
  1. 从1993年深圳万科最先开始尝试推行股权激励到2005年《上市公司股权激励管理办法(试行)》的颁布,我国上市公司经历了一段时间的摸索期。

    Since 1993 , Shenzhen Wanke firstly tried to implement equity incentive . Then 2005 , " Equity Incentive Measure for the Listed Companies " was promulgated . Listed companies in China had experienced the exploration period .

  2. 而后,公司法、证券法等相关法律的修订,以及《上市公司股权激励管理办法(试行)》的出台,为实施股票期权激励一步步创造了日渐完善的法律环境。

    With the help of the Company Law , Securities Law and other relevant laws of the amendment , and " Equity Incentive Measures for the Administration of Listed Companies ( Trial Implementation )", the legal environment of ESO has been greatly improved .