
  1. 这两家公司的股票经停牌两周,周四复牌后双双飙升。

    Both surged on Thursday , when they resumed trading after a fortnight 's suspension .

  2. 股票价格经昨天急剧上扬后已趋平稳。

    Share values have levelled off after yesterday 's steep rise .

  3. 上周五,阿里巴巴的股票一经交易,就大幅跳涨。

    Alibaba 's stock had just started trading on Friday , and it immediately jumped in value .

  4. 结果显示,我国股票市场己经体现出了统计上显著的财富效应,但比较微弱:股市对投资基本上没有显著的影响,但对货币市场有统计上显著的影响。

    The stock market imposes little influence on the investment but it does impose an evident statistical influence on the money market .

  5. 公司章程规定公司发行股票的股数需经注册州的核定。

    The articles of incorporation specify the number of shares that a corporation is authorized to issue by the state of incorporation .

  6. 而在中国股票市场,该比例为5.2%,远低于其他6个国家股票交易所(经选择)平均数68%的十分之一。

    The corresponding figure in the Chinese equity markets is as low as5.2 % , less than one-tenth of the68 % average observed in six other selected exchanges .