
  • 网络time to market;time-to-market;ttm
  1. 对小部件和Web应用程序用户来说,可伸缩性和上市时间有很高的优先级。

    Scalability and time to market are often at an even higher priority for widget and web application consumers .

  2. CMP实体bean显然是所有J2EE持久性机制中唯一一个上市时间最快的。

    CMP entity beans easily represent the single fastest time to market of any J2EE persistence mechanism .

  3. 股本结构、上市时间、是否存在H、B股等因素对于股票价格都有影响。

    Other factors , such as capital structure and the time from IPO can influence prices .

  4. 将CAD和人工智能技术引入组合夹具设计中,可以提高生产效率、减轻劳动强度、缩短生产准备周期和加快产品上市时间。

    Introducing CAD and artificial intelligence technology into modular fixture design can improve production efficiency , lighten working intensity , reduce manufacturing lead-time and marketing time .

  5. 近年来SoC设计复杂度不断增加,使得缩短上市时间的压力越来越重。

    In recent years , the increasing complexity of SoC , makes heavy pressure to reduce time to market .

  6. 中国移动(ChinaMobile)的一名员工表示,她没法对iPhone6的上市时间做任何表态,因为苹果还没有决定什么时候在中国发布iPhone6。

    A China Mobile employee said she couldn 't say anything on the timing because Apple hadn 't yet decided when it would release the iPhone in China .

  7. 行业内容包:为了帮助缩短新的行业SOA解决方案的上市时间,BusinessServicesFabric提供了可选的行业内容包(IndustryContentPack,ICP)。

    Industry Content Packs : In order to help speed time to market for new industry SOA solutions , Business Services Fabric provides optional Industry Content Packs ( ICPs ) .

  8. 确定技术与上市时间之间的实际的平衡关系非常重要,因为成本在SOA开发过程中扮演非常重要的角色。

    Determining a pragmatic balance between technical efforts and time to market is critical , since cost can play a part in the SOA development process .

  9. 片上系统技术通过知识产权核(IP:Intellectualproperty)的复用提高生产率,缩短产品上市时间,同时也显著提高了芯片的集成度。

    Relative to traditional ASIC ( Application Specific Integrated Circuit ), SoC improves the complexity remarkably , shortens the time to market and reduces the design cycle based on IP ( Intellectual Property ) core reusing .

  10. 除此之外,创业板市场的IPO抑价显著受到发行与上市时间间隔、中签率的影响。

    In addition , the IPO underpricing in GEM is significantly influenced by the time intervals between issue and public and demand-to-offer ratio .

  11. 第一代iPad直到2010年9月才开始在中国大陆销售,比美国上市时间晚了5个月。

    The original iPad didn 't go on sale on mainland China until September 2010 , five months after its U.S. launch .

  12. 实现快速机械设计创新使OEM厂商们能够缩短新产品上市时间,增加产量和灵活性。

    Achieving rapid machine design innovation enables OEMs to shorten time to market for new products and increases throughput and flexibility .

  13. SoC系统复杂性的增加以及产品上市时间的日益迫切,使得软硬件协同验证方法在SoC系统设计中得到了更多的重视和关注。

    As the design complexity increases and the time-to-market shrinks , it becomes increasingly important to have a development environment that supports hardware / software co-verification .

  14. 通过比较表明:FPGA技术适用于小批量、产品更新快、周期短的电子产品设计,可以明显提高设计速度,缩短产品上市时间;

    FPGA can shorten time-to - market of electronics products with low design cost , so it is preferable to small lot electronics products with fast updating and short life cycle .

  15. 随着系统集成芯片(SOC)设计复杂度和上市时间等要求的提高,实时操作系统已成为SOC设计中的重要组成部分。

    Because of the complexity and Time-To-Market challenge in system-on-chip ( SOC ) design , the real-time operating system ( RTOS ) has become indispensable in SOC .

  16. SoC芯片设计使得集成电路的集成度和复杂性越来越高,而激烈的市场竞争又要求产品性能高,成本低上市时间短。

    SoC makes IC design more complex . Because market competition is fierce , SoC products require performance requirements , low cost and short time to market .

