
zhènɡ quàn shànɡ shì
  • Listing of securities;list securities;float an issue
  1. 基于DEA的新证券上市定价基准与投资价值研究

    Evaluation on the Pricing Norm and Relative Investment Value of New Listing Security Based on Data Envelopment Analysis

  2. 在此章中,对大陆、香港证券上市标准中的优劣进行了评价。

    The chapter has an evaluation on the listed standard of mainland , Hong Kong securities .

  3. 在本章中,首先阐述了A+H法律标准比较的现实意义,其次具体介绍了大陆、香港两地证券上市标准中的相同之处与不同之处。

    The chapter firstly expounds realistic significance of A and B listing legal standard , introduces the similarities and differences .

  4. 与此同时,还要给予交易所更多的关于审核批准证券上市的权力和其他的自主权力。

    At the same time , still need to give the stock exchange more power about examining the certificate of floatation of shares and other independent powers .

  5. 但分析师表示,这只券商股的表现不会妨碍其它新股发行。光大证券上市前一天,中国股市刚刚出现9个月来的最大跌幅。

    But analysts said the stockbroker 's performance which came just a day after China 's biggest equities sell-off in nine months would not deter other new listings .

  6. 公司董事会不按照第一款的规定执行,致使公司遭受损害的,负有责任的董事依法承担连带赔偿责任。第二节证券上市

    Where the board of directors ' refusal to comply with the first paragraph of this article has resulted in losses to the company , the responsible directors are liable for the damages in accordance with the law . Section Il Stock Listing

  7. 并结合大陆、香港证券上市标准中各自的可取之处,有针对性地对大陆、香港证券上市标准的完善,进行了相关建议。

    Combined with the study on mainland and Hong Kong securities listed standards respectively , find out their desirable merits , and put forward some pertinent suggestions on how to perfect listing standards concerning both the mainland and Hong Kong stock legislation .

  8. 它将以1.3亿英镑的市值于下星期在伦敦证券交易所上市。

    It will list on the London Stock Exchange next week with a value of 130 million pounds .

  9. 南洋科技(NanyangTechnology)是一家鲜为人知、通常行事低调的公司,本身已在深圳证券交易所上市。

    Nanyang Technology , a little-known and mostly inactive company already listed on the Shenzhen Stock Exchange ,

  10. 再次,采用PANELDATA模型,选取1996年以前在深沪证券交易所上市的140家公司为样本,进行实证研究。

    Then it is empirical study adopted the model of panel data in which 140 companies listed in Shanghai Stock Exchange and Shenzhen Stock Exchange before 1996 are selected as the sample .

  11. 公司于2014年9月在纽约证券交易所上市,融资规模达250亿美元,是世界上最大的IPO。

    It floated on the New York Stock Market in September 2014 for $ 25billion , the largest IPO in the world 。

  12. 本月早些时候,通过拆分一家大型多元化公司FortuneBrands而形成的两家公司开始在纽约证券交易所上市交易。

    And earlier this month the shares of twocompanies formed by splitting a wildly diversified group , Fortune Brands , begantrading on the New York Stock Exchange .

  13. 新加坡交易所(singaporeexchange)已预见到人民币在该国的使用范围将会扩大,并表示已做好了人民币计价证券的上市、交易、清算和结算的准备。

    The Singapore Exchange , anticipating wider use of the Chinese currency in the city-state , has said it stands ready to list , trade , clear and settle securities denominated in Renminbi .

  14. IPO是指公司首次向社会公开售股以募集资金,然后在证券交易所上市的过程。

    IPO is the process of the first time the company sold shares to the public to raise funds , then listing on the stock exchange .

  15. PPG在纽约证券交易所上市(股票代码:PPG)。

    PPG shares are traded on the New York Stock Exchange ( symbol : PPG ) .

  16. 今天尚未IPO的Facebook与其他任何真正在证券交易所上市的公司相比,几乎没有什么大的区别。

    A comparison between Facebook today , pre-IPO , and almost any other company that is actually public on an exchange yields very little in the way of major differences .

