
  • 网络arms trade treaty;att
  1. 中国目前没有签署联合国2014年生效的《武器贸易条约》(ArmsTradeTreaty),该条约限制向可能将武器用于战争罪行的政府提供武器。

    China has not signed the 2014 Arms Trade Treaty , which supposedly limits transfer of arms to governments that could use them for war crimes .

  2. 答案是:在4月2日的联合国大会上,由154个国家参与并以压倒性优势通过了反对全球武器贸易条约(ATT)的决定。

    The answer : all are opposed to the global Arms Trade Treaty ( ATT ) which was overwhelmingly approved by 154 countries on April 2nd by the General Assembly of the United Nations .

  3. 中国已完成加入《武器贸易条约》的所有法律程序。

    China has completed all legal procedures for its accession to the Arms Trade Treaty .

  4. 肯尼亚外交部助理部长奥尼翁卡星期三在这次武器条约大会的开幕式上发言,敦促各国尽快批准《武器贸易条约》。他说,不受控制的武器交易是非洲长期发展面临的最严重威胁之一。

    Speaking at the opening of the arms treaty conference on Wednesday , Kenya 's Assistant Foreign Minister Richard Onyonka urged quick ratification of the Arms Trade Treaty , saying that unregulated weapons sales posed one of the biggest threats to long-term development in Africa .