
  • 网络Outer Continental Shelf;ocs
  1. 以及相关的环境敏感性和外大陆架不同地区的海洋生产。

    And the relative environmental sensitivity and marine productivity of different areas of the OCS .

  2. 2应更多考虑外大陆架不同地区共同分享开发利益和共同承担环境风险;

    2 to consider the need to share developmental benefits and environmental risks among the various OCS regions ;

  3. 州的权力机关可以在多大程度上通过沿海区域规划限制外大陆架的石油开发也不明确。

    The extent of state authority to restrict OCS oil development through coastal zone planning is also unclear .

  4. 之后,本文将略述《联合国海洋法公约》中划定外大陆架界限的具体标准。

    Then , the paper will outline the specific criteria to demarcate the boundary of the Outer Continental Shelf in the UNCLOS .

  5. 《外大陆架土地法案》管理下的联合行动与《海岸地区管理条例》的规定是不相符的。

    Related to federal action under OCSLA , there has been extended controversy over the requirements of the Coastal Zone Management Act .

  6. 由这些争论所引发的最常见的问题与联邦在外大陆架的租借土地有关。

    The disputes most frequently have arisen in connection with federal leasing of tracts in the outer continental shelf ( OCS ) .

  7. 最后一章为南极外大陆架划界解决模式探究。

    The last chapter lays the emphasis on the exploration for the solutions patterns of delimitation of the Antarctic outer continental shelf .

  8. 首先,我们应该通过增加开发外大陆架临海区域的权利来扩大美国的石油产品。

    First , we should expand American oil production by increasing access to offshore exploration on the Outer Continental Shelf , or OCS .

  9. 《海洋法公约》关于外大陆架申请期限的规定,导致大批国家近期向联合国大陆架界限委员会提出了申请。

    The time limit of outer continental shelf application resulted in numbers of coastal states put forward their submissions of outer continental shelf .

  10. 外大陆架界限确定问题,是近年来国际法学界关注的热点。

    The establishment of Outer limits of the outer continental shelf beyond 200 nautical miles has been a heated topic for international law academia in recent years .

  11. 租约给予原告在遵照《外大陆架土地法案》条款和不违背租约的“合理规章”下建造浮式钻井平台的权利。

    The lease gave plaintiffs the right to erect floating drilling platforms , subject to the provisions of OCSLA and to " reasonable regulations " not inconsistent with the lease .

  12. 立法的历史表明,修订是为了否定“内政部长诉加利福尼亚”法案,明确这一法规是适用于外大陆架租赁计划的。

    The legislative history indicates that the amendment was intended to overrule Secretary of the interior v.california , and to make it clear that the statute does apply to OCs lease sales .

  13. 大陆架界限委员会的主要职能是在审议沿海国提交的划界案的基础上,就有关划定外大陆架外部界限的事项向沿海国提出建议。

    The Commission on the Limits of the Continental Shelf ( CLCS ) may table a proposal to the coastal state based on it 's consideration on the Submission of the coastal state .

  14. 目前在国际上有关平台拆除的经验主要来自于墨西哥湾和加利福尼亚州外大陆架海域以及欧洲北海的北部;

    A great deal of experience of decommissioning and removal has been gained from the practice in the Gulf of Mexico and California Outer Continental Shelf as well as the northern North Sea .

  15. 第二章是本论文的主干,以《南极条约》为背景,阐述南极外大陆架争端的主要原因,详述最近阶段南极外大陆架申请情况。

    The second chapter is the backbone of the thesis which elaborates the primary causes of the disputes and the recent situations of the applications for Antarctic outer continental shelf in the context of Antarctic Treaty .

  16. 第一章介绍外大陆架的基本法律制度,包括大陆架的概念和历史发展并引申出外大陆架的定义和划界原则。

    The first chapter is in presentation of the main legal systems of the continental shelf , including the concept and historical development of continental shelf which extends the concept of outer continental shelf along with the principle of delimitation .

  17. 此举引发国际社会的普遍关注,传统南极事务大国竞相参与南极外大陆架勘探与研究,以期为本国在南极的利益抢占先机。

    It has caused widespread concerns of international community ; many traditional powers on Antarctic affairs are racing to attend the explorations and researches on the Antarctic outer continental shelf in order to seize the opportunities for their own self-interest .

  18. 海洋法公约规定外大陆架划界的重要权利义务,但是无法为北极地区重叠性大陆架划界争端提供有约束力的解决方法。

    The law of the sea provides for important rights and obligations concerning the delineation of the outer limits of the continental shelf , but it does not provide a binding method of resolution for overlapping continental shelf disputes in the Arctic .

  19. 《联合国海洋法公约》所规定的外大陆架制度为环北极国家公开扩张其利益诉求、进而圈占北极提供了法律路径上的可行性,因此成为北极争端中的核心问题。

    The Outer Continental Shelf system stipulated by the UNCLOS provided the legal possibilities for the surrounded Arctic countries to publicly extend their demands for interest and then to occupy the Arctic region . Therefore it has already become the core issue of the arctic dispute .