
  1. 这部分主要论述我国QDII中具体实施的法律制度,包括市场准入制度、托管人制度、信息披露制度、外汇管制制度以及投资者权益保护制度。

    This part focuses on the specific implementation of QDII in China , including the market access system , the trustee system , information disclosure system , foreign exchange control system and the system of investor protection .

  2. LLSV法只适用于研究不同国家间的投资者权益保护研究,本文建立在同一个国家或同一制度下,投资者法律保护和公司股权结构对股利政策的影响模型。

    LLSV indicator system is suit for the investor protection between different countries . We construct the model that investor law protection and company ownership structure to dividend policy , which is suit under the same country .

  3. 上市公司的股东权益是处于变动状态的投资者权益。

    Shareholder equity of listed companies is investor equity in fluctuation .

  4. 基于契约理论的中小投资者权益保护机制研究

    Study on Minority Investors ' Rights Protection Mechanism Based on Contract Theory

  5. 投资基金的投资者权益保护研究

    A Research on Investors ' Interests Protection of Investment Fund

  6. 全流通进程中大股东侵害及中小投资者权益保护研究

    Study on Large Shareholders Expropriation and Investors Protection during Full-Circulation of A-Shares

  7. 建立投资者权益保护协会。

    5 , build up Inves to r 's Right Protection Association .

  8. 证券市场投资者权益的民法保护

    Civil Law Protection for the Investors ' Rights in the Securities Market

  9. 投资者权益保护与群体诉讼模式选择

    Protect the Interests of Investors and Select the Mode of Group Action

  10. 第三部分,我国银行个人理财投资者权益保护的现状分析。

    Part three : analyzes the current situation of Chinese bank consumer protection .

  11. 以上情况都说明我国的投资者权益保护较弱。

    That showed the weak investor protection in China .

  12. 试论证券投资者权益保护法律制度

    On the Protective Legal System of the Rights and Interests of the Stockholder

  13. 没有健全的法律制度作为保障的证券市场,必有损害投资者权益和使市场秩序紊乱之虞。

    The securities market without perfect legal system will impair the investors ' interest .

  14. 从理论上说,法定公益金制度与投资者权益和公司利益都相互冲突,在实践上也几乎形同虚设。

    Theoretically , there are conflicts with the interest of investor and the company .

  15. 投资者权益保护是证券市场健康发展的基石。

    Investor protection is the cornerstone for the healthy development of the securities market .

  16. 股东分置改革后的中小投资者权益保护研究

    On the Protection of the Minority Shareholders after the Reform of the Dual-class Equity Structure

  17. 因此投资者权益保护理论历来为各国学术界研究的重点。

    So investors theory has always been the research focus to all countries academic fields .

  18. 投资者权益保护是公司治理追求的基本目标。

    To protect the investors ' rights and interests is the principal goal of corporate governance .

  19. 从分析投资者权益弱化的表现入手,阐明原因,并归纳了集合资金信托投资者权益保障的几个必要条件。

    First analyze the representation , then the reason and last the necessary conditions of rights protect .

  20. 特定目的机构发行资产支持证券时涉及的一个核心问题就是投资者权益的保护问题。

    As an instrument of asset securitization , the core of value of the SPV is risk-remote .

  21. 说明股权越相对分散、股权制衡度越高,对保护投资者权益越有利。

    That is to say , more disperse and owing balance has more advantageous to investor protection .

  22. 第三是保证投资者权益,加强运营监管;

    The third one is to guarantee the interest of investors , and strengthen the operating supervision ;

  23. 分析了5种可能的资金渠道及其投资条件;对不同资金渠道的政府政策、投资者权益等;

    Five financing ways , condition for investment , policies from government and right of investors are analysed .

  24. 投资者权益保护的若干问题探讨

    Issues on Investor Protection

  25. 由此,本文提出了一个基于契约理论的中小投资者权益保护框架。

    So , this article proposes a framework of investor protection which is based on the contract theory .

  26. 国内外关于投资者权益保护问题的研究主要从两个方面进行:公司内部治理机制和外部治理机制。

    Investor protection at home and abroad , mainly from two aspects : internal governance and external governance mechanisms .

  27. 对于投资者权益保护,应该从内部和外部两个方面找原因。

    To investor protection , we should find the reason from the interior and the exterior of listed company .

  28. 在文章的结构上,本文首先介绍了基金的概况和基金投资者权益保护的基本理论;

    This essay firstly gives a survey of investment funds , and introduces theoretically the fundamentals of investor protection .

  29. 在立法上,现有法律规定与投资者权益保护有很大差距。

    In legislation , there is big gap between regulations and laws in existence and investor 's interest protection .

  30. 究其根源,不对称的仲裁法治关系成为制约投资者权益保障的主要障碍。

    Especially , asymmetric relationship between the rule of laws in which the arbitration to solve such problem become the bottleneck .