
  • 网络Speculative Demand
  1. 基于投机需求的个人融资投资房地产的模型

    The Personal Finance Real Estate Investment Model Based on the Speculative Demand

  2. 但是离岸人民币市场仍然欠缺流动性,发展不足,因此人民币远期产品在很大程度上受到投机需求左右。

    However , the offshore renminbi market is still illiquid and underdeveloped , so Renminbi forwards are heavily influenced by speculative demand .

  3. 二是从理论上认为VaR最优套期比由反映套期保值者投机需求和纯套期保值两部分组成,更深层次地探讨了套期比的含义。

    The VaR optimal hedge ratio is composed of two parts , which are the part of reflecting the speculating demand of hedger and the part of pure hedging , and therefore , it could further discuss the meaning of hedge ratio .

  4. 在房价需求方引入投机需求的因素并重点进行分析其对房价的影响。

    It analyzes the influencing factors of speculative demand .

  5. 资本市场不发达导致投资和投机需求增强;

    Soaring demands for investment and speculation prompted by backwardness of capital market ;

  6. 投机需求的存在使得中低收入阶层的消费者剩余减少;

    The existence of investment demand decreases the surplus of middle and low income consumer group ;

  7. 而可支配收入对价格的影响并不显著,因此应加强对不合理的房地产投机需求的调控。

    Moreover , the disposable incomes do not noticeably affect the prices , so the control on unreasonable speculative demand should be strengthened .

  8. 但是由于过多的投资和投机需求进入市场,造成房价快速上涨。

    But with the demand of excessive speculation and investment has entered into the real estate market , the house price has been rising very quickly .

  9. 加大保障房供有量和抑制投资与投机需求,才是抑制房价高涨的重要对策。

    The most important measure to restrain the rising of real estate is to ensure the supply of indemnificatory housing and the control of hot investment .

  10. 房屋销售价格的加速上升会导致房地产供给的增加以及投机需求的增加,进而产生商业银行信贷需求的增加。

    The acceleration of home sales price increases will lead to real estate supply increase and speculative demand increases , commercial bank credit can cause increased demand .

  11. 本文利用住宅市场的供求关系理论,解释了投机需求对住宅市场价格的影响以及价格泡沫的形成机制。

    Based on the demand - supply theory , the paper explains the effect of speculative demand on housing price and the formation mechanism of price bubbles .

  12. 引起房价上涨的需求被分为正常需求和非正常需求(包括投资和投机需求,被动需求和非理性需求)。

    The demand leading to the price rising is divided into normal demand and abnormal demand ( including investment and speculation demand , passive demand , irrational demand ) .

  13. 一线城市的投资投资需求在最近几年超过了真实需求;4.针对如何从根本上保证中国住宅产业真实需求健康发展,同时又能有效抑制投资投机需求和平抑住宅价格飞涨提出了有效的政策建议。

    Policy recommendations which are ensure the real needs of the housing industry developing healthily , simultaneously inhibit investment in speculative demand and stabilize housing prices rising in China .

  14. 这一税收体制既能达到抑制投资、投机需求的效果,又能促进住房市场合理流通,使住宅过滤机制得以顺利实现。

    This tax system can achieve the effect of holding back investment and speculative demand and promote the rational circulation of the secondary housing market , residential filtration mechanism smoothly .

  15. 考虑到投资者对于这些产品的兴趣,高涨的投资/投机需求使价格保持高位,也不是不可能的事情,从而使大宗商品市场维持目前的格局。

    Given investors ' appetite for these products , it is not unlikely that increased investment / speculative demand will keep prices high , leaving the case for commodities intact .

  16. 房地产市场存在问题的具体表现为:投机需求过度、高空置率、房价收入比过高、房地产市场存在大量的寻租现象。

    There are some problems , such as excessive speculative demand 、 high vacancy rate 、 high housing price-income ratio and a lot of rent-seeking phenomenon on the real estate market .

  17. 抑制房地产泡沫的产生首先要避免过度的投机需求,并通过有效的政策,实现房地产市场供给和需求的平衡;

    To avoid the wreckage of real estate bubble is to abstain demand of speculation and keep the balance of the supply and demand in real estate by efficiency government policy .

