
  • 网络Funds outstanding for foreign exchange;Foreign Exchange;position for forex purchase
  1. 结合我国开放经济下的货币政策,文章从货币政策的运行机理研究了外汇占款对中国货币政策和物价的影响途径,提出了对外汇占款进行管理的一些建议。

    This paper studied how the funds outstanding for foreign exchange affects China 's monetary policy and the prices and appoints some advices in order to control the rising of funds outstanding for foreign exchange .

  2. 外汇占款对我国基础货币供给影响研究

    Research on the Influence of Funds Outstanding for Foreign Exchange on Monetary Base in China

  3. 外汇占款、FDI均在增加,各种资金呈流入迹象。

    Position for forex purchase and FDI both rise ; various funds show signs of inflow .

  4. 所以即使外汇占款变化引起的CPI指数弹性系数只有0.033%,但是从多年累积来看,其对CPI指数的正向推动不可忽视。

    So even if the CPI index of foreign exchange caused by the change coefficient of elasticity is only 0.033 % , but from years of accumulated point of view , its forward push CPI index can not be ignored .

  5. 存贷差和外汇占款以及M2与M1差额的不断拉大等都不是流动性过剩的直接成因,而是由于货币政策没有及时对经济发展出现的变化作出反应造成的。

    Rather than difference between deposits and loans , occupying foreign exchange , or increasing gap between M2 and M1 , it is the direct source for Chinese liquidity surplus that monetary policy did not react in time to the changing economic situations .

  6. 发达的对外贸易导致外汇占款过多推动通货膨胀。

    Foreign trade led to excessive foreign exchange and causes inflation .

  7. 外汇占款与我国银行体系流动性过剩分析

    Position for Forex Purchase and Excess Liquidity of Chinese Banking System

  8. 外汇占款则是基础货币发行的重要渠道之一。

    Foreign exchange is an important channel of base currency issuance .

  9. 开放经济下外汇占款管理的探讨

    On the Control of Foreign Exchange Holding under the Open Economy

  10. 反之,货币政策就没有因不断增长的外汇占款而失去自主性。

    On the contrary , monetary policy is independent .

  11. 央行票据冲销外汇占款成本的影响因素研究

    Study on the Influencing Factors of the Sterilization Costs

  12. 外汇占款的通货膨胀效应&基于1998-2005年的实证分析

    The Affection of Position for Forex Purchase on Inflation from 1998 to 2005

  13. 这样一来,形成了大量的外汇占款。

    As a result , a large number of foreign exchange reserve was generated .

  14. 另一方面,我们提出外汇占款冲销的措施。

    On the other hand , we propose that the foreign exchange write-off measures .

  15. 具体提出了三点建议:1.加强市场基础建设,改善外汇占款冲销的外部环境。

    Firstly , strengthen market infrastructure and improve the external environment for the currency sterilized intervention .

  16. 因此基础货币可以看成是由国内信贷与外汇占款两部分构成。

    Therefore , base money can be regarded as domestic credit and foreign exchange of two parts .

  17. 本文通过计量经济模型分析了外汇占款对我国通货膨胀的影响,并揭示了其内在传导机制。

    The article uses econometric tools to analyze the affection of Position for Forex Purchase on inflation .

  18. 2进一步完善对冲操作手段,提高外汇占款冲销效果。

    Secondly , hedge further improve operating means to enhance the effect of the currency sterilized intervention .

  19. 为外汇占款会对货币政策有效性产生影响提供理论支持。

    The effectiveness of monetary policy for the foreign exchange impact would be to provide theoretical support .

  20. 2000年以来外汇占款与物价因果关系的实证研究

    Quantitative Study on the Relationship between the Funds Outstanding for Foreign Exchange and the Prices Thoroughly since 2000

  21. 再从统计数据看,外汇占款在2005年4月开始超过基础货币量的规模。

    And from statistical data , foreign exchange began in April 2005 over the size of the amount of base money .

  22. 从2000到2010年整个数据时间段看,外汇占款月度平均增长率达到2.12%。

    From 2000 to 2010 to see the entire data period , foreign exchange monthly average growth rate of 2.12 % .

  23. 外汇占款的指标也可以为热钱没有净流出中国的观点来提供佐证。

    Foreign Exchange Reserves indicators for the net outflow of hot money did not provide evidence of China 's point of view .

  24. 第3章外汇占款与货币政策有效性关系的理论分析,为本文最重要的组成部分。

    Chapter 3 , the effectiveness of foreign exchange and monetary policies between the theoretical analysis , the most important part of this article .

  25. 外汇占款是央行票据的格兰杰原因,这表明了央行票据发行的用意,这也与中央银行的目标相符。

    Position for Forex Purchase is the Granger causes of central bank bills , which indicates that the original intention of central bank bills .

  26. 最后,从外汇占款、国债和货币供应量三方面提出了一些合理控制货币供应量的政策建议。

    Finally , I gave some policy recommendations to reasonable money supply from the perspective of funds outstanding for foreign exchange , debt and money supply .

  27. 中央银行冲销外汇占款的方式和手段不多,因此对外汇占款的冲销余地越来越小。

    Ways and means of the write-off of the Central Bank foreign exchange is not room for write-off of foreign exchange is getting smaller and smaller .

  28. 我国汇率变化对出口的影响大于进口,并且通过外汇占款对货币供应量产生连锁效应。

    The change in exchange rate affects more on export than import and it also has an impact on money supply via the purchase of foreign exchange .

  29. 第5章外汇占款对货币政策有效性影响的数量关系实证分析,是本文实证部分的主要章节。

    Chapter 5 , the effectiveness of foreign exchange impact on monetary policy between the number of empirical analysis is the empirical part of the main chapters .

  30. 外汇占款形式发放的货币供应量的增加,最终引起流通中货币过多,形成通货膨胀压力。

    The increasing amount of money supply that was injected by the form of the funds outstanding for foreign exchange will ultimately cause excessive currency in circulation , leading to inflationary pressures .