the aura of traditional Chinese music aesthetics .