
  • 网络Listing requirement
  1. 纽约证交所和NASDAQ的上市要求最近发生了变化,从这些变化中我们可以明显的看到,董事会的独立性被认为是一个重要且有效的治理机制。

    As is evident from recent changes in NYSE and NASDAQ listing requirements , board independence is assumed to be an important and effective governance mechanism .

  2. 另一个原因是,留在场外柜台交易,上市要求是极少相比,纳斯达克或纽约证交所。

    Another reason is that to remain on the OTCBB , the listing requirements are very minimal as compared to NASDAQ or NYSE .

  3. 此外还将设立一个与这个新的交易所相关联的“门厅”(foyer)市场,将允许企业在几年时间内适应上市要求。

    There would also be a " foyer " market attached to the new exchange which would allow companies to acclimatise for a few years to the requirements of being listed .

  4. 创业板,也称第二版市场,旨在资助高增长的新兴公司,对上市要求较低。

    The growth enterprise market board , also known as the second market board , aims to finance high-growth startups with lower requirements for listing .

  5. 创业板的发展速度之快我们有目共睹,它也着实解决了很多无法达到主板上市要求和中小企业板上市要求的中小企业的融资需求。

    GEM is growing faster than we all to see , it really solved many unable to meet the funding needs of the Main Board listing requirements of SME .

  6. 相信新兴市场投资者会逐渐热衷于股票,前提当然是亚洲和拉美的一些证交所能实施更严格的上市要求来提高投资者信心。

    The bet is that emerging-markets investors eventually will warm to equities , assuming of course that Asian and Latin American exchanges can boost investor confidence by adopting stricter listing requirements .

  7. 最后,提出了新经济条件下保险业信息披露制度的改进与创新,适应互联网、入世和上市要求提出了全新的观点,为保险业信息披露制度的建立和完善提供借鉴。

    At last , the innovation of the regulation is investigated in the new economy condition . Many new points are discussed for Internet , WTO and coming into the market .

  8. 虽然大多数从事高科技业务的公司都具有较高的成长性,但其往往成立时间较短,规模较小,业绩不突出,达不到主板市场的上市要求,进而失去融资渠道而无法发展壮大。

    Though most companies engaging high-tech business have high growth , their characteristics of short period of existence , small size and non-outstanding performance that fail to meet the listing requirements of the main board market make these companies to fail to get further development for lacking financing channels .

  9. 您想知道上市的要求有哪些吗?

    What requirements are necessary to list ?

  10. 上市最低要求是过去两年里的累计净利润不低于150万美元。

    A minimum requirement is aggregate net profit of $ 1.5 million over the previous two years .

  11. 最后,大型国有企业海外上市,要求按照国际会计准则重新编制合并会计报表。

    At last , large state-owned enterprises listing overseas are expected to reorganize and merge accounting statement according to international accounting guidelines .

  12. 目前中国国有商业银行的公司治理结构不完善,呆账坏账比例高,盈利水平低,无法满足上市的要求。

    For the time being , Chinas state-owned commercial banks are not in a position to be listed because of their poor administrative performance , high percentage of non-collectible accounts , low profits .

  13. 随着系统集成芯片(SOC)设计复杂度和上市时间等要求的提高,实时操作系统已成为SOC设计中的重要组成部分。

    Because of the complexity and Time-To-Market challenge in system-on-chip ( SOC ) design , the real-time operating system ( RTOS ) has become indispensable in SOC .

  14. 其对在美上市公司的要求主要体现在公司治理、内部控制和审计师三个方面。

    It includes three aspects : the Corporate Governance , the Internal Control and Auditor .

  15. 且由于现代信息传媒技术快速发展,信息披露成本不断降低,上市公司被要求向投资者提供中期财务报告在国际上已呈普及之势。

    It will be a popular tendency worldwide for a public entity to provide interim report for the investors .

  16. 并进一步介绍了企业改制重组的内容,企业改制上市的一般要求、制约条件和控制指标。

    Then it elaborates the content of reorganization of enterprises , the general requirement and restrict condition and control index of going public .

  17. 此时,企业不够强大,不能从银行贷到足够的资金,也不符合上市融资的要求。

    But , the enterprises are not powerful enough to loan money from the bank , or satisfy the requirement of the store market to get financial aid .

  18. 该小组认为,自去年10月开始获准进行的第二上市,监管要求宽松,纯粹是为了发行人的利益,将削弱对投资者的保护。

    The Panel believes that the light-touch secondary listings , which have been allowed since October , are being put forward purely to benefit issuers , and will weaken investor protection .

  19. 对照首发上市公司的基本要求,淮安市拟上市公司尚存在着诸多差距。

    Compared with the basic requirements of listed companies , Huai'an Pre-IPO companies still have a lot to improve .

  20. 配方经过调整的奥利奥饼干悄然上市,除按要求在标签的营养成分表中注明成分外,并没有额外的标注。

    The reformulated cookies quietly hit store shelves with no indication beyond the required disclosure on the Nutrition Facts label .

  21. 该监管机构表示:引入最低交易价,作为一只股票保持上市状态的前提要求,将有助于化解这些风险。

    Introducing a minimum trading price as a continuing listing requirement will help to address these risks , the regulator said .

  22. 在形式上大多数上市公司已按要求配备了独立董事,但独立董事制度在我国的实施情况并不理想。

    Most listed companies have been equipped with independent directors formally as required , but the implementation of the independent director system in China is not ideal .

  23. 投资者关系管理被提出并讨论后不久,上交所、深交所每个上市公司都被要求必须制订出投资者关系管理制度。

    In China , researches on Investor Relationship translated to practice very soon and Investor Relationship Management ( IRM ) became a necessary system for every listed company .

  24. 股份登记完成后,保荐机构按照补充上市申请文件清单要求向深交所发审监管部报送补充上市申请文件。

    Upon completion of share registers , the recommendation agency shall submit the supplementary listing application documents to the regulatory department of issuance and examination of Shenzhen Stock Exchange subject to the requirements specified in the list of the supplementary listing application documents .

  25. 根据本月发布的公司治理新守则草案,大型上市公司将被要求每年对交叉持股的风险和回报进行评估,并对交叉持股的目的和理由作出详细解释。

    Under a new corporate governance code published in draft form this month , big listed companies will be required to evaluate the risks and returns of their cross-holdings on an annual basis and to provide a detailed explanation of their objective and rationale .

  26. 而且,境外成熟资本市场通常还对跨境股票的上市提出相应的上市前置要求。

    On the other hand , overseas matured capital markets usually require the pre-listing term for cross-border stocks listing .

  27. 这些公司选择在德国证交所主板上市,这里汇聚了高端上市公司,要求具有非常高的透明度。Sal。

    The new companies listing in Frankfurt are placing themselves in the exchange 's'Prime Standard'segment , the Deutsche Boerse 's higher-end listings that are required to have the highest transparency .

  28. 香港帮助提供了一套通过上市来解决问题的方案,而上市必然要求企业遵循国际投资者所要求的原则。

    Hong Kong helped to provide a solution via listings which , of necessity , required companies to conform to the disciplines required by international investors .

  29. 股票上市方面,由于中国目前主板市场对于上市公司的要求相对于网络公司而言过高,而二板市场又没有建立,中国网络企业要通过上市进行融资只有通过境外创业板上市;

    For the IPO way , the main board market has the high request to the company and the second board is not yet established in China , so the Internet company just have the way to IPO financing abroad .

  30. 子公司为上市公司的,公司治理应当符合上市规则及上市公司监管要求。

    If a subsidiary is a listed company , its corporate governance shall comply with the listing rules and regulatory requirements for listed companies .