  17. IBM认识到在研发和测试中充分利用云计算的优势可以降低IT劳动力成本的50%,同时还能提高质量,大幅缩短产品上市时间。

    IBM has seen that taking advantage of cloud computing within development and testing environments can help reduce IT labor costs by50 percent , improve quality and drastically reduce time to market .

  18. 第二代iPad于2011年5月登陆中国大陆,比美国上市时间晚了2个月,而且还只提供Wi-Fi版本。

    The iPad 2 arrived in May 2011 , two months after its U.S. launch , and even then just in Wi-Fi-only versions .

  19. 时间压缩技术是一种新的技术,它以CAD技术、快速原型技术和快速工具技术为主体,它的目的在于缩短产品开发周期和产品上市时间。

    Time Compression Technology is a newly technology that consists of CAD , Rapid Prototyping and Rapid Tooling . The use of TCTs can improve Product Development Cycle and reduce lead time and time to market .

  20. 随着SoC设计复杂度与上市时间的矛盾日益凸显,功能验证已经成为超大规模集成电路设计的严峻挑战。

    With serious contradiction between rapid increasing SoC design complexity and demands of shorter time to market , functional verification has been a severe challenging problem of VLSI design .

  21. 通过在组合业务应用程序中组合IT资产,BPM可以在流程级别实现更高的灵活性、更快的上市时间,并降低运营成本。

    By combining IT assets in composite business applications , BPM can achieve greater process-level flexibility , faster time to market , and reduced operational cost .

  22. 高性能计算(HPC)是被视为至关重要的制造产业,因为它有能力开发模拟产品,加快产品上市时间。

    High-performance computing ( HPC ) is seen as critical to manufacturing might for its ability to simulate product development and speed time to market .

  23. 应用SOA以改进敏捷性、灵活性、工作效率和通过重用(举例而言)来加快新产品上市时间,这对IT和业务操作都具有直接明显的好处。

    Applying SOA to improve agility , flexibility , productivity , and time to market for new products through reuse ( for one example ) has direct visible benefits to both IT and business operations .

  24. 根据省时指标,Acme可以分析并演示新产品的上市时间和IT支持准备情况。

    Then Acme can analyse and demonstrate the time to market and IT support readiness for new products in terms of time-saving metrics .

  25. 他又引述了另一项研究,缺陷水平降低11%会导致上市时间(time-to-market)改善了58%。

    He cited another study where an11 % reduction in defect levels resulted in a58 % improvement in time-to-market .

  26. 深亚微米技术、日益增加的复杂性、异构综合和不断缩短的产品上市时间等因素,使得专用集成芯片ASIC的设计遇到了前所未有的挑战。

    Such factors as deep-submicron effects , more and more complexity , urgent demand on time-to-market make ASIC ( Application Specific Integrated Circuits , ASIC ) face great challenge .

  27. 许多公司制定上市时间时有意避免与阿里巴巴同期定价,美银美林(BankOfAmericaMerrillLynch)的美国股权资本市场主管JD•莫里亚蒂(JDMoriarty)说。

    Many companies deliberately timed their deals to avoid pricing alongside Alibaba , says JD Moriarty , head of Americas equity capital markets at Bank of America Merrill Lynch .

  28. 随着芯片系统的功能日益复杂,上市时间却越来越短,越来越多的芯片系统希望实现为片上系统(SoC)。

    With the functionality of chips getting more and more complex , but their time-to-market getting more and more limited , more and more chips want to be implemented as System-on-a-Chip ( SoC ) .

  29. 功能模块化的SOC具有易于增加新功能和缩短上市时间的显著特点,是现今IC设计业的主流设计方式。

    Function modularization , as the basic feature of SOC , makes it to be easily updated with new functions and shorten the product time to market , turning into the trend of the future IC industry .

  30. 不断增加的对低功耗和缩短上市时间的需求,迫使在较低抽象层次的RTL开发不能满足SoC设计对仿真时间的要求。

    The increasing demand of low power consumption and reducing time to market forces the lower level of abstraction at the RTL for SoC design development not meet the requirements of simulation time .