
wài xū
  • international market demand
  1. 草案指出,中国将积极促进内需和外需、进口和出口、引进外资和对外投资协调发展,强调中国会坚定不移地进一步扩大对外开放。

    China will work to promote the coordinated development of both domestic and external demand , imports and exports , as well as foreign and outbound investment , the draft outline said , stressing that the country stays committed to further opening-up .

  2. 适应WTO规则的扩大外需政策研究

    Study on Enlarging Foreign Demand-Adapting to WTO Principle

  3. 结论近肾动脉腹主动脉闭塞症的诊断除根椐临床症状和体征外需进一步行血管造影、MRI、CTA等检查。

    Conclusion Except that according to the clinical symptonis and signs , the angiography , MRI and CTA are necessary to confirm the diagnosis of Justarenal aortic occlusion .

  4. 利用外需扩大出口的策略选择

    A Strategic Choice Made of Utilizing Foreign Demands to Expand Export

  5. 我国受外需不足的影响,经济也有一定下滑。

    Because of insufficient domestic demand , Chinese economy has declined .

  6. 相反,德国变得严重依赖外需。

    On the contrary , Germany became heavily dependent on foreign demand .

  7. 技术创新和外需主导型战略的实施拉动了总需求;

    Technological innovation and foreign demands oriented strategy have promoted the aggregate demands ;

  8. 我们需要稳定和拓展外需,更致力于扩大内需。

    China needs to stabilise and expand external demand .

  9. 小补疗程超过14天外需扣两格或额外收多$100。

    Refill course over 14 days will deduct 2 times or add $ 100 .

  10. 施工时岩棉保温管外需加不同材料的防水外壳。

    During the construction of rock wool insulating tubes with different materials domestic-demand waterproof shell .

  11. 考虑到外需疲软,英国出口商亟需一切能够获得的帮助。

    With demand abroad weak , UK exporters will need all the help they can get .

  12. 由于外需下滑及金融崩溃而受到间接影响的经济体,则占了其余的部分。

    Economies indirectly affected , via falling external demand and collapsing finance , account for the rest .

  13. 外需疲软不是唯一原因;这是毫不掩饰的增长内驱化。

    Weak external demand is not the only cause ; this is an unabashed internalisation of growth .

  14. 而如今,中国愿通过吸收一些剩余储蓄的方式来促进中国经济由外需型经济向内需型经济的转变。

    China now stands ready to absorb some of that surplus saving to promote a shift toward internal demand .

  15. 出于内政外需的考虑,唐中央政府开始对御边体系进行调整。

    The Tang central government began to make adjustments of the border defense system according to the domestic and forign needs .

  16. 首先阐述了金融危机以来内需、外需与经济增长的变化情况。

    The first part of this paper explained the transformation of domestic demand , external demand and changes in economic growth .

  17. 从专注于外需转向专注于内需,必须伴之以更多的制度规则。

    A shift from an outward focus to an inward focus will have to be accompanied by much more institutional discipline .

  18. 即使这些举动有助于缓解外需冲击的痛苦,更让人忧虑的问题还在后面。

    Even if such moves help dull the pain of the external demand shock , the bigger worry is what comes next .

  19. 我们强调扩大内需,但决不能忽视外需对我国经济发展的重要作用。

    While expanding domestic demand is crucial , we can never overlook the importance of external demand in China 's economic development .

  20. 其次,长期来看,如果外部经济继续恶化,外需不足严重影响中国出口,那么与出口相关的投资也将受到拖累。

    Second , in the long run , as deteriorating external demand drags down exports , investment in export-related industries will fall .

  21. 李钟和说,对亚洲国家来说,为了对付外需的下降,加强和提高国内需求至关重要。

    Lee says it is important for Asian countries to strengthen and increase domestic demand , in response to weakening external demand .

  22. 内需与外需的关系,实质上是国内经济运行与对外经济运行的关系。

    In fact , the relationship between internal and external demand is the essence of the relationship between domestic economy and foreign economy .

  23. 世界经济远景还存在好些个不确定因素,外需下滑的压力仍然很大;

    With many uncertainties remaining in the prospects of the world economy , we still face tremendous pressure of the decline in external demand .

  24. 由于外需很可能持续低迷,世行敦促东盟国家更多地仰仗内需、降低对出口的依赖。

    The World Bank urged ASEAN countries to rely more on domestic demand and less on exports as external demand was likely to remain weak .

  25. 必须大力调整内需外需结构,不断增强内需对经济增长的拉动力。

    We must take forceful measures to adjust the structures of domestic and external demands and strengthen the role of domestic demand in fuelling economic growth .

  26. 但最根本的任务仍然在于经济增长方式转变,降低外需依赖,扩大国内需求。

    But in the long run , more efforts should be made to transform the economic development mode , lower foreign demand dependence and expand domestic market .

  27. 有效利用外需,能够促进经济结构调整,平衡国际收支,维护社会稳定。

    An effective utilization of foreign demands can facilitate adjustment of the economic structure , even up the international balance of payments , and maintain the social stability .

  28. 今年上半年,在外需严重萎缩的情况下,中国国内生产总值同比增长7.1%。

    In the first half of this year , despite the drastic contraction in overseas demand , China 's GDP managed to grow by7.1 % year on year .

  29. 即便有财政与货币政策的支持,日本经济在外需不确定、加薪幅度有限以及劳动力市场供应紧张的情况下可能继续挣扎。

    Even with fiscal and monetary support , the economy may continue to struggle amid uncertainty over external demand , limited wage rises and a tight labour market .

  30. 近年导致中国外需大幅波动的国际经济背景包括东亚金融危机、美国经济减速和日本经济衰退等方面。

    The international economic factors resulting in China 's increased external demand include the East Asian financial crisis , American economic slow-down and Japanese economic recession and so on .