
  1. 基于Internet的上市公司信息披露风险及其防范

    Study on Rish and Precaution of PlC Internet-based Information Disclosure

  2. 招股说明书是上市公司信息披露制度最重要法律文件。

    The prospectus is the most important instrument of legal document .

  3. 我国上市公司信息披露科学化问题探讨

    Approaching the Information Revealing Science Problem of Listed Companies in China

  4. 我国家族控股上市公司信息披露相关问题实证研究

    Positive Accounting Research of Corporate Disclosures by Family Firm in China

  5. 我国上市公司信息披露的伦理学分析

    Ethical Anlysis on Information Disclosure of Public Limited Company in China

  6. 加强董事会治理规范上市公司信息披露

    Reinforce Directory Board Government , Standardize the Information Disclosure of Public Companies

  7. 上市公司信息披露初探

    Analysis On The Information Publication Of The A-Share Market Companies

  8. 经济博弈在上市公司信息披露监管中的分析应用

    Analysis and Application of Game Theory in Information Publication of Issued Companies

  9. 股权结构、董事会特征和上市公司信息披露风险关系实证研究

    Shareholders Structure , Directorate Characteristics and List Company Information Disclosure

  10. 我国高科技上市公司信息披露现状解析

    Report on Information Exposure in Chinese High-tech List Companies

  11. 上市公司信息披露内部规制研究

    The Study of Internal Controlling Disclosure of Listed Corporation

  12. 上市公司信息披露对资本市场的运行效率至关重要。

    Information disclosure of listed companies on the capital market efficiency is essential .

  13. 我国上市公司信息披露与监管中存在的主要问题及其治理对策

    The Problems and Countermeasures of the Information Disclosure and Supervision of China Listed Companies

  14. 上市公司信息披露体系包括强制性信息披露和自愿性信息披露。

    The information disclosure system of listed companies includes compulsory and voluntary information disclosure .

  15. 美国会计改革对规范我国上市公司信息披露的启示

    The Enlightenment of America Accounting Reform to Regulate the Information promulgation of Our Listed Company

  16. 我国上市公司信息披露监管体系框架分析

    Analysis on the Framework of Oversight System for Information Disclosure of Listed Companies in China

  17. 对完善上市公司信息披露活动的管理有着一定的意义。

    Information disclosure project management for improving management of H listed company has a meaningful .

  18. 即上市公司信息披露监管的有效性并不可靠。

    Namely , the effectiveness of supervising the information disclosure of listed company is not reliable .

  19. 美国上市公司信息披露制度的变迁及启示

    Evolution of Corporate Disclosure in US

  20. 通过实证分析揭示了机构投资者持股能提高上市公司信息披露透明度。

    Analysis revealed by institutional investors holdings can improve the transparency of information disclosure of listed companies .

  21. 上市公司信息披露是连接公司内部与外部市场的桥梁和纽带。

    Information disclosure of listed companies is the bridge and bond between internal and external market of enterprises .

  22. 上市公司信息披露工作是一项长期而复杂的工作,而披露渠道又是当中比较重要的一个部分。

    During a long-term and systematic process , public disclosure regulation , channel choice plays an important role .

  23. 上市公司信息披露是证券市场信息公开制度的核心内容。

    The disclosure of listed companies is the core content of information disclosure system in the stock market .

  24. 有关上市公司信息披露制度的研究,一直是会计学研究领域的一个热点。

    The study of the information disclosure institution of public company has always been a hotspot in Accounting .

  25. 说明我国审计委员会制度的实施较好地保证了上市公司信息披露质量。

    So , the implementation of the audit committee system guarantees the information disclosure of the listed company .

  26. 第四章用系统论的观点,将上市公司信息披露与监管看成为一个复杂的系统过程。

    The fourth chapter regards the information disclosure regulation as a system from a system approach point of view .

  27. 我国机构投资者持股与上市公司信息披露质量&来自深市上市公司的证据

    Chinese Institutional Investors ' Ownership and Quality of Listed Companies ' Information Disclosure & Evidence from Shenzhen Stock Exchange

  28. 上市公司信息披露与信息秘密保护的冲突是一个在实践和理论上都存在矛盾的问题。

    The information disclosure and confidential information protection of listed companies has the conflict both in practice and theory .

  29. 上市公司信息披露是公众公司向投资者和社会公众全面沟通信息的桥梁。

    Listed companies to disclose information to the public investors and the public full information as a bridge of communication .

  30. 从20世纪60年代开始,上市公司信息披露就开始成为了国外研究的对象。

    From the 1960s , the disclosure of information on listed companies started to become the object of study abroad .