
  • 网络wuchang uprising
  1. 辛亥武昌首义与武汉城市现代化

    Wuchang Uprising in 1911 and the Urban Modernization of Wuhan

  2. 试析湖北共进会与武昌首义

    Analysis of Hubei Co-progress Association and Wuchang First Uprising

  3. 辛亥革命中,一大批土家儿女积极投身武昌首义,土家族地区的人民积极响应,为推翻清王朝的封建统治用出了贡献。

    The Tujia people ′ s active response makes contribution on overthrowing the feudal rule of the Qing Dynasty .

  4. 辛亥革命前武汉地区舆论宣传对武昌首义的作用

    From the Wuchang Uprising to the 1911 Revolution : On the Promoting Role of the Revolutionary Mass Media in Wuhan

  5. 论湖北咨议局从主张立宪到参与武昌首义的转变

    On the Transformation of Hubei Office of Advice and Discussion from Performing Constitutionalism to Participating in the First Uprising of Wuchang

  6. 纵观武昌首义前后武汉经济的发展,我们不难发现武汉除了原有的地理优势之外,制度变迁和制度供给无疑是武昌首义之后武汉经济发展的最主要推动力。

    If we have a survey to the development fr Wuchang first-uprising before and after , a conclusion would be made , that beside geography advantage , the institution change and institution supply were the most important promotion to Wuhan economy development .

  7. 武昌首义中,居正通过其独特的身份开展有效的联络工作,团结统一了武汉地区的革命力量,使孙中山、黄兴等革命领袖及时了解湖北革命实力,加快了其它地区起义的发生;

    In Wu Chang revolution , Ju Zheng united Wu Han 's revolution strength , made the revolution leaders such as Huang Hsing , Sun Yat-sen etc know revolution power in Hu Bei and quickened the uprising of other areas through his special status developing effective work .