
  1. 本文的一些结论可以为创业板投资者投资进行参考,也可以为政策制定者制定政策提供理论基础。

    So some of the conclusions can provide theoretical principles for the policymakers to make policies as well as they can be served as the reference of the GEM investors .

  2. 因此,层次分析法对我国创业板市场投资进行深入的理论和实证的研究,从而正确的认识我国创业板投资领域理论现状及发展趋势有着重要的意义。

    Therefore , AHP investment on the growth enterprise market depth theoretical and empirical research to understand the correct theory of GEM investment situation and development trend of great significance .

  3. 当前我国创业板上市公司投资方面总体特征是高估值、高发行价、高市盈率和不够高的成长性。

    Current investment in companies listed on GEM generally characterized by high valuations , high issue price , high price-earnings ratio and growth is not high enough .

  4. 由于主板市场的高门槛和目前在中国居主流的股权转让退出渠道,使得上市条件较低的创业板成为风险投资退出的必然选择。

    High criterion of Main Board and the faultiness of transfer of shares that were prevail in China made the Second Board an inevitable choice for the venture capital investors to exit their investment .

  5. 试析我国创业板市场风险和投资机会

    An Analysis of GEM Market Risk and Investment Opportunity in China

  6. 并结合前述研究,就进一步完善我国的创业板市场,减少投资风险提出了一些建议。

    Combined with the previous studies , we make some suggestions to improve Chinese GEM market and reduce investment risk .

  7. 进一步健全和完善创业板市场和风险投资市场是高新技术企业发展向资本市场提出的要求。

    The further improvement of the GEM market and venture capital market can meet the needs of the development of high-tech enterprises .

  8. 在对我国创业板建设以及风险投资行业发展的推动方面,本文建议我国建立更全面地政策支持可转换证券的发行,尤其是可转换优先股融资的发行。

    As to the launch of growth enterprise market in China and development of venture capitals in China , this paper suggests formulating policies to approve the issuance of convertible securities and preferred stock in China .

  9. 2009年10月酝酿了十年的创业板市场终于破茧而出了,创业板市场是完善投资融资体系的必然产物,是高科技企业发展的助推器。

    October 2009 brewing for years finally his breakthrough in the Growth Enterprise Market , GEM is to improve the investment and financing system , the inevitable product of high-tech enterprise development boosters .