
zhènɡ quàn ɡuán lǐ wěi yuán huì
  • Securities Administration Commission
  1. 周二,证券交易管理委员会宣布了新的“熔断机制”(circuitbreaker)以支持有序交易。

    On Tuesday , the Securities and Exchange Commission announced new " circuit breakers " to support orderly trading .

  2. 不过,美国证券监督管理委员会(SEC)看待限制性股票的角度不同。

    The SEC , however , views RSUs differently .

  3. Cheek说,自90年代以来,证券交易管理委员会一直试图让金融公司对产品进行更清晰的描述。

    Miz Cheek says , since the nineteen nineties , the Securities and Exchange Commission has tried to get financial companies to give clearer product descriptions .

  4. 中国证券监督管理委员会(CSRC)昨晚在一份简短声明中表示,中国央行将给予中国证券金融股份有限公司(ChinaSecuritiesFinance)流动性支持,以“维护市场稳定”。中国证券金融公司是向券商提供保证金融资的国家实体。

    The China Securities Regulatory Commission said in a brief statement late last night that the central bank would " uphold market stability " by providing liquidity to China Securities Finance , a state entity that makes margin financing available to brokers .

  5. 2002年10月份中国证券监督管理委员会颁布的《上市公司收购管理办法》首次明确对员工持股和MBO作出了规定,这在某种程度上说明,MBO已经为管理层所认可。

    Issued in October 2002 by China Securities Regulatory Committee , Regulation on Acquisition by Public Companies set rules on employee 's ownership and MBO , signifying the regulatory body 's consent of MBO in some degree .

  6. 中国证券监督管理委员会令中国人民银行第12号

    China Securities Regulatory Commission People 's Bank of China Decree No. 12

  7. 中国证券监督管理委员会表示,北京证券交易所,

    The China Securities Regulatory Commission said the Beijing Stock Exchange

  8. 货物监管证书申请表证券监督管理委员会

    Application for goods control certificate Securities supervision commission

  9. 中国证券监督管理委员会的一位高级官员上周六谈论了这一话题。

    A top China Securities Regulatory Commission official on Saturday kept the talk alive .

  10. 证券交易管理委员会负责确立关于财务报表的内容及应遵循的编报标准的要求。

    The SEC establishes requirements regarding the content of financial statements and the reporting standards to be followed .

  11. 国际监督委员会(监督委员会)中国证券监督管理委员会、国务院国有资产监督管理委员会

    International Control Commission China Securities Regulatory Commission and the State-owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission of the State Council

  12. 一个是证券交易管理委员会,另一个是国内税收署。

    One is the Securities and Exchange Commission ( SEC ); another is the Internal Revenue Service ( IRS )

  13. 赋予中国证券监督管理委员会查处内部人短线交易的权力也是一种值得考虑的思路;

    Third , conferring China Securities Regulatory Commission the right to deal with the insider short-swing trading is another possible solution .

  14. 面向公众发行的债券,还必须获得证券交易管理委员会的批准。

    If the bonds are to be sold to the general public , approval also must be obtained from the SEC .

  15. 证券交易管理委员会已经发布了新的规则,临时取消了在金融机构股票上的期货交易。

    The Securities and Exchange Commission has issued new rules temporarily suspending the practice of short-selling on the stocks of financial institutions .

  16. 模型采用的数据均来自于国泰安数据库和中国证券监督管理委员会网站及会计师事务所网站。

    The model used data from the database of Tai ' an and the China Securities Regulatory Commission website and accounting firm sites .

  17. 为中国证券监督管理委员会建立一个安全可靠的基于Internet/Intranet的应用系统框架;

    A safe and reliable application system frame based on Internet and Intranet for Stock Supervision and Administration Council of China is built up .

  18. 如果美国的对冲基金被要求在证券交易管理委员会处登记,这几乎不会造成资金从康涅狄格大量外流。

    If American hedge funds are required to register with the Securities and Exchange Commission , this will hardly cause a mass exodus from Connecticut ;

  19. 中国证券监督管理委员会表示,坚决支持国内三大电信企业依法保护自身权益。

    The China Securities Regulatory Commission says it firmly supports the country 's three big telecom companies in protecting their rights and interests under the law .

  20. 介绍中国证券监督管理委员会为披露证券市场信息,以保证证券市场活动符合公开、公平、公正性原则而建立的《中国财经报刊数据库》。

    The author introduces the Chinese Biz Serial Database , a reference tool to reveal information of security market activities in an adjust , fair and open way .

  21. 本次非公开发行将提交该行股东大会审议,还须中国证券监督管理委员会和中国银行业监督管理委员会审批。

    The Offering Plan will be submitted to the Bank 's Shareholders'Meeting for approval , and requires approval from China Securities Regulatory Commission and China Banking Regulatory Commission .

  22. 此前,中国证券监督管理委员会(简称证监会)在4月底发布了一项新规,规定了外商对中国证券公司的投资事宜。

    The move comes after the China Securities Regulatory Commission issued a new regulation at the end of last month regarding foreign investment in China 's securities firms .

  23. 首先,介绍对股利分配请求权作出规定的法律规范,主要是《公司法》以及中国证券监督管理委员会发布的有关规定。

    Firstly , it introduces rules of law regulating shareholders ' rights to dividend , which are mainly Corporations Law and relevant rules issued by China Securities Regulatory Commission .

  24. 面向公众发行的股本在经州政府官员核定的同时,必须经联邦证券交易管理委员会的批准。

    Issues of capital stock that will be sold to the general public must be approved by the federal Securities Exchange Commission , as well as by state officials .

  25. 而管理九华山景区的安徽九华山旅游发展股份有限公司更是2004年以及2009年两次都未通过中国证券监督管理委员会发行审核委员会的上市审核。

    Mount Jiuhua Tourism Development Co. , which oversees Mount Jiuhua , in China 's Anhui province , didn 't succeed in its efforts of going public in 2004 and 2009 .

  26. 一行三会:中国人民银行总行、国证券监督管理委员会、国保险监督管理委员会、国银行业监督管理委员会。

    One bank and three commissions : the general headquarters of people 's Bank of china , China Securities Regulatory commission , China Insurance Regulatory commission , China Banking Regulatory commission .

  27. 2001年8月16日,中华人民共和国证券监督管理委员会发布了《关于上市公司建立独立董事制度的指导意见》,标志着独立董事制度在我国的正式实施。

    On August 16 , 2001 , China Securities Regulatory Commission issued about guidance opinion of establishing the independent director system in list companies , which signed that independent director system was formally enforced .

  28. 多年来,证券交易管理委员会和总部位于伦敦负责监制国际会计准则的国际会计准则委员会一直致力于将两套标准融为一体。

    For several years , the SEC and the London-based International Accounting Standards Board ( IASB ) , which oversees the international rules , focused on steadily bringing the two sets of standards together .

  29. 第二十一条经催告,当事人逾期仍不履行中国证券监督管理委员会处罚决定的,可依法对冻结、查封的涉案财产强制执行。

    Article21if the parties still do not perform the punishment decision of the CSRC after being urged , implement compulsory execution for the frozen and sealed-up properties involved in case may be carried out in accordance with the law .

  30. 基金行业的不断成长,对中国资本市场的健康发展起到了积极的作用,实现了中国证券监督管理委员会超常规发展机构投资者的初衷。

    Nowadays , continuous growth of the fund industry has played a positive role in the healthy development of Chinese capital market and has realized original intention of the Chinese Securities Regulatory Commission that is called " transnormal development of institutional investors " .