
  1. 上市公司股东知情权研究CNPC未上市企业信息化报告

    A Research on the Right to Learn the Truth Held by Stockholders in Listed Companies

  2. 同时,按照开曼群岛(CaymanIslands)法律,马云有责任照顾并忠实于上市公司股东。

    At the same time , under Cayman Islands law , Ma has a duty of care and loyalty to public shareholders .

  3. 上市公司股东大会网络通讯表决制度研究

    Research on the Shareholders Network Voting System of Listed Companies

  4. 论上市公司股东之间的股利政策冲突

    The conflict about dividends policy among investors of listed company

  5. 我国上市公司股东表决权问题研究

    The vote right of the shareholders in Security market of P.R. China

  6. 上市公司股东关系分析:基于实际控制人的视角

    Analysis on relationship between shareholders based on the viewpoint of actual controller

  7. 论上市公司股东表决权的行使

    A Study on the Exercise of the Listed Company Shareholder 's Voting Right

  8. 试析上市公司股东大会涉及的若干法律问题

    An Analysis of Some Legal Problems in Shareholders ' Meeting of Listed Companies

  9. 上市公司股东权益的变动性分析&以2001年年报为例

    Fluctuation Analysis of Shareholder Equity of Listed Companies

  10. 论上市公司股东的质询权及其行使

    On the shareholders ' right to address inquiries

  11. 第四章:这一章是全文的重点,也是本文较有特色的地方,探讨了在完善的公司治理结构的基础上,上市公司股东的会计专业化治理的问题。

    In listed company today , shareholder 's professional accounting governance is still very weak .

  12. 公允价值应用对上市公司股东权益的影响

    The Analysis of Fair Value Application Impact on Equity of the Shareholders of Listed Companies

  13. 我国上市公司股东大会制度的立法缺陷及其完善

    The Legislation Defective and Perfection of Shareholders ' Meeting System of Listed Company in China

  14. 但是,上市公司股东表决权制度是股东大会制度的重要环节,股东所有权利的实现均须通过表决制度进行。

    The realization of all the shareholders ' rights must carry on through the vote system .

  15. 我国上市公司股东大会已演变成大股东会。

    In our country , shareholders ' conference of listing companies has already been degraded to main shareholders ' meeting .

  16. 上市公司股东和实际控制人应严格履行其所做出的承诺,不得擅自变更或者解除。

    Shareholders and actual controllers of listed company shall perform their undertakings strictly , and shall not change or dissolve them unauthorizedly .

  17. 上市公司股东大会通过向投资者定向发行新股及修改公司章程的决议;

    Resolution on new shares introduction by corporate shareholder of the listed company to investors and on revision draft of articles of association ;

  18. 代理权争夺是上市公司股东惩罚未能实现公司利润最大化的管理层的最后工具。

    Contention for procuration is the last resort for the shareholders of a listed company to punish the management who fail to maximize the company 's profits .

  19. 不过,对于在受限制行业开展经营活动的公司来说,它的主人翁精神可能和上市公司股东的主人翁精神存在差异。

    Yet the owner mentality of one firm the one doing business in a regulated industry might differ from the owner mentality of the public firm 's shareholders .

  20. 但现实中很多上市公司股东对出席股东会行使表决权并不积极,公司股东会形同虚设。

    But in reality many of the shareholders of listed corporation is not positive to attend the shareholders ' meeting to exercise voting rights because of their rational apathy .

  21. 根据该规定,符合条件的上市公司股东即日起可以用无限售条件的股票质押进行融资。

    According to the provisions , the shareholders of listing companies which meet the requirements may from this day conduct financing by using the shares pledge unrestricted in terms of sales .

  22. 上市公司股东的持股比例是影响股利政策的重要因素之一,我国的证券市场有其特殊的历史背景,同样也有着特殊的股权结构。

    Share of shareholders is one of the important factors which influence the dividends policy in listed companies . Chinese stock market has a special historical background and a special ownership structure .

  23. 那么上市公司股东应该选择一种机制来约束管理层道德风险和逆向选择所造成的管理层偏离股东利益。

    Then shareholders of the listed company should select a mechanism to constrain the management of moral hazard and adverse selection caused by the management to deviate from the shareholders ' interests .

  24. 不过,对于在受限制行业开展经营活动的公司来说,它的“主人翁精神”可能和上市公司股东的主人翁精神存在差异。

    Yet the " owner mentality " of one firm -- the one doing business in a regulated industry -- might differ from the owner mentality of the public firm 's shareholders .

  25. 我国学界以及实务界认为应该引进表决权信托法律制度,在2005年上海证券交易所的课题报告《上市公司股东大会制度缺陷的法律问题研究》中就提出了我国要逐步引进表决权信托制度。

    The subject report " Researching on the shortcoming about the listed company shareholders congress " in the Shanghai Stock Exchange in 2005 raised the introduction of the system of voting trust gradually .

  26. 我国沪深股市2001年年报资料出齐后,为我们分析上市公司股东权益的变动性,提供了基本数据。

    With the complete disclosure of annual report of listed companies in 2002 in Shanghai and Shenzhen stock market , basic data are available for analyzing fluctuation of shareholder equity of listed companies .

  27. 股份支付作为上市公司股东激励管理层及其他核心人员的重要手段,对上市公司绩效具有一定的影响。

    The Share-based Payment is an important means of encouraging the management and other core staff incentives as a listed company , and so has some influence on the performance of listed companies .

  28. 具有国有股背景的实际控制人比具有自然人背景的实际控制人在协调上市公司股东之间利益冲突方面的效果更差,国有股控制的上市公司增强效应依然明显。

    In settling conflicts among shareholders , the actual controller with state-owned shares background performs even worse than controller with natural person shares . Enhancement Effect still exits obviously in list-companies controlled by state-owned shares .

  29. 第四,通过更好地明确董事会职责以及合理承担额外债务,上市公司股东和管理层应努力发扬私人股本的有益层面。

    Fourth , shareholders and management of public companies should try to replicate the beneficial aspects of private equity , by better clarifying the role of the board and , if appropriate , taking on additional debt .

  30. 本文认为加强我国上市公司股东权益的保护,尤其是广大中小股东权益保护的问题是当前证券市场规范和发展的首要问题。

    The paper considered that how to protect the shareholder 's rights better , especially the rights of the most of the small shareholders , was the most important issue for the securities market 's criterion and development .