  18. 凯恩斯早就指出过,货币需求包括交易、预备需求和投机需求三种形式,以货币供给总量代表货币的交易需求量显然不妥当。

    Recognizing that money demand includes transaction , precautionary , and speculative demand , as Keynes claimed , it is not proper to take aggregate demand for money as the transaction demand .

  19. 推动房价持续上涨的需求事实上可以划归为中低收入群体的消费需求和高收入群体的投机需求。

    The demand to push continuous rising of house price can be divided into the consumption demand of middle and low income consumer group and the investment demand of high income consumer group .

  20. 2007年下半年以来,国家出台了多次加息和提高存款准备金率的政策措施,从开发商和购房者两头收紧信贷,提高贷款条件,抑制投机需求。

    Since the second half of 2007 , the State introduced a number of policies and measures , such as interest rate hikes and to raise the deposit reserve ratio and so on .

  21. 经济泡沫及泡沫测度尚可从载体供给的相对稀缺性、投机需求和信息缺陷等泡沫经济的成因入手分析。

    The analysis of economic bubbling and its estimation may also start from the causes of bubbling economy , such as the relative scarcity , speculative demand and information defect of instrument availability .

  22. 我们也应该清楚地认识到,无论是从房价的急剧上涨还是从投机需求的不断增长来看成都房地产市场都存在潜在的泡沫危机。

    We should also clearly realize that no matter from the steep rise in housing prices or the speculative demand for the growing real estate market in Chengdu of view there are potential bubble crisis .

  23. 本文首先分析了传统的供求均衡研究方法在研究房地产市场时的不足之处,然后引入预期相关理论的经典分析理论,由此建立基于投机需求的房价均衡模型。

    Firstly this paper analyzed the limitation of traditional supply and demand models on analyzing real-estate market , then introduced the classic expectation theory , and builds a housing price model based on the speculative demand .

  24. 今年,随着限购限贷政策的全面铺开,重点城市市场中投资投机需求比例大幅缩减,降价楼盘数量逐渐增多、降价幅度逐渐扩大。

    This year , with the purchase of credit limit policy in full swing , substantially reduced the investment proportion of speculative demand in key urban markets , gradually increased the number of real estate prices , the gradual expansion of the price cut .

  25. 由于权力的介入,国际市场存在着超额需求和投机需求,从而使油价波动偏离正常的供求关系,波动周期也大大延长。

    Due to the power interventions , there are excess and speculative demands on the international markets , which cause the oil price fluctuation to deviate from normal supply and demand relations and result in a prolongation of the cycle of oil price fluctuations .

  26. 但是由于投资需求及投机需求的拉动,加上一些房地产商或运作商的人为哄抬,商品房价格不断攀升,多数城市的房价已经超出老百姓的购买能力。

    However , due to the pull of the demand for investment and speculative demand , coupled with some of the real estate business or operations artificially drive up real estate prices continue to rise , the prices of most cities is beyond the purchasing power of ordinary people .

  27. 投机消费需求弹性较大,具有较强的不确定性和风险性。

    Therefore , the Speculative consumption is rich in elasticity of demand , thus it has more uncertainty and riskiness .

  28. 大生产商对玉米乙醇和投机的需求,使得去年黄白2种玉米的价格上升,以至于墨西哥某些地方的玉米饼的价格都翻了一番,激起了一片反对声浪。

    Rising demand for corn ethanol and speculation by large producers drove up prices for both yellow and white corn last year , causing tortilla prices to more than double in some parts of Mexico and setting off angry protests .

  29. 还有些人归咎于定量宽松政策&这一政策要么通过经济刺激,要么通过刺激对投机资产的需求来起到作用。

    Others blame quantitative easing – either via economic stimulus or by fuelling demand for speculative assets .

  30. 对房地产市场则是要因城因地分类进行调控,抑制投机投资性需求,重在建立长效机制,促进房地产市场平稳健康发展。

    We will take a differential approach in regulating the housing market for different places . We will curb the housing needs for speculation and investment purposes , and establish a long-term mechanism to promote steady and sound growth of the housing market .