
  • 网络Purchased parts;Outsourcing;Purchased Components
  1. 基于ERP的外购件控制

    Control in Purchased Components Based on ERP

  2. 上海机床厂外购件库存方针研究

    The Purchased Components Inventory Policy in Shanghai Machine Tool Works

  3. 汽车外购件供应质量现代控制模式概述

    Overview of Modern Quality Control Modes of Outsourcing Auto Parts

  4. 数据挖掘在机械制造业外购件供应系统的应用

    Realization of Data Mining on Machinery Enterprise Marketing System

  5. 外购件质量评价与供应商选择

    Evaluation on Purchased Parts and Selection from Suppliers

  6. 零件加工精确,主要外购件采用名牌产品。

    Components are precisely processed , and main outsourcing parts are world famous brands .

  7. 第三章讨论了汽车可靠性设计的含义及其重要地位:从系统、零部件、外购件、人机工程和汽车产品制造几个方面来了解汽车可靠性设计的基本内容;

    In Chapter 3 , the meaning and important status of automobile 's reliability design are discussed .

  8. 企业外购件质量评价分析

    Quality Evaluation Analysis of Products

  9. 进入装配的零件及部件(包括外购件、外协件),均必须具有检验部门的合格证方能进行装配。

    Enter the assembly of parts and components ( include the external components and outsourcing ), it must have testing departments of the certificate can be assembled .

  10. 供应和销售是企业经营活动中直接面向市场的两个重要环节,原材料、外购件、外协件的供应质量好坏将直接影响到其后续加工质量乃至成品质量;

    Supply and marketing are two important segments of manufacturer 's operating activity . The quality of outsourcing material affects the quality of the semi-product and product directly .

  11. 文章以德国大众集团的质量控制过程要求为例,介绍了一种现代汽车外购件质量控制模式。

    Taking the requirements of quality control process in German VW Group as example , the article introduces a kind of modern quality control mode of outsourcing auto parts .

  12. 该控制模式以供应商的质量控制为重点,主要包括供应商的质量能力评定与提高、外购件认可和批量供货过程中的质量控制3个环节。

    The control mode , with emphasis on the suppliers ' quality control , includes three parts , i. e. the assessment and improvement of suppliers ' quality ability , the approval of outsourcing parts and the quality control during the process of supply in batch .

  13. 对外购件质量检验方案的经济性、供应商的质量供应能力和外购件质量的经济评价进行了研究,提出了选择最佳供应商的经济性评价方法。

    This paper studies the economics of quality inspection plans of purchased parts , the quality supply capability of suppliers and the economic evaluation of the purchased products quality . At last , the paper puts forward an economic evaluation method to select the best suppliers .

  14. 并依据各个功能模块的工作要求进行各个模块详细设计,包括关键外购件如伺服电机、导轨、丝杆等参数计算和型号选择,以及关键机械结构的设计工作。

    Secondly , it makes detailed design of each module according to the work requirements of each functional module , including the key outsourcing model selection , such as the selection of servo motor , rail , screw and the design of key components of the mechanical structure .

  15. 外购外协件不合格品单独存放在库房指定不合格区域,做好标识。

    The nonconforming products in outside purchased or manufactured products should be put independently and well identified .

  16. 装配智能IC卡公用电话机,其综合质量水平是零部件、外购外协件、原材料以及生产、装配、设计整个过程的质量综合体现。

    In the assembling of IC card intelligence telephone , the All Quality Level accords to the quality of parts , components , material and the course of producing , assembling and designing .

  17. 供应部负责外购、外协件的进货管理工作,对供方按要求进行调查、评价。

    Supply Department should be in charge of management of purchased and outsourced parts and be in charge of evaluation of the suppliers according to standards .