
shànɡ shì ɡǔ piào
  • listed stock
  1. 一只上市股票的全部价值均得到计入,即便并非所有股份都可交易。

    The full value of a listed stock is included even if not all of it is available for trading .

  2. 本文拟以A、H双重上市股票为例,深入分析价差产生的原因,揭示中国股票市场分割产生的根源。

    This paper is organized to analyse the causes of the price difference , discover the origination of the saparation in china 's stock market with the dual-listed corporation on A , H stock markets as the example .

  3. 其他涵盖中国海外上市股票的指数例如摩根士丹利资本国际指数(msci),预期市盈率约为12倍。

    Other indices of foreign-listed China shares , such as the MSCI , show prices closer to 12 times forward earnings .

  4. 在Alliance交易一年后,贝恩的一些员工开始探索推出自己的上市股票工具,希望能抓住市场机会获利(当然,这和Alliance无关)。

    One year after the alliance trades , some Bain staffers began talking about wanting to launch their own public equities vehicle , to capitalize on perceived market opportunity ( unrelated to alliance , of course ) .

  5. 2005年,当美国证交会(SEC)通过了旨在加强全美市场系统的《全美市场系统规则》(RegulationNMS)时,纽交所上市股票79%的交易量是在该交易所内完成的。

    In 2005 , when the Securities and Exchange Commission passed Regulation NMS , which was meant to reinforce the national market system , 79 per cent of the volume in NYSE-listed shares was traded on the exchange itself .

  6. 香港特首曾荫权(DonaldTsang)表示,支持有关香港和上海交易所彼此交易对方上市股票的提议,并证实正在进行相关谈判。

    Donald Tsang , Hong Kong 's chief executive , has endorsed proposals to begin trading Hong Kong and Shanghai-listed shares on each other 's exchanges , and confirmed that talks are under way .

  7. alphashares好不容易喝完了整碗的“字母汤”即创建纳入h股(香港上市股票)和精选的一批在美上市的中国企业的指数。

    Alphashares waded through a whole alphabet soup , in fact , to build an index including H shares ( listed in Hong Kong ) and selected Chinese companies listed in the US .

  8. 整体上市股票超额收益率及其影响因素研究

    Study of Holistic Listing Stocks ' Abnormal Return and Its Influencial Factoes

  9. 这也使准备买卖未上市股票的经纪人定价及对冲买卖更容易。

    It will enable market-makers to offer pricing and hedge resultant positions easily .

  10. 只有海外投资者才能购买这15亿美元的上市股票。

    Only overseas investors will be able to buy into the $ 1.5 billion offering .

  11. 外国投资者购买内地上市股票的总额被限制在100亿美元以内。

    Foreign investors are restricted to buying a combined $ 10bn in locally listed stocks .

  12. 然而,仅仅购买澳大利亚上市股票的10%可能不够。

    However , simply buying 10 per cent of the Australian shares might not be sufficient .

  13. 我们接受种类广泛的上市股票作为抵押品,并提供优惠的贷款利率。

    We accept a large variety of listed shares as security and offer competitive loan interest rate .

  14. 深港通将为基金管理公司提供另外大约2600只上市股票。

    The Shenzhen-Hong Kong Stock Connect will offer fund managers an additional universe of some 2,600 listed securities .

  15. 本研究旨在检视国内上市股票市场投资是否存在从众行为之现象。

    In this study the Stockholm Stock Exchange in Sweden is examined for Herd Behavior with a market wide approach .

  16. 这次首次上市股票融资数额打破了几年前由中国另一家银行创造的记录。

    The money raised by the initial stock sale exceeds the previous record set several years ago by another Chinese bank .

  17. 尽管国际投资者获得了直接投资中国内地上市股票的机会,但香港资本市场仍将是一条重要的金融管道。

    Even though international investors gained direct access to China , Hong Kong 's capital markets remain an important financial conduit .

  18. 企业价值评估为企业上市股票提供科学、合理的价值尺度,在新股定价中起着非常重要的作用。

    Enterprise valuation provides a scientific and reasonable measure of value for enterprise stock , so it is very important for IPO pricing .

  19. 因此,很多风险投资公司的政策都是公开上市股票要尽可能快地剔除出投资组合。

    That is why many VC firms have a policy of moving the public stocks out of their portfolios as quickly as they can .

  20. 国航香港上市股票价格昨日暴跌15%,收于8.38港元,在上海交易所上市的A股停牌。

    Air China shares fell 15 per cent to HK $ 8.38 in Hong Kong , while its shares were suspended on the Shanghai stock exchange .

  21. 根据上周五的股价,必和必拓的出价对力拓英国上市股票的估值为每股48.66英镑,而力拓当日的收盘价为56英镑。

    Based on Friday 's share prices , BHP 's proposal valued Rio 's UK-listed shares at 48.66 , compared with Rio 's closing price of 56 .

  22. 可用做抵押品的事物有很多类,包括:上市股票,有息债券、土地、房屋、设备、盘存和应收账款。

    Several different kinds of collateral can be employed , including marketable stocks or bonds , land or buildings , equipment , inventory , and accounts receivable .

  23. 一项针对美国股市上市股票的研究发现,从60年代初到90年代末,个股回报率的波动性增加了一倍以上。

    A study of equities traded on US stock markets found that volatility in returns of individual stocks more than doubled between the early 1960s and the late 1990s .

  24. 最后本文通过对中国上海证券交易所A股上市股票2010年至2011年度交易数据的实证检验,验证了相关信息反应特征假设。

    Finally , the paper made an empirical test of the transaction data on the basis of A shares listed in SSE to verify the inferences of reaction behavior .

  25. 即便在香港股市周一上扬之后,这些两地上市股票的A股价格仍较H股平均高出78%。

    Even after Monday 's rally in Hong Kong , such dual-listed shares were still trading at an average 78 per cent premium domestically as compared with Hong Kong .

  26. 不过如果司法所看到在世界范围内这个大背景下的上市股票,这一个提议的收购其实提出的问题还是少很多。

    The proposed acquisition poses less of a problem should the Justice Department view the deal in the context of the worldwide market for listed stocks , he said .

  27. 本文第一部分叙述了人民币面临升值的现状及其产生原因,并逐个分析人民币升值对十个不同行业上市股票收益的影响。

    I provide theoretical argument for the current situation and reasons for RMB appreciation and then discuss the impact of the RMB appreciation on 10 industries in the first part .

  28. 在此期间对于未纳入最近一次排序范围内的股票(如新股、恢复上市股票等),本基金参照最近一次排序的结果决定其是否纳入小市值集合。

    During this period our funds will determine whether include the stock excluding from the recent ranking scope into the small market value group according to the result of recent ranking .

  29. 另一个问题是,缺少对上海上市股票的英文调查分析,同时某些股东权利仍然存在法律问题,比如有关能否起诉中国内地公司的问题。

    A shortage of English-language research on Shanghai-listed stocks is another problem , while legal questions remain over certain shareholder rights , such as being able to sue a mainland Chinese company .

  30. 过去是早期风投只做早期投资,后期风投只做后期投资,公开上市股票投资者只投资公开交易的股票。

    It used to be that early-stage venture folks just did early-stage investing , late-stage venture folks just did late stage investing , and public equity investors only invested in publicly traded stocks .