  17. 周二,在纽约证券交易所上市的如新企业集团(NuSkinEnterprisesInc.)的股价下跌9.2%。此前一家做空机构指责该公司在中国进行传销。

    Shares in New York Stock Exchange-listed Nu Skin Enterprises Inc. dropped 9.2 % Tuesday after a short-seller accused the company of running a multi-level marketing operation in China , where such activities are illegal .

  18. 日前在纽约证券交易所上市的拍拍贷是最新的一例,这家总部位于上海的网络借贷平台以13美元的IPO价格融资2.7亿美元。

    The latest example was Shanghai-based online lending platform PPDai , which debuted on the New York Stock Exchange ( NYSE ) , raising $ 270 million with an IPO price of $ 13 .

  19. “而易初中国摩托车有限公司股票于1993年在纽约证券交易所上市,标识为”“EKC”“。”

    " EKC has been listed on the New York Stock Exchange since 1993 under the symbol " EKC " . "

  20. 根据上市发行的汇价,有价证券声请上市登记表S1、S2或S3均可用于此类的融资。

    Depending on the exchange on which an Issuer is listed , a simple S1 , S2 , or S3 registration statement can be used to facilitate this type of financing .

  21. 西南航空随后在纽约证券交易所上市,股票代号LUV,这也恰恰符合其富有朝气的形象。

    It later acquired a ticker on the New York Stock Exchange - " LUV " - that fitted its perky image .

  22. 根据上周五递交的招股说明书,这家总部位于上海的公司计划在纽约证券交易所上市,股票交易代码为“BILI”。

    The Shanghai-based company plans to list on the New York Stock Exchange under the symbol BILI , according to the prospectus filed last Friday .

  23. 挪宝计划通过在纽约证券交易所上市最高筹集1.80亿美元,股票代码为NRE。

    Nobao Renewable aims to raise as much as $ 180 million through a listing on the New York Stock Exchange under the symbol NRE .

  24. 它在3月早些时候曾表示,计划最早于今年夏天将SMCP在巴黎证券交易所上市。

    It said this month that it planned to list SMCP on the Paris stock exchange as early as this summer .

  25. 公司总部位于美国明尼苏达州,在纽约证券交易所上市,股票代码为VAL。纽约证券交易所通过总长达50万公里的电话和电报线路同全国各地的经纪行保持联系。

    It is headquartered in Minneapolis , MN , US and listed in New York Stock Exchange ( VAL ) . Almost half a million kilometers of telephone and telegraph wire link the NYSE with brokerage offices around the nation .

  26. 从下周起,在上海和深圳证券交易所上市的1200多家公司,都必须要遵循这些会计准则。这些准则与欧洲正在实施的国际财务报告准则(IFRS)极为相似。

    Some 1,200 companies listed on the Shanghai and Shenzhen stock exchanges will from next week be required to follow the accounting rules , which are modelled closely on the international financial reporting standards ( IFRS ) in force in Europe .

  27. 深圳证券交易所上市仪式大厅不仅为人们提供了一个主要的聚集场所,它也是真实的证券交易与虚拟证券交易(VIREAL)所交集的地方。

    The Shenzhen Stock Exchange Ceremonial listing hall serves as the main gathering area and the crossover space between the Real and Virtual Stock Exchanges ( VIREAL ) .

  28. 实证检验方面,本文以在我国深圳证券交易所上市的100家公司为研究样本,基于样本公司2008年和2009年的年报数据,运用内容分析法构建智力资本信息披露指数(ICIDI)。

    In terms of empirical test , this paper uses content analysis to build intellectual capital disclosure index ( ICIDI ) based on 100 companies lists on Shenzhen Stock Exchange from 2008 to 2009 .

  29. 这家公司于1992年在证券市场上市。

    eg.The company was floated on the stock market in 1992 .

  30. 交叉上市是指同一家公司到两个或多个证券市场上市的行为。

    Cross-listing is that one security is traded in many markets .