
wǔ yì
  • martial arts;skill in wushu;feat
武艺 [wǔ yì]
  • (1) [skill in wushu]∶指武术上的技艺

  • 武艺超群

  • (2) [martial arts]∶指骑马、射箭、击刺等军事技术

武艺[wǔ yì]
  1. 奥皮音知道霍元甲武艺高强,于比赛当日凌晨,偷偷逃离上海。

    Austria Pi Yin knew that the Huo Yuanjia skill in wushu excels , in the competition before dawn , secretly flees Shanghai the same day .

  2. 他放出话说他将使出十八般武艺。

    He has said he will use all the weapons at his disposal

  3. 也发射星在国际的阶段上的汤尼Jaa的OngBak和汤姆YumGoong,藉由杂技表演的演员欢呼如香港成龙的模子的另外的主要的武艺个性。

    Ong Bak and Tom Yum Goong also launched star Tony Jaa on the international stage , with the acrobatic actor hailed as another major martial-arts personality in the mould of Hong Kong 's Jackie Chan .

  4. 当我很小的时候,许多士兵都教过我武艺。

    I had learned from many soldiers since I was little .

  5. 武术与军事武艺异质不同源论

    The Differences in Nature and Origin Between Wushu and Martial Art

  6. 论古代武术与军事武艺的异同

    On the Similarities and Differences Between Ancient Wushu and military Arts

  7. 高超的武艺不用钱来衡量,魅力也是;

    There is no charge for awesomeness , or attractiveness !

  8. 他十八般武艺,样样精通。

    He is proficient in all18 of the martial arts .

  9. 你们的武艺和勇气令人折服。

    We will watch your career with great interest .

  10. 配得上森林同胞的武艺。

    Worthy of the skill of our woodland kin .

  11. 实战武艺之散打难度的探讨

    A probe into the degree of difficulty In free pugilism of practical military arts

  12. 武术与军事武艺辨析

    The Analysis of Wushu and Military Technique

  13. 孔子与武艺散打实战姿势的研究

    The Combat Posture of Chinese Boxing Study

  14. 论武术对唐代军事武艺发展的影响

    The Influence of Martial Skills on the Development of Military Martial Arts in Tang Dynasty

  15. 在中国颇受欢迎的武侠小说里,拥有这样一门武艺往往会使故事的主人公战无不胜。

    Such a feat in popular Chinese kung fu novels generally makes the hero invincible .

  16. 地痞们遂拜他为师,向他学习武艺。

    Accepting their defeat , they then asked Lu to teach them the boxing art .

  17. 武术与军事武艺既密切相联,又存在显著差异。

    Wushu and military technique not only have tightn connection , but also have distinct difference .

  18. 我有不同的武艺。

    I walk a different path .

  19. 令郎的武艺我是领教过的,在下甘败下风。

    I 've encountered your son 's martial arts skills , and I sincerely acknowledge his superiority .

  20. 对了,你能给我介绍一下什么是十八般武艺吗?

    By the way , could you introduce me something about the 18 kinds of wushu weapons ?

  21. 幸运的是沉香被霹雳大仙所救,练就武艺。

    Fortunately , Chen Xiang was rescued by the God of thunder , who taught him martial art .

  22. 畲族民间武艺是我国畲族民间传统体育中最主要的内容。

    Folk martial art is seen as one of the most important content of She nationality traditional sports .

  23. 他特别赞赏小约翰的武艺。他问小约翰来者何人。

    He especially marvelled at Little John 's skill in fighting , and asked him who he was .

  24. 艾黎奥描述他的拉恩是一个勤学的男孩,苦读诗书又勤练武艺。

    Elio describes Ran as a studious son , both in book learning and in the ways of warfare .

  25. 有文字记载,从春秋开始民间就有专门教授武艺的武术师傅。

    Written records showed that there had been the professional martial arts master since the Spring and Autumn Period .

  26. 在封建社会朝庭不许民间私藏兵器,少林寺僧为了护法、护寺、护僧,就用烧火棍练就一身武艺。

    In feudal society , the government did not allow the common people to have iron or steel weapons .

  27. 在他成为绿林大盗之前,有一次,他决定参加一场比赛,以证明他的武艺。

    Once , before he became an outlaw , he decided to enter a contest to prove his skill .

  28. 杰夫:十八般武艺,只是泛指器械众多,其实武术器械远不止十八种。

    Jeff : The " 18 kinds of wushu instruments " is only a general term for many instruments .

  29. 浅谈散手实战原则武术与军事武艺辨析

    A Brief Talk in the principle of free sparring in Actual fight The Analysis of Wushu and Military Technique

  30. 在美国,他们要你完成这些伟大的武艺,完成魔术大师大卫考步菲式的特技。

    In America , they want you to accomplish these great feats , to pull off these David Copperfield-type stunts .